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在学生就要走出校门的时候,班级工作仍要坚持德育先行,继续重视对学生进行爱国主义教育、集体主义教育、行为规范等的教育,认真落实学校、学工处的各项工作要求Unit 23 Conflict Section Grammar倒装句和分裂句“It”.单句语法填空 1. (江西高考改编) Only when he apologizes for his rudeness _I _ (speak) to him again.答案:will;speak 2(江西高考改编)Not until he left his home_ he _(begin) to know how important the family was for him.答案:did;begin3(四川高考改编)This is not my story,nor_it the whole story.My story plays out differently.答案:is4(全国卷改编) Only when he reached the teahouse_he _(realize) it was the same place hed been in last year.答案:did;realize5(重庆高考改编) It was 80 years before Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic_Zheng He had sailed to East Africa.答案:that6(江苏高考改编)“Never for a second,” the boy says,“_I_(doubt) that my father would come to my rescue.”答案:did;doubt 7.(陕西高考改编)John opened the door.There_(a girl,stand) he had never seen before.答案:stood a girl 8.(四川高考改编)We laugh at jokes,but seldom_ we_ (think) about how they work.答案:do;think 9.(湖南高考改编)It was not until I came here _I realized this place was famous for_its beauty but also its weather.答案:that;not only10(湖南高考改编) Its not what we do once in a while_shapes our lives,but_we do consistently.答案:that;what11So sudden _the attack that the enemy had no time to escape.答案:was 12For a moment nothing happened.Then_(come) voices all _(shout) together.答案:came;shouting.按要求改写句子1Xiao Li met your sister in the zoo yesterday.(强调宾语)_答案:It was your sister that/who Xiao Li met in the zoo yesterday.2We were doing our homework when the teacher came in.(强调状语)_答案:It was when the teacher came in that we were doing our homework.3I didnt realize the importance of learning English until I went to America.(强调状语)_答案:It was not until I went to America that I realized the importance of learning English.4He makes a living by painting.(强调谓语)_答案:He does make a living by painting.5I have never seen a more beautiful place before.(改为倒装句)_答案: Never before have I seen a more beautiful place.6. I had no sooner got home than it began to rain heavily.(改为倒装句)_答案:No sooner had I got home than it began to rain heavily.7If you had taken my advice,you wouldnt have failed in the examination.(改为倒装句)_答案:Had you taken my advice,you wouldnt have failed in the examination.8An old fisherman lives beyond the river.(改为倒装句)_答案: Beyond the river lives an old fisherman.表达完成的动词形式.用所给动词的适当形式填空1(山东高考改编)_(eat) at the cafeteria before,Tina didnt want to eat there again.答案:Having eaten2(辽宁高考改编) Harry is feeling uncomfortable.He_(drink) too much at the party last night.答案:must have drunk3(安徽高考改编)In order to find the missing child,villagers _(do) all they can over the past five hours.答案:have been doing4My sister is working in the power plant that_(use) for just one year.答案:has been used5Catherine _(write) the letter before her mother came into her bedroom.答案:had written6Why do you want to work for our company?This is the job that I _(look) for.答案:have been looking 7She_(tell) me the news earlier.答案:should have told 8_(note) down our names and addresses,the policeman dismissed me.答案:Having noted9She _(say) that for many times.答案:has been saying10. I happened _(drive) that kind of car before.答案:to have driven 11We _(reach) our goal by the end of 2016.答案:will have reached12They _(live) in Beijing for five years.答案:have lived 13It was the first time that I _(visit) the city.答案:had visited 14I didnt know you _(work) here for ten years.答案:had been working.完成句子1By the end of this year,I_(存足够的钱) enough money for a holiday.答案:will have saved 2The scientist was rewarded by government for having made _(做出了巨大的贡献) to the country.答案:such a great contribution3The weather turned out to be fine,I_(本不必费那么大劲) carry the umbrella with me.答案:neednt have taken the trouble to4It was so quiet in the classroom that a needle_
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