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Chinese cuisine is any of several styles originating in the regions of China, some of which have become highly popular in other parts of the world from Asia to the Americas, Australia, Western Europe and Africa. Traditional Chinese food includes Anhui, Cantonese, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Szechuan, and Zhejiang cuisines.,Page 1,I. Introduction to Chinese Cuisine,old royal recipe,Page 2,Sweet and Sour Carp,Stir-fried Prawns,Page 3,Kung Pao Chicken,Sauteed Pork with Peppers,Chongqing Spicy Deep-fried Chicken,Page 4,Mandarin Fish in the Shape of a Squirrel,Page 5,West Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy,Dongpo Pork,Page 6,Page 7,Page 8,FotiaoqiangSteamed Abalone with Sharks Pork Stuffing,Page 9,Colorful Fish Fillet,Steamed Frog with Mushroom,II. Characteristics of Chinese Dishes,Color Flavor/ Fragrance/ Aroma Taste Shape/ Form Implication Varieties,Page 10,III. Translation of Different Types of Chinese Cuisine,Page 11,写实式菜名,缩略式(数字式):这类菜名一般包括菜肴的几种主要原料。 八宝菠菜: Spinach with Eight Delicacies (fresh almond, walnut, kernel, sesame, mushroom, carrot, winter bamboo shoots, needle mushroom and egg) 拌三鲜: Three Delicacies (sea slug, lobster and chicken breast) 炒四季: Fried “Four Seasons” (chicken, jumbo shrimps, roast pork and broccoli) 糟溜三白: Sauted Three White Slices (Chicken, Fish and Bamboo Shoots) with Rice Wine Sauce,Page 12,写实式菜名,以烹调方法命名 中式菜肴的烹调方法可谓是多种多样,至少应有50种。我们列举一些平时常见的烹饪方法: 炒:stir-frying 煎:pan-frying 爆:quick-frying 炸:deep-frying 烧:braising 煮:boiling 蒸:steaming 煲、炖、煨、焖、卤:simmering/ stewing 熏:smoking,Page 13,炒肉丝: Stir-fried Shredded Pork 清蒸鱼: Steamed Fish 红烧肉: Braised Pork with Soy Sauce 烤乳猪: Roasted Suckling Pig 红烧狮子头: Braised Pork Balls 油焖大虾: Braised Prawns,Page 14,火爆腰花: Sauted Pigs Kidney 炸臭豆腐: Fried Strong-smelling Fermented Bean Curd 清炖甲鱼汤: Stewed Turtle in Broth 剁椒鱼头: Steamed Fish Head with Diced Hot Red Peppers 熏鸡: Smoked Chicken 辣酒煮花蟹: Boiled Crab with Chili in Liquor,Page 15,写实式菜名,以口味命名 糖醋排骨: Sour and Sweet Pork Steak或Sweet & Sour Spareribs 怪味鸡丝: Special Flavored Shredded Chicken 咸鸭蛋: Salted Duck Egg 凉拌苦瓜: Bitter Melon in Sauce,Page 16,盐烤荷叶鸭: Salt-Baked Duck in Lotus Leaf 香辣蟹: Sauted Crab in Hot Spicy Sauce 咕噜肉: Sweet and Sour Pork with Fat 水煮鱼: Spicy Fish; Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil,Page 17,以人名或地名命名,中式菜单中有很多是以人名或地名命名的,这多是为了纪念菜肴的发明者或是相关人物,又或是为了突出该菜的地方特色,如“东坡肉”、“宫保鸡丁”、“沛公狗肉”、“北京烤鸭”、“四川腊肠”、“广东香肠”等。对于此类菜单的翻译,可以分两种情况进行:,Page 18,以人名命名 东坡肉:Stewed Pork Initiated by the Famous Poet Su Dongpo in Song Dynasty. 更详尽的版本为:Dongpo Pork, invented by Su Dongpo, a famous man of letters in the Song Dynasty. When he was an official in Huangzhou, he once mobilized the local people to dredge the lake, and he served pork in Shaoxing rice wine with special flavor instead of water to reward them. The pork dish was praised as Dongpos number one dish. Here comes the dish name.,Page 19,以人名或地名命名,宫保鸡丁:Kung Pao Chicken (spicy diced chicken invented by officer Kung Pao in Qing Dynasty). It is named after Ding Baozhen, a constable and princes tutor in Qing Dynasty. People called him Ding Gongbao, who favored spicy food and made this dish on the basis of paste diced chicken accidentally.,Page 20,沛公狗肉:Duke Pei Dog Meat, invented by the first emperor of Han Dynasty. It is a popular dish in northern Jiangsu Province. The founding emperor of Han Dynasty Liu Bang had been awarded the title, Duke in Pei, which is today called Peixian County. He liked to eat dog meat, hence comes the dish.,Page 21,狗不理(Go Believe or Goubuli Stuffed Bun): Goubuli is a famous brand of baozi from Tianjin, China. Founded in 1858, it is one of Chinas longest established brands. Several explanations have been offered for its unusual name; perhaps the most common is that it comes from a childhood nickname of the founder, Gao Gui You, given to protect him from bad luck. Another spinoff of the story says that Gao, after the wild success of his baozi business, had less and less time to converse with his patrons, which led to a joke amongst the patrons that Gao does not care about them, hence the name “Dogs Dont Care“. According to tradition, the Empress Dowager Cixi was brought some Goubuli baozi by Yuan Shikai, who returned from Tianjin, and she pronounced them delicious, instantly adding to their fame.,Page 22,以地名命名 北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck 四川腊肉:Sichuan Smoked Pork 广东香肠:Guangdong Sausage 南京板鸭:Steamed Nanjing Duck 金华火腿:Jinhua Ham 潮州卤水鹅:Chaozhou Style Braised Goose,Page 23,以人名或地名命名,以文学意象命名,佛跳墙:FotiaoqiangSteamed Abalone with Sharks Fin and Fish Maw in Broth (Lured by its delicious aroma even the Buddha jumped over the wall to eat this dish.) 霜叶红花(引自“霜叶红于二月花”):Leaves After Early Frost Are as Crimson as Spring Flowers (Shrimp with Ketchup, Named after a Famous Poem in Tang Dynasty). 黄鹂鸣翠柳(引自“两个黄鹂鸣翠柳”):Among the Green Willows a Pair of Orioles Troll (Steamed Lobsters with Celery, Named after a Well-known Poem in Tang Dynasty).,Page 24,菜名的文化可译性(translatability),中国菜名中的语言与文化是造成翻译障碍的
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