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【素材】Unit 1 LifestylesLesson 1 A Perfect Day? 写作话题写作任务假定你是王林,升上高中一个月了,写信给你同样刚升上高中的美国朋友Jack,跟他描述一下你的高中生活并询问他对高中生活的感受如何。信中需要包括一下要点:1. 同以前相比,高中生活更加丰富多彩、令人兴奋;2. 刚开始觉得高中的学习有点难,但是老师和同学都很热心地帮助你;3. 学校里有个很大的篮球场,你经常去打篮球也因此交到不少好朋友;4. 你报名参加了学校将在下月举办的运动会。你最近一直在做运动,希望能为新集体取得好成绩。注意:可适当增加细节,词数在100词左右。开头与格式已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Jack:It is one month since I became a senior high school student. Now I am writing to tell you about my life here. _Yours sincerelyWang Lin 思路点拨1. 确定体裁、时态、人称。本篇习作要求写一封信给你的美国朋友,为书信形式习作。书信的内容为介绍你的高中生活,对现阶段的生活描写应使用一般现在时态,如涉及过去或者将来要进行时态变换,需要根据具体情况作具体分析。介绍自己的高中生活需要使用第一人称,询问对方时需要使用第二人称。2. 围绕话题与所给出要点积极思考,构思文章轮廓。写作要求当中已经给出信中所涉及的具体要点,结构分明。第一点要总的概括高中生活的特点。即更加丰富多彩并且令人兴奋;第二,介绍学习方面。自己觉得有点难但是得到了老师和同学的帮助;第三,介绍课外活动。常打篮球并交到好朋友;第四,说明未来计划,在将举办的运动会上取得好成绩。同时要记得在文章结尾加上询问对方生活状况的语句。3. 选择适当的词汇和句式。习作要点已经清晰列出,注意不能逐句翻译,要在句与句之间加上表示上下文承接的词句,使文章更有连贯性和逻辑性。参考词汇:colorful 丰富多彩的;exciting 令人兴奋的;warmhearted 热心的;basketball court 篮球场;make friends 交朋友;sign up 报名;do exercise 做运动;collective 集体。 习作初稿Dear Jack:It is one month since I became a senior high school student. Now I am writing to tell you about my life here. It is more colorful and exciting for me than before. Although I met some difficulties on my study, but I got much help from my warmhearted teachers and classmates. There was a large basketball court in my school and I often played basketball there when I was free. I make many friends when I am playing the basketball. There will be a sports meeting in our school next month, and Ive signed up for it. I do exercise everyday and I hope I can get a good grade.What about your senior high school life? Waiting for your letter to tell me about it.Yours sincerelyWang Lin 教师点评1. 本篇习作格式规范,条理清晰,涵盖了写作要求当中的全部要点,清楚说明了高中生活各个方面的情况。2. 适当使用了but,and等表示连接的词语,使文章较有连贯性。3. 文章中还存在一些不足之处:(1) Although I met some difficulties on my study, but I got much help from my warmhearted teachers and classmates. 此句中although一词本身即含有“尽管但是”的含义,因此后面不需要再使用but。(2) There was a large basketball court in my school and I often play basketball there when I am free. 此句与前一句无法衔接显得比较突兀,因前一句说到学习的情况,可以在这句加上“in my spare time”作为开头,说明由学习情况转到课外活动。此外这句中还有时态错误,学校有一个大的篮球场表述的是一个事实,并且在空闲时间打篮球是习惯性动作,需要使用一般现在时。(3) I make many friends when I am playing the basketball. 此句也有时态错误,正在打篮球的时候交朋友是不正确的表述,应该表达为在打篮球的期间交了很多朋友。建议此句可改为“Ive made many friends when I play the basketball.(4) 本次习作中简单句式用得太多,建议可将个别句式整合成复合句。如:There will be a sports meeting in our school next month, and Ive signed up for it.可以改成一个含定语从句的复合句:Ive signed up for the sports meeting which will be held in our school next month.习作成稿Dear Jack:It is one month since I became a senior high school student. Now I am writing to tell you about my life here. Overall, it is more colorful and more exciting for me than before. Although I met some difficulties on my study, I got much help from my warmhearted teachers and classmates. In my spare time, I like to play basketball on the large basketball court of my school, where Ive made many friends. Furthermore, Ive signed up for the sports meeting which will be held in our school next month. Ive been doing exercise for several days and I hope I can get a good grade for my new collective. What about your senior high school life? Waiting for your reply to tell me about it.Yours sincerelyWang Lin 练一练此练习要求与写作成稿中的重点句型有关,或写类似文章所能用到得句型。样例如下:翻译下列各句。1. 托马斯爱迪生是一位世界著名的科学家,他因为自己的伟大发明受到人们的尊敬和羡慕。_2. 他为世界做出了巨大贡献,帮助人们改善了生活。_3. 他在这些领域里获得了巨大的成就,被授予诺贝尔奖,成为第一位获得此荣誉的中国人。_4. 史蒂芬霍金,1942年1月出生。他是世界著名的物理理论学家和科学家。_5. 尽管他因重病致残,可还是努力写了很多科学论文,并在世界各地进行演讲。_
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