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,Reading 1,Unit6 Food and lifestyle,Oxford English 7上,What we eat and how we live,Jiang Lin from Feng xian Junior Middle School,内容: 表演Comic strip 学生活动指导: 1.共2次机会,组长抢到机会 2.3、4号同学到前面表演(可用适当的道具和动作) 3.表演优秀者+2分。,Revision,fruit,vegetables,They are all important for our health.,exercise v. /do exercise n.,meat,Do you know them?,Doing exercise is good for us.,chocolate,They have too much sugar, so they are bad for our teeth.,Do you know them?,cakes,candy,chips,hamburgers,junk food (垃圾食品),cola,Do you know them?,1.能够正确拼读本课所有生词:fit, keep fit, meal, pear, sugar, tooth, computer game, cola, change, plan, swimming pool等 2.通过通读课文了解文章的大意,获取相关的信息,并了解日常饮食和生活方式与身体健康的关系。 3 . 通过自学与互帮提高合作学习能力。,Learning aims,Task1 Check prevision,学生活动指导: 1. 组内互帮检查新单词(1-6号,2-5号, 3-4号),确保人人会读并且会翻译(2分钟) 2. 老师抽查指定小组6号同学,全部过关+2分,New words: keep fit meal pear sugar tooth (teeth) cola change plan swimming pool computer game,Activity1 Check the new words on Page 70,1. healthy 2. fit 3. hungry 4. seldom 5. exercise 6. lifestyle,e,f,d,b,a,c,Activity 2: Finish Part B1 on Page71.,方法指导:1.独立完成(2分钟) 2.组内核对答案 3.指定小组轮说答案(+2分),a. not often b. do sports c. how one lives d. good for ones health e. needing food f. strong and healthy,1.What does Kitty love doing? 2.Who has a healthy lifestyle, Kitty or Daniel? 3.Does Daniel need to change his lifestyle now?,Task 2 Reading,Activity 1: Watch and answer,She loves dancing.,Kitty.,Yes, he does.,方法指导: 1.组内两两互问互答,确保人人都会回答(2分钟) 2.指定小组核对答案(+2分),1. Kitty loves swimming. 2. Kitty often eats healthy food. 3. There is too much sugar in cakes and sweets. 4. Daniel seldom plays computer games. 5. Daniel does not like playing sports. 6. Kitty and Daniel have healthy lifestyles.,( F ),( T ),( T ),( T ),( F ),( F ),dancing,often,Activity 2: Read silently and finish Part B3,活动指导: 1.默读课文,独立思考,完成B3。 2. 小组讨论正确答案。 3.指定小组轮说答案(+1分),has a,milk,bread,fish,vegetables,apple,pear,cakes,sweets,hamburgers,cola,beef,fruit,vegetables,fish,Activity 3: Finish Part B2 on Page 71,Kitty loves _. She dances for _ every day. _ is important for her. She needs to _.She always has milk and bread_. For lunch and dinner, she _eats fish and vegetables. When she feels _ between meals, she eats _ or _.She_ eats cakes or _. They have too much_ and are _ for her _.,dancing,for breakfast,keep fit,half an hour,usually,hungry,teeth,sugar,Healthy food,seldom,bad,sweets,Activity 4 : Read for more details 1.Read Para1-3 and fill in the blanks,活动指导:1. 朗读课文1、2、3段,独立完成 2. 组内讨论正确答案 3. 指定小组4号抢答(+1分),an apple,a pear,Name:,Hobbies:,Love eating and drinking:,How to change his lifestyle,Daniel,playing computer games,hamburgers and cola,eat more fruit and vegetables eat some fish go swimming every week,活动指导:1. 朗读课文45段,完成题目 2. 组内讨论,核对答案 3. 指定小组3号抢答(+1分),2. Read Para4-5 and make notes on Daniel,Read aloud and beautifully!,Activity5: Reading competition,学生活动指导: 1.自读互帮(2分钟):组内两两互读,确保人人会读(16号,25号,34号)。 2.检查读书情况:指定小组轮读(组内分工),全部过关加2分,部分过关加1分。,Discussion(组内合作讨论):,活动指导: 小组讨论 将本组讨论的结果写在白板上。 指定小组到台上展示(+2分),其它小组补充(+1分)。,If we want to be healthy, what can we eat and how do we live?,How can we keep healthy?,We should often eat fruit and vegetables. We should seldom eat sweet snacks. We shouldnt play computer games or watch TV for hours. We should exercise for at least(至少) 30 minutes every day. We should sleep for more than 8 hours every day. We should be happy every day!,a healthy diet,a healthy lifestyle,be happy every day,A healthy person,当堂检测:,Finish it in 2 minutes by yourselves. Check the answers in groups. Ask for help and correct answers. 此环节采用以下步骤完成: 1.独立完成(2分钟) 2.根据答案,组内互批 3.互讲订正(2分钟) 4.老师释疑,一.用所给词的适当形式填空. 1.We need _(have) more water every day. 2.Dont smoke any more. Its bad for your _(healthy). 3.The teacher says its very _(importance) to learn English well. 4.Sandy _(plan) to go for picnics this week. 5.How many _(tooth) can you see in the babys mouth? 6.Where is the new _(swim) pool? - Its near my uncles home.,Answers:,to have 2. health 3. important 4. plans 5. teeth 6. swimming,Feedback,What can we learn from this class? Do you have any problems?,Homework: 1.Read and retell the text; 2.Find out the difficult points in the text; 3.Find more information about how we live on the Internet.,Thank you,
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