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Just do it,How can we translate it? 想做就做 只管去做 事在人为 放手一搏 整!弄! 只去做它!,Just do it,动起来!,-Undertranslation,-Overtranslation,Author,translator,reader,English,German,Chinese,different cultural connotation 文化内涵差异 various national traits 民族色彩差异 difference in syntax. 语言结构差异,Undertranslation and overtranslation as typical mistranslation always puzzle translators.,inspire,Translation,+,Creation,=,Transcreation,Add information that is not in the original or leave out information that was in the original. to enlighten readers with some creative input from the translator.,Pokemon,Poket + Monster,口袋妖怪,or,宠物小精灵,小火龙 Charmander Char (烧焦) + Salamander(火蜥蜴) 杰尼龟 Squirtle Squirt(喷射) + Turtle(海龟) 烈雀 Spearow Sparrow(麻雀) + Spear(矛,枪),By explaining everything you explain nothing! If the source text is poorly written, literal translation is just garbage-in-garbage-out. Transcreation is a value-added approach,Sometimes it is necessary to translate concepts but not just words or sentences. 绿色食品 Green food What about “Green Pig” “Green Tomato” ? What about Environmentally friendly product. Environmentally safe product,Thanks a lot!,
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