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Module 7 Unit 1 Were going to visit Hainan,叶县马庄乡育才回族小学,吕会婵,It is a little cold today . If you can travel now ,where are you going to go?,新疆,黑龙江,四川,山东,海南,台湾,内蒙古,西藏,云南,新疆,内蒙古,黑龙江,西藏,山东,四川,云南,台湾,海南,Listen and choose,1 How are Ms smarts going to go ?,A by bus,B by plane,2 What is Sam going to do ?,A swim in the sea,B go fishing,We are going to go to Hainan. We are going to go by plane . 3 I am going to swim in the sea .,How can you choose correctly ?,1 We are going to get up at 5 oclock .,2 I am going to visit my grandpa .,3 And I am going to swim, too.,4 I am going to swim now .,Listen again and try to find more similar sentences:,Mimi (she) and Doudou (he) make plans for their weekend. Work in groups to express: “She/he is going to _ at _oclock ”?,9:30,6:00,9:00,7:00,8:00,9:30,3:00,get up,7:00,She is going to get up at 7 oclock.,have breakfast,8:00,She is going to have breakfast at 8 oclock.,go fishing,9:30,She is going to go fishing at half past nine .,go swimming,3:00,He is going to go swimming at 3 oclock .,3:00,watch TV,6:00,He is going to watch TV at 6 oclock.,go to bed,9:00,He is going to go to bed at 9 oclock .,Enjoy the beautiful sceneries of the world ,and try to imagine where are you going to go ? And how ? (欣赏世界各地美丽的风景,想象你计划去哪,怎样去),法国 France,澳大利亚 Australia,美国 America,荷兰 Holland,德国 Germany,加拿大 Canada,法国 France,英国 England,埃及 Egypt,日本 Japanese,瑞士 Switzerland,Homework :,Do a survey . Ask your friends what are they going to do this weekend ,the fill the table and complete the sentences after the modle .,Names,Activities,Houwenjia is going to _ at _ oclock., is going to _ at _ oclock.,
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