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Gesture,-Intercultural communication,国际会计3班,The finger,Thumb,Index finger,Middle finger,Ring finger,Little finger,The same gesture means different things in different culture.,First example,thumb and index finger into one circle,zero or three.,OK,Zero or nothing,No problem, go ahead.,突尼斯 fool,Second example,index finger and middle finger extension into a V-shaped, curved thumb pressure on the ring finger and little finger,Triumph 胜利,the palms(掌心) must be outside, if the palm inward, that is demeaning(贬低), insulting (侮辱)peoples means.,Third example,left or right fist, index finger straight,France: Request a question,Singapore :the most important,Australia: Another beer please,Forth example,lifting the thumb,Good well bravo,Greece it means “enough.“,“disgust“, “bad guys“.,Conclusion,Different countries have different cultural background. Misunderstandings and conflict often arise when culture meets culture . In case of these things ,we should pay attention to our behavior .,Thanks ,
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