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影像学检查方法 Imaging examination,1、透视 fluoroscopy flrskp 2、摄片 X ray 3、钼靶 Mammagraphy 4、DEXA 双能X-线吸收仪= dual energy x-ray absorptiometry 5、Tomography x线断层(IVP) 6.支气管造影 brochography 7、血管造影 angiography 8、CT、 MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) 9、超声 ultrasound,正位胸片 frontal 侧位胸片 lateral,Bone is white,soft tissue is grey,Air is black.No color needed,支气管造影 bronchography,影像学诊断报告书的书写格式,1 一般资料,表格式 Name , Sex , Age, Examination NO ,Department: Out-patient Bed number, Admission/Hospitalization number:住院号 2.检查部位(examination position ) : anterioposterior and lateral film 正侧位 3 影像所见 Findings 如影像所见,应将图像内显示的异常变化按病变的主次及左右、上下(up and down,top and bottom,high and low,super and sub)、前后(anterior and posterior)、内外顺序(alignment)进行描述,记录病变的范围(the lesion range)、大 小、形态、轮廓(contour)、内在结构(intra+luminal,cerebellar,venous及其与周围组织的关系或增强后表现,并 描述正常结构。 4 诊断意见 Impression/conclusion a 正常或未见异常。 b 病变肯定,性质肯定。 c 病变肯定,性质不肯定。Certain and uncertain ,nature d 可疑病变 suspicious lesions 5 检查医生与审核报告医师签名,医学翻译特点,1.大量使用名词化结构(nominalization) 是医学英语的特点之一,特别是大量使用动词衍变而来的名词,因为医学文体要求行文简洁,表达客观,内容确切,信息量大,强调存在的事实,而非某一行为。 The molecules of a substance are moving about all the time without stopping. The molecules of a substance are in continual motion. 这两句的意思相同 。第 2 句中“in continual motion”是名词化结构,一方面简化了句子,另一方面强调了“motion”这一事实。 2.医学文章侧重叙事推理,强调客观事实、研究方法、性能和特征。第一、二人称使用过多,会造成主观臆断的印象,因此,应尽量使用第三人称的语气做客观的叙述,从而较多地使用被动语态。 3.大量采用省略结构 4.大量采用长句结构 5.英语是成分复杂的组合型语言,英语的句子结构注重形合法,英语的词法严密而灵活。 Hypotaxis : 即采取“空间搭架的形式,以主谓结构为主干,以谓语动词为中心,通过大量反映形式关系的介词、关联词、形式主语”等,把句子的各个组成部分、各个“句中要素层层搭架,呈现出由中心向外扩展的空间图示,杨绛先生:翻译的技巧,要把西方语文翻成通顺的汉语,就得翻个大跟头才颠倒得过来 汉语和西方语言同样是从第一句开始,一句接一句,一段接一段,直到结尾;不同主要在句子内部的结构。西方语言多复句,可以很长;汉文多单句,往往很短。即使原文是简短的单句,译文也不能死挨着原文一字字的次序来翻,这已是常识了。所以翻译得把原文的句子作为单位,一句挨一句翻。,翻译包括以下几道工序,1.以句为单位,译妥每一句。 方法是分清这一句的主句、分句、以及各种词组;并认明以上各部分的从属关系。在这个基础上,把原句短成几句,重新组合。不伦原句多么曲折繁复,读懂了,总分得清。好比九连环,一环扣一环,可是能套上就能解开。原则是突出主句,并衬托出各部分之间的从属关系。 2.把 原文的一句句连缀成章。(连贯) 3 洗练全文。,Findings,The chest is symmetrical with trachea centrally placed.(胸廓对称,气管居中)两句话揉捏成一句英文:主语+be+adj+with +名词+过去分词 A large patch of opacification is seen with air bronchogram in the right upper lobe.Its margin is not very clear.(be seen/be found+with+名词+in介宾)Be well seen = visualized/ be present右上肺见大片状模糊影,病灶边界不清, 空气支气管征阳性 ) A large patch of opacification is found in the left lower lobe with its margin unclear(左下肺见大片状模糊影,病灶边界不清 ) Opacificationpsfken :乳浊化,乳浊状,不透明.,体现大量采用长句结构 !,Findings,Air bronchogram :空气支气管征(阳性) The left lung is clear.左肺野清晰 Both lung fields are transparent. 肺野X线透亮度增强。X-ray transparence of lung fields are enhanced. No lung marking is found in both upper areas which edges are clear. Mark :明显的意思 两上肺可见不肺纹理区,其边界清晰。(变with clear edges/margin/border) No marked effusion is seen in the joint capsule.关节囊吴明显积液 edge指物体两平面交接处的边缘或边线 margin指书页的空白边缘,也可指物体的边缘。,The mediastinum and heart shadow are normal.Bilateral diaphragms are smooth. The ribs and clavicles are normal too.肋骨、锁骨未见异常(肯定与否定交换) Mediastinum (mi:dstanm ):纵膈 diaphragmdafrm : 隔膜 hemi+diaphragm : 偏侧膈,半隔 Hemi: pref.表示“半;偏侧;单侧 例:The left hemidiaphragm is blurred.左膈面不清楚,Conclusion/Impression,Lobar (lb) pneumonia of the right upper lobe. 右上叶大叶性肺炎 Pneumonia of the right middle lobe 右中叶肺炎 Pneumonia of the left lower lobe 左下叶肺炎 Lobular(lbjul ) pneumonia? Pneumonia of + 部位,Reports on MRI and CT Protrusion of intervertebral disk 椎间盘突出,thorcic:rsk sacrumsekrm骶骨 Coccyxkksks尾骨,Normal appearance of C-spine MRI,MRI findings:The cervical alignmentlanmnt is normal(主系表).The physiological curvaturek:vt(r) exists(主谓).颈椎序列正常,生理曲度存在。 No abnormality is seen at the craniocervical junction. 颅颈交界处无异常。 The bone marrow signals and the cervical vertebral body are normal in appearance.主语+be +normal in appearance (正常)颈椎椎体外观及骨髓信号正常 A fusiformfju:zf:m abnormal signal is seen in the left frontal region under the internal laminalmn with a well-defined edge.(=with clear edges/margin/border) 左侧额部颅骨内板下可见一梭形异常信号影,边界清楚。 They appeared as isointense asntens mixed signals on T1WI and low on T2WI. T1WI呈等高混杂信号,T2WI呈低信号。 isointense asntens: 同强度,Stricture, stenosis, narrow,There is no stricture strkt(r) in the intervertebral spaces. There be + 名词+ 介宾短语 Stricture:医狭窄= stenosis: narrow 多用动词 the left lateral recess narrows (主谓) If stricture develops, bouginage will be needed. 若狭窄发生, 则需用探条扩张术. Objective To review our experience with the treatment of urethral stricture. 目的提高外伤性后尿道狭窄的治疗效果.,Bulge ,herniation,Protrusion,Prolapse,No significant bulge or herniation is found at all cervical disc levels .诸椎间盘未见膨出或突出No abnormal signals are seen in the vertebral canal.椎管内未见异常信号影 The paravertebral soft tissues are normal.椎旁软组织无异常。 Bulge: n.膨胀;暴增 v.膨胀;充满 延伸为 bulging disc 椎间盘膨出 herniation : 疝出, 突 herniated disc =protrusion Disc Protrusion Prolapse v.(器官)下垂;脱垂n.医下垂;脱垂 prolapsed disk 椎间盘突出症 Slipped:adj.打滑的 ,动词slip的过去式和过去分词. Slipped disk 椎间盘突出,Plain scan of lumbar vertebra CT was performed. 腰椎平扫 Plain scan of lumbar vertebra CT reveals that腰椎平扫显示(主谓) Be displa
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