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Unit 5 Period 4 Using languageTeaching objects: 1. To revise the useful words and expressions. 2. To read the passage the rest of Elias story 3. To use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writing. Teaching important and difficult points: 1.Improve the students writing ability. 2.Enable the students to understand the passage better.【自学导引】Skimming for the detailed information1.Elias was unhappy in prison because_A.he was kept with the criminals.B.the prison guards studied with him.C.he had to studyD.he could not study for a degree2.Life for Elias was not too bad in prison because_A. he had to study.B. he could study with the guards.C.he wanted to study.D.he could study and get a degree.3. Nelson Mandela showed how good a leader he was because_A. He fought the guards in prison.B. He refused to let the guards study in his school.C. He let the guards study in his school but not take exam.D. He let the guards study even though the prisoners could not take the exam.4. As a leader of South Africa, Nelson Mandela helped prisoners of Robben Island by_A. giving them an education B. giving them money.C. giving them a job.D. putting the guards in prison.【课内探究】1. lose heart 丧失勇气或信心Eg:Ill never lose heart even if I should fail ten times.即使失败10次,我也不灰心。learn sth. by heart 背诵,牢记put ones heart into 专心于heart and soul 全心全意,完全地lose ones heart to 爱上【活学活用】完成句子(1) _ (不要泄气)whatever happens to you.(2)The boy soon _(记住了这首诗)2.escape vi&vt 逃脱,逃走,避开Eg:She managed to escape from the burning car. 她设法从燃烧的汽车里逃出来。escape +n./doing 避免escape from+n. 从逃脱escape from ones mind / memory = sth. escape sb.某物被某人忘记narrow escape 九死一生【活学活用】语法填空He had seriously hurt himself while trying to escape_the police.He narrowly escaped_(drown).There is some gas_(escape). Can you smell it?She was nearly frightened to death at the sight of the _(escape)tiger.3. beg vi. 请求,祈求(beggar n.乞丐)Eg:The children begged to come with us. 这些孩子们要求和我们一起来。beg for 祈求得到,请求得到beg (sb.) to do sth.祈求(某人)做某事beg sth. of /from sb.=beg sb.for sth.向某人要某物beg ones pardon 请别人再重复一次【活学活用】语法填空 The little boy begged his father _(stay) at home The beggar _(beg) food from the rich but they refused. He went down to his knees to beg_mercy.4. stop.from doing sth. 组织做某事Eg:Nothing can stop me from carrying out the plan.没有什么能组织我实行这个计划。keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事【活学活用】完成句子What can _doing it if we want to?如果我们想做,什么能阻止我们呢?Children should not _speaking out their own opinions.不应该阻止孩子们说出自己的观点。5. allow v. 允许,准许Eg: We dont allow smoking in our house. 在我们家里不允许吸烟。allow doing sth. 允许做某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事(被动语态:sb. be allowed to do sth.)allow sb. sth. 允许给某人某物allow for ab. /sth. 把某人/某物考虑在内【活学活用】完成句子There are laws that dont _too much coal.有法律规定,不允许人们燃烧太多的煤。Thus I have_gain access to their living environment.这样我们就有机会接近他们的生活环境了。6. come to power 当权,上台Eg: Do you know when Hitler came to power. 你知道希特勒是何时上台的嘛?beyond ones power / out of ones power 力所不能及的within ones power 力所能及的be in power 执政take power 掌权do all/everything in ones power to do sth.竭尽所能做某事温馨提示:come to power表示动作,be in power 表示状态,所以come to power不能与一段时间的状语连用,但是be in power不可以。【活学活用】完成句子目前美国是哪个政党执政?Which party is_now in America?他承诺说一旦他当权,他就会开始着手改善生活条件。He promised that once he_,he would set out to improve the living conditions.7. reward n.报酬,奖金vt.酬劳,奖赏Eg: They were rewarded for reading some books.他们因为读书而得到奖赏。give/offer a reward to sb. for(doing)sth.=reward sb. with .for(doing)sth.为某事而给某人报酬in reward for 因为得到奖赏in reward=in return作为回报 词语辨析:reward, award, prizereward 作名词,多指因某种善举,努力工作等而得到的奖励或者报酬;还可指悬赏金;作动词,指获得奖励和报酬。award作名词,多用于奖项名称,一般不指具体的奖品;作动词,多指“授予奖项”prize多指在各种竞赛或抽奖中所获得的奖品,奖金。We will offer a reward of then thousand yuan for information about the case.如果有人提供有关案件的线索,我们愿意出一万元赏金。His movie won several awards at the film festival.他的电影在电影节上获得了数个奖项。In this competition you could win a prize worth $3,000.在这次比赛中,你可能会赢得价值3000美元的奖品。【活学活用】用award和reward的适当形式填空Finally, Mollys patience_.Mo Yan was _the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012.The police are offering a $60,000_for information about the killer.8. set up设立;建立;搭起Nowadays, some film actors want to set up their own workshops.现在,一些电影演员想创办自己的工作室。set aside把放在一边;省出,留出set about开始做,着手做(后接doing)set off 出发,使爆炸,引起set out 出发;开始(后接to do)set down 写下,记下【活学活用】介词、副词填空A new government was set _after the civil war.They will set_for Paris next week.Once I realized what was wrong, I set _correcting it out.Havin
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