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Section Lesson 4,课前自主预习,adult stocking envelope pudding swallow seriously decoration,at the bottom of on Christmas Eve put up stay awake laugh at put on carry on go to church,答案: the authors memory of Christmas,答案: C,答案: A,答案: B,(4)We ate the following for Christmas lunch except . Aturkey Bvegetables Cdumplings Dpudding 答案: C (5)After lunch . Aadults played cards Badults had a rest Cchildren played cards Dchildren made a snowman 答案: C,课内研析探究,.单句语法填空 1. The young man carried with the business and managed well after his fathers death. 答案: on 2He was (serious) injured in the car accident.After five days in hospital,he died on July 23. 答案: seriously,3The dinning room is not very big,but the (decorate) inside is very special. 答案: decoration 4He (swallow) the last of his coffee and asked for the bill. 答案: swallowed,5Emergency line operators must always stay (calmly) and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help. 答案: calm 6He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of putting _at a hotel for the night. 答案: up,.选词填空 as much as,carry on,stay awake,put up,while,turn off,swallow,put o 1Im so tired that I can hardly . 答案: stay awake 2Its difficult to these big tablets. 答案: swallow 3I like tea she likes coke. 答案: while,4After his death,his children will certainly his career. 答案: carry on 5The teacher asked them to speak English possible. 答案: as much as 6 the light before you leave. 答案: Turn off 7Its time we the Christmas decorations in the living room. 答案: put up 8On summer vacation the children a play. 答案: put on,句型转换 1When they heard the good news,they all became excited. ,they all became excited. 答案: Hearing the good news 2How hardworking a boy he is! boy he is! 答案: What a hardworking,3The sweet music came in through the window. Through the window . 答案: came in the sweet music 4The problems were settled and we all felt very happy. With ,we all felt very happy. 答案: the problem settled 5I recognized her immediately I saw her. I recognized her I saw her. 答案: as soon as,谢谢观看!,
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