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Unit 2,Extract 1,1. Children-whether conceived among New Guinea tribespeople, the Renaissance Florentines, or the middle classes of Manhattan-are born without culture. 不管孩子在哪里孕育,在新几内亚的部落居民中也好,在文艺复兴时期的佛罗伦撒人中也好,在曼哈顿的中产阶级中也好,都不是生来就懂得文化的. 要点(1)词义选择;(2)否定转移。,2. the quantity of knowledge to be passed on from one generation to the next becomes more than any person can know; 人们代代相传的知识的数量变得无人可以全部掌握. 要点:正说反译,3. In short, there develop philosophies and theories of education. 简而言之,教育哲学和理论就这样产生了. 要点:倒装句的理解与翻译。,4. Depending upon the specific needs of individual nations or cultures, or upon the historical and cultural constraints on an educational thinker, the range of objectives deemed essential for education varies. 根据各个民族或各种文化的具体需要,或根据教育思想家所受的历史和文化的束缚,人们认为教育所必须的目标的种类也会有所变化。 要点(1)加词;(2)句子结构的划分。,5. While this stance is important in avoiding bias and subjectivity, it does not release one from assuming a critical position when attempting to make sense of education in a specific setting. Release one from doing Make it unnecessary for sb to do 虽然这一态度对于避免偏见和主观性是很重要的,但是当人们在一个特定的情境下感受教育时仍然需要采取一种批判性的态度. 要点(1)词义选择;(2)否定的翻译.,Extract 2,1. Believing that human beings are essentially rational, Aristotle thought people could discover natural laws that governed the universe and then follow these laws in their lives. 亚里士多德相信人类的本质是理性的,所以他认为人们能够发现支配宇宙的自然法则并且在生活中遵循这些法则 要点(1)词性转换;(2)加词;(3)词义选择。,2. He also concluded that educated people who used reason to make decisions would lead a life of moderation in which they avoided dangerous extremes. 他得出结论:受过教育的人们运用理性进行决策,因而他们的生活是有节制的,这样他们就能避免走极端 要点:根据词性判断词义。,Exercise III,Beginning at a date difficult to fix precisely, Athens, in contrast to Sparta, became the first to renounce education oriented toward the future duties of the soldier. 不知始于何时,雅典人最先放弃培养职业军人的教育这一点与斯巴达人不同,The Athenian citizen, of course, was always obliged, when necessary and capable, to fight for the fatherland, but the civil aspect of life and culture was predominant: armed combat was only a sport. 当然,必要时及有能力时,雅典公民必须担负起卫国守土之责,但他们生活及文化中居主要地位的是民生问题,而军事斗争仅仅是一种运动。,The evolution of Athenian education reflected that of the city itself, which was moving toward increasing democratization 雅典教育的演化也反映出雅典城市的演化。雅典在逐步走向民主化。,-though it should be noted that the slave and the resident alien always remained excluded from the body politic. The Athenian democracy, even in its most complete form, attained in the 4th century BC, was to remain always the way of life of a minorityabout one tenth, it is estimated, of the total population. 但是必须指出的是,雅典民主即使是在公元前四世纪的鼎盛时期,也仅仅是少数人的生活方式。据估计,只有大约十分之一的人享有民主,而奴隶及外来人口则被排除在主体政治之外。,Athenian culture continued to be oriented toward the noble life, that of the Homeric knight, minus the warrior aspect, and this orientation determined the practice of elegant sports. 撇开军事色彩不谈,雅典文化继续面向贵族生活,面向荷马风格的武士生活。这种取向导致了高雅运动的产生。,Some of these, such as horsemanship and hunting, always remained more or less the privilege of aristocratic and wealthy elite; 有些运动,比如马术和狩猎,在一定程度上一直是贵族阶层和富有的精英阶层的特权。,the various branches of athletics , however, originally reserved for the sons of the great families, became more and more widely practiced. 但是,一些起初仅为豪门子弟独享的运动项目后来变得越来越大众化。,不知始于何时,雅典人最先放弃培养职业军人的教育这一点与斯巴达人不同当然,必要时及有能力时雅典人必须承担卫国守土之责,但他们生活及文化中居主要地位的是民生问题,而军事斗争仅仅是一种运动。雅典教育的演化也反映出雅典城市的演化。雅典在逐步走向民主化。但是必须指出的是,雅典民主即使是在公元前四世纪的鼎盛时期,也仅仅是少数人的生活方式。据估计,只有大约十分之一的人享有民主,而奴隶及外来人口则被排除在主体政治之外。撇开军事色彩不谈,雅典文化继续面向贵族生活,面向荷马风格的武士生活。这种取向导致了高雅运动的产生。有些运动,比如马术和狩猎,在一定程度上一直是贵族阶层和富有的精英阶层的特权。但是,一些起初仅为豪门子弟独享的运动项目后来变得越来越大众化。,Extract 3,1. the “bamboo books” then recorded to be in existence were of limited use at best. 根据记载当时所存在的“竹简”充其量只得到了有限的使用。 要点:句子结构的划分。,2. Thus appeared one of the most creative periods in Chinas intellectual history, when a Hundred Schools of thought vied with one another to expound their views and proposals for attaining a happy social and political order. Vie with one another to do sth = compete with each other to do sth 于是中国思想史上一个最富有创造性的阶段出现了当时,百家争鸣,竞相宣讲各自实现大同社会的见解和主张 要点(1)倒装句的翻译;(2)与历时文化背景相关的内容的翻译在措词上要保持历史原貌。,3. Another form of educational activity was the practice of the contending feudal states of luring to their domain a large number of scholars, partly to serve as a source ideas for enhancing the prosperity of the state and partly to gain an aura of intellectual respectability in a land where the respect for scholars had already become an established tradition. 另一种形式的教育活动是各个相互竞争的封建国家竞相延请大量的学者到他们的地盘上各国这么做,一方面是为了使学者们为他们富国强民充当智囊,另一方面也是为了在这样一片尊重士人已经蔚然成风的土地上获取礼贤下士的名声 要点(1)句子成分分析;(2)断句;(3)加词。,4. Its scholars propounded theories of government and of social and individual life that were as influential in China and East Asia as the Greek philosophers of almost contemporary age were in the Western world. 东周时代的学者们提出了治国理论、社会生活理论和个人生活理论这些理论在中国和东亚的影响可以与几乎同时代的希腊哲学家们在西方世界的影响相提并论 要点(1)断句;(2)词性转换。,5. To stop the criticism, the ruler, who called himself the first emperor, acting upon the advice of a legalist minister, decreed a clean br
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