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Section Communication Workshop,Culture Corner & Bulletin Board,课前自主预习,spare memorial alley waterfall heritage committee conclusion,arrive at a conclusion more than be surrounded by be home to all over the world,课内研析探究,.单词拼写 1The Old Town of Lijiang is one of the most (著名的) heritage sites in China. 答案: outstanding 2What is the most famous product in your (当地的) area? 答案: local,3Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Area is a (独特的) natural wonder. 答案: unique 4Our town is (环绕) by mountains,fields,and rivers in three sides. 答案: surrounded 5He (自豪地) showed us the factorys new car. 答案: proudly,6Id like to (介绍) one of my best friends to you. 答案: introduce 7His honesty is widely (赞美) in my hometown. 答案: admired .完成句子 1 (轮到谁值班了)? Lucy is ill,so I will take her turn instead. 答案: Whose turn is it to be on duty,2We stopped halfway up the hill (欣赏风景) 答案: to admire the view 3He has been playing computer games these weeks. (难怪) he didnt do well in the test this time. 答案: Its no wonder 4Learning to play basketball calls for perseverance,strength,time and skill. (总之),its not a simple thing. 答案: In conclusion,5New Zealand (是的所在地) the Maori tribe. 答案: is home to 6It took (不仅仅是建筑材料) to construct these energysaving houses.It took brains,too. 答案: more than building supplies,完成句子 1He is (如此可爱的孩子) that every one likes him. 答案: such a loved boy 2 (多给些时间),we could have done it better. 答案: Given more time,3 (跟着) several students,he entered the classroom. 答案: Followed by 4She is very clever and studies hard (结果被北京大学录取) 答案: so that she is admitted to Beijing University,谢谢观看!,
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