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在学生就要走出校门的时候,班级工作仍要坚持德育先行,继续重视对学生进行爱国主义教育、集体主义教育、行为规范等的教育,认真落实学校、学工处的各项工作要求Unit 3 Celebration Section Warm-up & Lesson 1-Language points.单词拼写1We invited more than 100 guests to our _(婚礼) party.答案:wedding2He hopes to get a good job after _(毕业)答案:graduation 3Police officers have the _(权力) to look into cases.答案:power4The young should look after the old in their family by _(传说)答案:tradition 5People always_(装饰) the streets with flags on National Day.答案:decorate6_(如今) advertisements can be found everywhere in any city.答案:Nowadays7He had_(包含) a large number of funny stories in the speech.答案:included8The church was completely_(毁坏) by fire.答案:destroyed.单句语法填空1In_(tradition) Chinese culture,marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children.答案:traditional 2You dont go to that supermarket quite often,do you?No,I only go there_(occasion) because its too far away from my house.答案:occasionally 3It is said that such a tiny village school is soon_(celebration) its 100th birthday.答案:to celebrate4The band played many songs,_(include) some of my favorite ones.答案:including 5I like getting up very early in summer.The morning air is so good _(breathe)答案:to breathe 6He is said_(do) his homework at that moment.答案: to be doing7In our country,sweet dumplings_(serve) in hot water.答案:are served 8. He was lucky enough to escape being killed in the accident,but his car _(destroy)答案:was destroyed9It is reported that his fathers factory was burnt_by a big fire last night.答案:down10Have all the guests been served_food and drink?答案:with.选词填空put out;all over the world;burn down;take part in;wash away;be decorated wit 1The films manufactured by Hollywood are watched in the cinemas_.答案:all over the world2When you _any performance,you get out as much as you put in.答案:take part in3Flood waters_one of the main bridges in Pusan.答案:washed away4Firemen tried to free the injured and_the blaze.答案:put out5His room_pictures of all his favourite sports figures.答案:was decorated with6Light up the stove and you could_the house.答案:burn down.完成句子1The old man_have been a Party member for 60 years.据说这位老人有60年党龄了。答案:is said to2We need to learn 7 subjects this term_.包括英语在内,这学期我们要学7门课程。答案:including English3_ in half an hour.那所房子在半小时之内就被焚为平地。答案:The house burnt down4The party _Mothers birthday.聚会是为了庆祝母亲的生日。答案:was in celebration of 5Ill get there,_.我就是走也要走到那儿去。答案:even though/if I have to walk.完形填空My daughter wanted to take music lessons at the community (社区) center.She asked us if she could _1_ drums,but we did not want to have drums in our house.So we_2_her to study the violin.During the_3_interview,my daughter was so happy with her teacher that she _4_her dream of playing drums and was looking forward to violin lessons with this _5_man.He told her that she would do well with the_6_,but he thought drums would be the _7_instrument (乐器) for her and _8_ her to learn from the drum teacher at the community center.She got excited,_9_I felt very strange.I had not told him she wanted to play drums.When I _10_him,he explained that her natural sense of beat and rhythm (节拍与节奏) led him to_11_she would be great at drums.When I said that we did not want drums in our_12_,he told me that the center has a drum room that kids can use for_13_.My daughter became so_14_this wonderful teacher in ten minutes that she was not sure if she should study drums after all.When we explained this to him,his_15_was that he is always here,and if she ever decides she has had enough of drums she could go to him for _16_.He did so much for her in such a short time.We were surprised at his ability in _17_she should study drums,which was her_18_.But what most moved us was that he_19_a paying student in order to do what was _20_ for her.语篇解读 本文是记叙文。作者带女儿去拜访一位小提琴老师,这位老师所表现出的智慧与无私令人叹服。1A.studyBsell Cinvent Dcollect解析:由段首的take music lessons以及下文的study the violin可知,女儿问“我们”是否可以“学(study)”打鼓。答案:A2A.invited Bbegged Chelped Dtold解析:由上文的we did not want to have drums in our house可知,“我们”“告诉(told)”女儿去学小提琴。答案:D3A.long Bfamous Cshort Dspecial解析:由文中出现的in ten minutes和in such a short time可知,女儿初次与小提琴老师会面的时间很“短(short)”。答案:C4A.liked BrealizedCforgot Dremembered解析:由本句的so happy with her teacher以及was looking forward to violin lessons可知,与小提琴老师的愉快交谈让女儿“忘记了(forgot)”她要学习打鼓的梦想。答案:C
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