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Unit 5 Enjoying novels(Workbook)LISTENING TASK1 We all have things to worry about. What are your three most important worries at the moment? Before you listen to the tape, think about this question and fill in the half of the chart that applies to you.ProblemsBefor listening: My problemsAfter listening: Janes problemsfirstExample: Solution:Example:Solution:secondExample: Solution:Example:Solution:thirdExample: Solution:Example:Solution:2 Listen to the tape for the first time and find out Janes problems when she first arrived at Lowood School. Tick the correct boxes as you listen. meeting her new teacher the bad breakfast nobody to sit with making friends having her curls cut seeing her aunt again losing her box doing schoolwork Mr Brocklehursts unkindnessto her3 Listen to the tape for the second time. Then go back to the chart above and fill in Janes worries and how she tries to solve them.LISTENING TEXTLIFE AT LOWOOD SCHOOLHaving been unfairly sent away from her aunts house by her aunt, Jane Eyre arrives at Lowood School. The school is owned and organized by Mr Brocklehurst, a friend of Jane of aunt. The next day Jane meets a classmate, Helen Burns. (J = Jane Eyre H = Helen B = Mr Brocklehurst T = Miss Temple N = Jane as Narrator) J:Is breakfast often like that?H:Oh, you mean the burnt porridge? Yes, I suppose so. J:How can you bear it? It was so disgusting! If we hadnt been given another breakfast later I would have been very hungry now. H:Yes, that was from our Principal, Miss Temple. Shes always very kind to us. Did you hear her say that she paid for it herself? Here she comes with Mr Brocklehurst. N:When I heard that, my blood froze with fear. Would he recognize me? What would he say?B: (as he enters) Now, MissTemple, I hear that two of the giris had clean dresses twice last week. The rules only allow them once. T:Yes, I know, but they were invited to tea with friends so I allowed them clean dresses. B:Well, dont let it happen again. Now theres another thing that surprised me. I find that a lunch of bread and cheese was given twice last month. Who did this and why?T:Well, I did, because the breakfast was so bad that the girls couldnt eat it. I couldnt leave them without food till the evening. B:But thats unnecessary. These girls are here to learn to become self-denying and patient. N:Then he turned and looked suddenly very shocked. B:WHO IS THAT GIRL WITH CURLY HAIR?T:Its Julia and her hair curls naturally. B:Remove them at once. No curlsand girls must dress plainly and soberly with no luxury or vanity. N:At that moment the door opened and three ladies came in beautifully dressed and with many curls around their faces. i watched while Miss Temple took the three ladies to the best seats in the room. Then unfortunately Mr Brocklehurst noticed me. B:Ah, its the new girl, Jane. Come forward and stand on this chain. Now look, teachers and children at this girl! You see shes young but Ive Iearned from her aunt who treated her as one of her own daughters, how ungrateful she is. That lady was forced to separate Jane from her own children in case her bad behaviour should infect them. So avoid Jane. Dont taIk or make friends with her. Dont play games or follow her example. Leave her to stand on that chair for another hour so she can think about what shes done. (exits) (Jane begins to cry) N:When he left I feIt so upset at the unfairness of it all. No one now would Iike me or be my friend now. No one would talk to me or help me. But then Helen went by and smiled at me. What a smile Ill always remembet it, as I know that it came from true kindness and friendship. I knew that I wouldnt be entirely alone at Lowood after all. Suggested answers to Exx 1&3:ProblemsBefor listening: My problemsAfter listening: Janes problemsfirstExample:Answers may vary Solution:Example:being hungry after burnt breakfastSolution:Mr Brocklehursts ideato do without and stay hungry; Miss Temples idea:to provide bread and cheese with her own moneysecondExample: Answers may vary Solution:Example:Mr Brocklehursts unkindness to herSolution:Janes solution:not to answer back when accused unfairly but to show by word and action that what he said was not truethirdExample: Answers may vary Solution:Example:Mr Brocklehursts ideathe girls not to talk or make friends with JaneSolution:Janes ideabeing friendly to anyone who showed friendship such as Helen Burns;Helen Burns idea:wanting to befriendly to anyone disliked by Mr BrocklehurstAnswer key for Exercise 2: meeting her new teacher the badbreakfast nobody to sit withmaking friendshaving her curls cutseeing her aunt againlosing her box doing schoolwork Mr Brocklehursts unkindness to her
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