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许国璋英语第一册(含课文、对话、阅读、课后练习及答案) 第十四课许国璋电视英语教学第一册第十四课(一) 课文:1) 课文原文: A LETTER TO A FRIEND Beijing October 21, 1961Dear Li Ying, How time flies! This is already my seventh week at college. We are very busy here and life is very interesting. There are so many new things to learn. We have English lessons every day and I like them very much. We also study Chinese and World History.After class we have all kinds of activities. Sometimes we work on the college farm. On Saturday afternoon we usually have our class meeting. Sometimes we listen to a report. On Saturday evening there is a film or a dance.Autumn is the best season in Beijing. The days are warm and sunny. We are planning an outing for next Sunday.How are you? Are you still busy with the harvest? Please write to me soon and tell me about your life as a teacher. Yours ever, Wu Ming2) 新单词:抄写练习letter 信 n.letterletter letterfriend 朋友 n.friendfriendfriendfly飞 v. i. flyflyflyalready 已经 adv.already alreadyalreadybusy 忙 adj.busybusybusylife 生活 n.lifelifelifehere 这儿 adv.hereherehereinteresting 有趣 adj.interestinginterestinginterestingso 如此地 adv.soso so thing 东西 n.thingthingthinglearn 学习 v. t.learnlearnlearnlike 喜欢 v. t.likelikelikemuch 非常 adv.muchmuchmuchalso 也,又 adv.alsoalsoalsoChinese 汉语,中国的ChineseChineseChinesehistory历史, n.historyhistoryhistorycommunist 共产主义的communistcommunistcommunistafter d在.之后 prep.afterafterafterall 全部 pron.allallallkind 种类n.kindkindkindactivity 活动 n.activityactivityactivityfarm 农场n .farmfarmfarmusually通常 adv.usuallyusuallyusuallymeeting会议n.meetingmeetingmeetingreport 报告 n.reportreportreportfilm电影n.filmfilmfilmdance 舞会n.dancedancedancebest最好adj.bestbestbestwarm温暖adj.warmwarmwarmsunny晴朗 adj.sunnysunnysunnyplan计划 v. t.planplanplanouting郊游n.outingoutingoutingnext 下一个adj.nextnextnextstill仍然stillstillstillharvest收割harvestharvestharvestsoon不久soonsoonsoontell告诉telltelltellabout 关于aboutaboutaboutcommunity社区communitycommunitycommunityyours 你的3) 课文译文:给朋友的信北京1961年10月21日亲爱的李颖,时间过得真快!这已经是我上大学的第七周了。我们这里很忙,生活很有趣。有很多新东西要学。我们每天都上英语课,我非常喜欢它们。我们还学习汉语文学和世界历史。课后我们有各种各样的活动。有时我们在大学农场工作。星期六下午我们通常开班会。有时我们听报告。星期六晚上有时看电影或跳舞。秋天是北京最好的季节。天气温暖晴朗。我们计划下星期日郊游。你好吗?你还在忙着收割吗?请尽快给我写信,告诉我你作为教师的生活。你的,吴明(二) DIALGUE:(对话)1) 原文:WEATHER- Whats the weather like in your hometown?- Its very nice. Its usually warm and sunny in spring and autumn.- Does it often rain there?- Yes, it does, especially in summer.- Is it very cold in winter?- No, it isnt. it seldom snows there.2) 信的格式:StampWu MingEnglish DepartmentBeijing Institute of Foreign LanguageComrade Wang Li YingDepartment of Foreign LanguageFu Dan UniversityShanghai 3) 生词:对话生词: 抄写练习weather 天气weatherweatherweathertown 城,镇towntowntownhometown家乡(城镇)hometownhometownhometownrainrainrainrainespecially 尤其是especiallyespeciallyespeciallycold冷coldcoldcoldseldom很少地seldomseldomseldomsnow下雪snowsnowsnow扩展生词:抄写练习know认识knowknowknowuniversity大学universityuniversityuniversityforeign外国的foreignforeignforeignlanguage 语言languagelanguagelanguageFrench法语FrenchFrenchFrenchGerman德语GermanGermanGermandepartment部门departmentdepartmentdepartmentinstitute 学院instituteinstituteinstitute4) 对话译文: 天气 你家乡的天气怎么样? 非常好,在春天和秋天通常都是温暖和阳光明媚的。 那里经常下雨吗? 是的,特别是在夏天。 那里冬天非常冷吗? 不,不很冷。那里冬天很少下雪。(三) 语法:1. 特殊问句:1) When does Wang Qing get up at six? ( Does Wang Qing get up at six?)2) Where do they come from?( Do they come from Shanghai?)3) What do you do after lunch? ( Do you take a short rest after lunch?)4) How do you like the film? ( Do you like the film?)5) What language does she study? ( Does she study German?)6) Which class is he in ?( Does he in Class Five?)7) How many pictures are there on the wall?( Are there any pictures on the wall?)8) Whose textbook is this?( is this your textbook?)9) Who lives in this room?( Li Ying lives in this room.)10) How many comrades live in this room?( Four comrades live in this room?) 2. 对句子各部份的提问:例一:Wang Qing reviews his English lessons in the reading room every evening?1) Who reviews his English lessons in the reading room every evening?(主语)2) What does Wang Qing do every evening?(谓语)3) What does Wang Qing reviews in the reading room every evening?(宾语)4) What lessons does Wang Qing reviews i
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