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Welcome to College English!,Outline,Greetings+ Introducing each other,Course description,Course assessment,Course requirements,Group discussion,Homework,Hi, I am,Phoebe fi:bi: 胡飞,Characteristics: extroverted, lively, straightforward, optimistic, humorous, easygoing But narcissistic,admiring ones self too much, especially ones appearance,Hobbies: Reading, music, playing tennis, swimming, trekking & traveling, etc.,Contact me by 15920451207 morning155163.com,Motto: Follow your own course, and let people talk.,Course Description,以大学英语系列教材中的综合教程第三册为主,听说教程为辅 以课堂教学和课下自学相结合的模式,加强学生英语语言知识和技能。 课内学习综合教程Text A+听说教程部分单元,并组织各类教学活动,Presentation Group discussion&speech Role-play Debate Topic-related listening exercise,课外非在线学习 1综合教程Text A的预习、复习和课后练习 2综合教程Text B的自学和课后练习 3阅读教程及快速阅读 4听说教程的听力 5听说教程的口语由各组组长组织小组对话和讨论,每星期完成一个单元(平时会不定期抽查,期末通过口语考试来检查) 6 老师布置的课外作业 PS:根据教学进度表来完成这些课外任务,不需要老师每次课提醒,课外在线学习(自主学习) 学生利用教材附送的单机版助学光盘以及中山大学数字化教学平台(Blackboard)上的教学资源(包括系列教材的网络版、新理念大学英语自主学习系统(综合教程+听说教程听力)以及其它英语学习资源库等)自主学习大学英语系列教材中的内容 在线学习,完成并提交在线学习系统上的测试题,本部分将计入期末总评(20%),注意,教育网网址http:/elearning.ne.sysu.edu.cn 公共网网址http:/elearning.ne.sysu.org.cn 广州大英教学平台http:/cegz.sysu.edu.cn 珠海大英教学平台:http:/cezh.sysu.edu.cn,Course Assessment,(1)平时成绩 30 = 考勤5% + 口语能力(课堂展示与参与和期末口语考试)15%、写作及其他作业10%) PS:对学生口语能力的评估应贯穿于全学期的课堂教学中,占期末总评15%的口语能力应基于学生在课堂上的至少两次presentations,以及课堂小组讨论和发言。另外,我会在期末组织口语考试来检查大家的口语水平,题目出自听说教程 (2)自主学习 20% (在线学习):综合教程和听说教程各占10%。,(3) 期末考试 50% 1)听力:第一册占40%(听说教程20%,课外20%);第二、三、四册均占35%, (听说教程20%,课外15%;另外用于写作的听力15%) 2)写作15%:第一册为不拘文体的篇章写作;第二、三、四册为基于听力的短文写作,先听短文、新闻报道或长对话,然后写总结并发表自己的评论和观点或对指定情景作出书面回应,3)阅读:一级占20%,二、三、四级均占25 包括:快速阅读(一级5%;二、三、四级10%) 阅读教程5% 深度阅读之泛读5% 深度阅读之阅读词汇理解题5% 3)词汇与结构占15%(基于综合教程) 4)完型填空或句子填空或段落排序占5% 5)翻译5% (基于综合教程),课程安排和要求,分小组进行课堂和课后活动,自愿分组,但是建议每组四到五人左右,最好来自不同院系不同专业,有男生有女生,推选一位组长,负责组织活动 每个小组在课堂做presentation时,可由一到两个代表来做,也可所有成员一起来做,负责不同部分,每组十到十五分钟左右,一学期每人至少要做两次陈述,话题从老师给出的当中自己选择一个 每星期根据听说教程话题进行小组讨论,由组长组织,我会定期检查 这学期实际上课16周,计划13周学习综合教程,2周听说课,最后一周口语考试,My requirements,Lets show off!,Practice makes perfect.,Presentations Criteria,Content- clear in content coherent in organization critical thinking giving references if you quote Speech- well-prepared, fluent, clear, talking instead of reading aloud Form- power point slides with pictures, audio or video (if necessary), creative in designing, neat Interaction,Group Discussion,University Study & University English Study Discuss the following questions: 1. What is university like in your imagination? 2. What is learning? 3. What do you want to study in the university? 4. How will you study English in the university? What do you expect to study in and out of the class? 5. How will you plan your four-year university life and study? 5.,1.What does “university/college” mean? 大学之大,非大楼之大,乃大师之大 -梅贻琦,1931,12.1 除了大师,还要有会学习有理想的学生-Phoebe 2.What is the difference between high school study and college study? High school College Teacher-centred learner-centred Instruction/text-based task-based Individual learning cooperative learning Spoon-feeding by teacher autonomous learning,3.What is learning? Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember Involve me and I learn. -Benjamin Franklin Learners are an important resource for their own collective learning, and this resource can be accessed through collaboration, cooperation and experiential learning.,4. How should you study College English? 大学英语教学的“四变化” 教学要求变:加强听说能力 教学目标变:发展自主学习能力 教学模式变:课堂教学+网络自主 教学评价变:综合应用能力,大学新生英语教学的“四转变” 转变学习观念/态度:变被动为主动 转变学习习惯/方法:变依赖为自主 转变行为方式/行动:变做题为做事 转变成果表现形式: 变分数为业绩 变独自学习为合作学习 变书本学习为干中学习,大学英语学习观念的几个误区,1.在大学英语课堂我什么也没有学到? 2.在大学里我的英语水平越来越差,甚至比高中还差? 3.因为水平下降,到大二才考四级肯定考不过,所以应该一进大学就考四级,因为刚考完高考,语法词汇还印象深刻。,Homework,1. Preview Text A in Unit 1 and finish Language Focus (p14p23) and answer the following questions: 1) What is the farm life like in the writers opinions? Please find examples to prove that. 2) How can the writer manage to overcome all the hardships? 2. Reading task: Cyber generation (download on my website),3. Presentation: Lifestyle 1) What kinds of changes has Chinese peoples lifestyle undergone in the last decade? How do you like these changes? (Figure out positive as well as negative effects of them.) 2) To present the lifestyle you long for. 3) To imagine how the ways we live would continue to change in the future?,4) Where to live, in the Country or in the City 1). City life Advantages: Convenience transportation High living standard Health care preferable working environment Better education,More job opportunities Easy access to the entertainment Disadvantages: Overpopulation Pollution Noise traffic jam High crime rate Fierce competition & stress Indifference in interpersonal relationship,2).Country life Attraction of country no pollution, gorgeous scenery, fresh air, high-quality food, close to nature, quietness, peace, inexpensive housing, less pressure, less crime, less traffic: Disadvantages: inconveni
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