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许国璋英语第二册(含课文、对话、阅读、课后练习及答案) 第十四课许国璋英语第二册第十四课(一) 课文:1) 课文原文: THE LAST LESSON (continued) My last lesson in French! I hardly knew how to write, and I never should learn now. How I regretted the hours wasted in the woods and fields, the days when I had played and should have studied!My books that a short time ago had seemed so tiresome, so heavy to carry, now seemed to me like old friends. I was thinking of this when I heard my name called. It was my turn to recite. What would I not have given to be able to say the rules without a mistake! But I could not say a word, and stood at my bench without daring to life my head. Then I heard the master speaking to me. “ I shall not scold you, little Franz. You are punished enough now. Every day you are said to yourself: I have plenty of time. I will learn my lesson tomorrow. Now you see what has happened.”Then he began to talk to us about the French language, saying that it was the most beautiful tongue in the world, and that we must keep it among us and never forget it.Finally he took the grammar and read us the lesson. I was surprised to see how well I understood. Everything seemed easy. I believed, too, that I had never listened so attentively; and it almost seemed as if the good man were trying to teach us all he knew at this last lesson. When the lesson in grammar was over we began our writing. For that day the master had prepared some cards on which were written, “ Alsace, France; Alsace, France.”They seemed like so many little flags dotted about the schoolroom. How we worked! Nothing was heard but the voice of the master and the scratching of pens on paper. There was no time for play now. on the roof of the schoolhouse some pigeons were softly cooing, and I said to myself, “ Will they, too, be obliged to sing in German?”From time to time, when I looked up from my page, I saw the master looking about him as if he wished to impress upon his mind everything in the room.After writing, we had a history lesson. Next, the little ones recited in concert their “Ba, be, be, bo, bu”.Oh, I shall always remember that last lesson!Suddenly the church clock struck twelve. The master rose from his chair. “ My friends,” said he, “my friends, ii”But something choked him; he could not finish the sentence. He returned to the blackboard, took a piece of chalk, and wrote in large letter, “VIVE LA FRANCE.”Then he stood leaning against the wall, unable to speak. He signed to us with his hand. “ The lesson is over. You are dismissed.”2) 全文译文: 最后一课 (续) 我最后一次上法语课了!我几乎还不会作文呢,就再也不能学了。想起浪费在树林和田野里的时光,想起本应学习却只顾玩耍的那些日子,我真后悔极了! 就在刚才还觉得那么讨厌、那么沉重难带的课本,此时对于我却像老朋友一般亲切! 我正想着,忽然听见老师叫我的名字。轮到我背书了。唉,要是我能一点不错地说出动词的规则该多好哇!可是我一个字也说不出,站在座位上不敢抬头。这时,听到老师对我说: “我不批评你,小弗朗茨。你现在心里够难过的了。你以前总是在想:时间有的是,明天再学不迟。这下你知道后果了吧。” 然后他开始对我们讲起了法兰西语言。他说法语是世界上最美的语言,我们一定要经常讲,永远不要忘掉。 说完这些,老师拿起文法书,给我们讲课。真怪,我今天全能听懂,老师讲的似乎都挺容易。这才明白,我从来没有这么用心听课。这个好心的人仿佛要在这最后一堂课把他的全部知识教给我们。 文法讲完了就开始习字。老师专门为那一天准备了一些卡片,上面写着:“法兰西,阿尔萨斯;法兰西,阿尔萨斯。” 这些卡片就像无数面小旗点缀着教室。我们个个都那么用功!课堂里一点声音也没有,只听见老师的讲课声和铅笔在纸上写字的沙沙声。现在谁也顾不上玩了。教室的屋顶上,几只鸽子在咕咕咕地轻声叫着,我心想:“会不会叫鸽子唱歌也用德语?” 我不时从练习纸上抬起头,每一次都看见老师在望着周围,仿佛要把教室里的一切都印在心上。 写完字,老师又给我们讲历史。然后教小班的同学齐声念着“Ba, Be, Bi, Bo, Bu”来拼音。 啊,我永远忘不了这最后的一次课! 突然,教堂的钟声敲响了12下。老师从座位上站起来。“朋友们”他说,“朋友们我我” 他的声音哽咽了,说不下去。他回到黑板前,拿起一根粉笔,写下几个大字:“法兰西万岁!” 写完字,老师靠着墙站在那儿,说不出话来。他对我们摆了摆手,好像说:“下课了,你们走吧。”3) NOTES TO THE TEXT:(课文学习)1. How I regretted the hours wasted in the woods and fields, the days when I had played and should have studied. 1) 注意这个句子的结构,regretted 之后有两个宾语。2) Days when I had played and should have studied-我本该读书而却只顾玩耍的那些日子。2. My books that a short time ago had seemed so tiresome, so heavy to carry, now seemed to me like old friends.Heavy to carry 拿 起来很重, 这种结构是很有用的,如:The question is difficult to answer. 这个问题很难回答。This sentence is not easy to understand.这个句子不容易懂。3. I was thinking of this when I heard my name called.在hear, see, find 等动词所支配的宾语后面,还可以用动词不定式,现在分词或过去分词,如:I have never heard him sing.I heard someone singing in the next room.I have never heard the song sung in English. 4. It was my turn to recite. 现在轮到我回答功课了。这是一个有用的句型, 表示“轮到谁做某事”。Is it your turn to clean the blackboard?Whose turn is it to speak?5. What would I not have given to be able to say the rules without a mistake!这句知直译为“只要我能够一点不错地把这些规则说邮来,我企么代价也愿意付出啊。”What would I not give (have given) to be able to do a certain thing. 是一种说法,表示“我多么希望 能够做某事。”6. It almost seemed as if the good man were trying to teach us all he knew at this last lesson,.1) “it seemed (looked) as if someone were”是个句型,意思是“看来某人是在。”,这里were 是一种习惯用法(虚拟语气)。2) all he knew= all that he knew (他所知道的一切)。类似的例子有:Thats all want to say.All you need is more practice.7. On the roof of the schoolhouse some pigeons were softly cooing注意表示各种鸟兽叫声的词:A
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