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Zhenxiong, 2 x 600 MW Supercritical Boilers Firing Anthracite Coal,Doosan Babcock Energy,HBC,W firing Combustion technology. 低挥发份无烟煤W火焰锅炉技术 Low Mass Flux Furnace Design 低质量流速直流锅炉技术 3. W Firing and Low Mass Flux Study and Application W火焰低质量流速超临界方案 Design Considerations for Zhenxiong 振雄工程方案介绍,Section 介绍分为:,Zhenxiong Evaluation,HBC,Downshot W firing is the most widely used technology for burning anthracite fuels,Zhenxiong,下冲 对冲,Recent Experience Firing Low Volatile Coals,*,HBC,Low Volatile and Anthracite Boilers 低挥发份无烟煤锅炉,HBC,Furnace Firing Arrangement,HBC,Existing 600 MWe W Firing Subcritical Boiler,DB 600MWe Laiocheng 聊城电厂,Cyclone concentrators 旋风分离器浓缩,Fuel + PA + SA entry 燃料一次风二次风入口,Tertiary Air entry 三次风入口,HBC,600MWe Boiler Comparison,DB 600MWe Laiocheng 聊城,Maximum Evaporation 最大蒸发量 2027 t/h 1900 t/h SH Steam Pressure 主蒸汽压力 17.27 MPa 25.4 MPa SH & RH Steam Temperature 主汽/再热汽温 541 / 541 571 / 569 Lower Furnace depth x width 下炉膛深度x宽度 21642 x 26680 23666 x 26680 Lower furnace plan area (m2) 下炉膛断面积 541.5 595.5 Upper Furnace depth x width (mm)上炉膛深度x宽度 10488 x 26680 12512 x 26680 Upper furnace plan area (m2) 上炉膛断面积 279.8 333.8 Furnace overall height 炉膛总高度 50587 56200 Furnace volume 炉膛容积 16554 21114,DB 600MWe Zhenxiong,HBC,Difficulties Associated With Low Volatile Fuels 燃烧低挥发份煤种相关的问题,Ignition of coal becomes more difficult as volatile content reduces. 挥发份降低将使得煤粉点燃更加困难 Low unburned carbon levels become increasingly difficult to attain as volatile content reduces, especially for Vdaf 12% . 随着挥发份降低尤其是Vdaf降低到12%以下,未燃尽碳损失将增加 Flame stabilisation and minimum load without oil support firing. 火焰的稳定性和最低无油稳燃负荷 Low NOx levels also become more difficult to achieve and this is recognised in the relevant emission regulations 很难达到低NOx排放,这一点在相应的国家排放标准中已体现 - less volatile N2 in the coal 挥发物中含氮量少 - high combustion temperatures needed for ignition and burnout 煤粉点燃和燃烬需要很高的燃烧温度 These difficulties necessitate: 克服以上问题需要 Fine pf grading 均匀良好的煤粉细度 Long furnace residence times 煤粉在炉膛内停留时间长 Careful air admission 分级配风 Optimised furnace refractory cover 优化炉内卫燃带布置,HBC,secondary air slots fed from windbox 二次空气狭槽,来自风箱的进风,primary air & fuel slots fed from cyclone 来自自旋风器的高浓度一次风,vent air slots fed from cyclone 来自放风器的乏气风,cyclone to separate air and fuel 旋风器分离空气和燃料,Typical Burner Arrangement 典型的燃烧器布置,fuel from mill outlet 来自磨机出口的燃料,air into Windbox 空气进入风箱,HBC,Burner and Vent Air Slot Distribution 燃烧器和乏气风分布,HBC,Doosan Babcock Slot Burners 狭缝式燃烧器,Coal煤,low velocity primary air rapid heating & ignition 低流速一次风迅速加热和点火 high velocity secondary air for long flame development 高流速二次空气用于长火焰的扩展 no swirl 无涡流 gradual mixing 逐步混合 flame penetration 火焰贯穿 long particle residence time 煤粉颗粒停留时间长,Combustion air 燃烧空气,Coal煤,HBC,Doosan Babcock Downshot Combustion System,Direct firing - modern, reliable & safe 直吹式燃烧系统 现代化的、可靠的和安全的 Double ended tube mills delivering 95% 75 microns without standby requirement 双进双出球磨机、煤粉细度 95%小于75微米,不需要备用 Slot burners arranged in pairs providing an even distribution of fuel across the width of the boiler 成对布置的狭缝式燃烧器,在整个锅炉宽度上提供了均匀的燃料分布 Cyclones for fuel : air concentration prior to ignition 燃料旋风器:在点火前提高煤粉浓度 Oil burners for light up and low load support 油烧嘴用于点火和支持低负荷运行 Flame monitoring for both oil and coal flames 用于油和煤火焰的火焰监测 Refractory tile cover in the lower furnace to maintain high temperatures 在下炉膛中有耐火砖贴面,以维持高温 Furnace and flame fully compatible to ensure reliable furnace performance 炉膛和火焰充分配合,保证了可靠的炉膛性能,HBC,Refactory Coverage 耐火材料卫燃带,HBC,NOx Levels in China 国内的NOx排放水平,Independent measurements carried out by TPRI 由热工院独立做的测试 TPRI (Xian Thermal Power Research Institute) is a renowned and accredited service, testing and measurement company, widely acknowledged to be one of the most capable companies of its kind in China 西安热工院是国内公认的最具知名度及权威性的试验及测量机构 Only independent NOx figures available for downshot fired plant 此处仅列出W火焰锅炉的独立NOx测量数据 Measurements made as found, not performance test conditions 测试是在实际运行工况而非性能试验条件下做的,HBC,NOx Levels in China 国内的NOx排放水平,Foster Wheeler (FW and DBW) 790-880 mg/Nm3 : 13% volatiles : 300 MWe (Shangan II) 1930-2010 mg/Nm3 : 11% volatiles : 600 MWe (Hanfeng) no anthracite fired data Babcock & Wilcox 940-1300 mg/Nm3 : 13% volatiles : 350 MWe (Shangan I) 1100-1300 mg/Nm3 : 7% volatiles : 300 MWe (Yangquan II) Stein 1020-1400 mg/Nm3 : 10% volatiles : 350 MWe (Luohuang) no anthracite fired data Doosan Babcock 1100-1300 mg/Nm3 : 8% volatiles : 300/362/600 MWe (Yue Yang, Heze & Liaocheng) All volatiles figures dry mineral matter free(所有挥发分数据均为干燥无灰基数据),HBC,NOx Levels in China 国内的NOx排放水平,HBC,Combustion Summary 小结,Doosan Babcock already has extensive experience of W firing downshot boilers. A detailed research program has recently been undertaken comparing recent plant operation vs Theory. The beneficial results of this work will be incorpo
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