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The Respiratory System,呼吸系,第一节 概述 一、组成 Composition: 1、呼吸道 Respiratory tract 鼻 Nose 咽 Pharynx 喉 Larynx 气管 Trachea 主支气管 Bronchi 2、肺 Lungs,上呼吸道 upper respiratory tract,下呼吸道,二、 主要功能 Function: supply the body with oxygen and to get rid of excess carbon dioxide resulting from cell metabolism,第二节 肺外呼吸道 一、 鼻 Nose (一) 外鼻External nose: 鼻根Root of nose 鼻背Back of nose 鼻尖Apex of nose 鼻翼Alae of nasi,(二) 鼻腔Nasal cavity divided into two halves by nasal septum 1、分部 Two parts: 鼻阈Divided by limen nasi 鼻前庭Nasal vestibule 固有鼻腔Proper nasal cavity 2、鼻粘膜Mucous membrane 嗅区Olfactory region 呼吸区Respiratory region 3、鼻旁窦 paranasal sinuses,The paranasal sinuses and their site of drainage into the nose,三、 喉 The Larynx (一) 喉的位置Position situated in the anterior part of the neck, and extends from vertebral level of C4 to C6,(二) 喉的结构 1. 喉的软骨Laryngeal cartilages 甲状软骨Thyroid cartilage 喉结Laryngeal prominence 上角和下角superior cornua 环状软骨Cricoid cartilage 环状软骨弓Arch of cricoid cartilage 环状软骨板Larnina of cricoid 杓状软骨Arytenoid 声带突 Vocal process 肌突 Muscular process 会厌软骨Epiglottic cartilage,2.喉的连结 喉的关节Laryngeal joints 环甲关节 cricothyroid joint 环杓关节 cricoarytenoid joint 喉的韧带Laryngeal ligaments 甲状舌骨膜 Thyrohyroid membrane 弹性圆锥Conus elasticus 环甲正中韧带 Median cricothyroid ligment may be site of circothyrotomy during acute respiratory obstruction 声韧带vocal ligament 方形膜 Quadrangular membrane,3.喉肌Muscles of larynx,杓斜肌oblique arytenoid 杓横肌transverse arytenoid,环甲肌cricothyroid 甲杓肌thyroarytenoid 环杓后肌posterior cricoarytenoid 环杓肌 cricoarytenoid,作用: 声门裂开大与缩小 声带紧张与松驰 喉口的开大与关闭,4.喉腔 Laryngeal cavity 结构特征Structure features (1)两对皱襞Two pairs of shelf like folds : 前庭襞Vestibular folds 声襞Vocal folds (2)两个裂 隙Two fissures 前庭裂Rima vestibulithe 声门裂Fissure of glottis 膜间部 Intermembranous part 软骨间部 Intercartilagrnous part,(3)喉腔分三部 Three parts 喉前庭Laryngeal vestibule Extends from the aperture of larynx to the rima vestibuli 喉中间腔 Intermedial cavity of larynx:Extends from the level of the rima vestibuli to the level of the fissure of glottis 喉室 Ventricle of larynx : a small recess between vestibular and vocal folds on each side 声门下腔Infraglottic cavity extends from the level of the vocal folds to the lower border of the cricoid cartilage,四、The Trachea 气管,位置Position: extends from the lower border of cricoid cartilage to the level of sternal angle (between T4T5 vertebrae) where it divides into right and left principal bronchi 结构特征Structure features Consists of about 1620 C-shaped incomplete tracheal cartilages for patency connected by smooth muscle and connective Carina of trachea 气管隆嵴 ridge of cartilage at bifurcation into principal bronchi,Bronchi 支气管,右主支气管Right principal bronchus Shorter, wider, and more vertical than the left , is about 2.5cm long, Leaves the extend line of the middle line of trachea at 2225o angle Foreign bodies are therefore more likely to lodge in this bronchus or one of its branches 左主支气管Left principal bronchus Narrower, longer, and more horizontal than the right is about 5cm long, leaves the extend line of the middle line o trachea at about 3536o angle,第三节 肺 The Lungs 一、肺的位置 Position: located in the thoracic cavity by both sides of mediastinum,二、肺的形态和结构 General features 一尖Apex of lung 一底Base 两面: 内侧面:肺门Hilum 肺根Root of lung 外侧面Costal surface 三缘Borders 后缘Posteriorblunt 下缘Inferior sharp 前缘Anteriorsharp cardiac notch心切迹 lingual in left lung左肺小舌,肺裂Fissure: 斜裂oblique 水平裂horizontal 肺分叶lobes: 左肺: 左肺上叶 左肺下叶 右肺: 右肺上叶 右肺中叶 右肺下叶,三、肺内支气管和支气管肺段 主支气管principal bronchus 叶支气管lobar bronchi 段支气管segmental bronchi 2. 支气管肺段Bronchopulmonary segments 每一肺段支气管及其所属肺组织为一个肺段。,1. 支气管树Bronchial tree,第四节 胸膜和纵隔 一、胸膜 (一) 胸膜的概念 为一层薄面光滑的浆膜分为脏胸膜Visceral pleura和壁胸膜Parietal pleura 胸膜顶Cupula of pleura 肋胸膜Costal pleura 纵隔胸膜Mediastinal 胸膜膈Diaphragmatic lines the thoracic cavity 脏胸膜 Visceral pleura adheres to lung, continuous with parietal pleura at root of lung,壁胸膜 Parietal,Two pleural layers continue with each other at root of lung forming closed potential spacepleural cavity 胸膜腔 Contains a small amount pleural fluid Subatmospheric pressure in it,胸膜腔 pleural cavity,(二) 壁胸膜的分部 胸膜顶Cupula of pleura 肋胸膜Costal pleura 纵隔胸膜Mediastinal pleura 胸膜膈Diaphragmatic pleura 肋膈隐窝 Costodiaphragmatic recesse: the slit-like intervals between costal and diaphragmatic pleurae on each side, the lowest point of pleural cavity,(三)胸膜和肺的体表投影 The surface projection of lower border of lung and pleurae,纵隔Mediastinum 1.概念 位于胸腔内两肺之间,是分隔左、右胸膜腔的间隔,呈矢状位,上窄下宽。 上纵隔 2.分区 下纵隔,前纵隔 中纵隔 后纵隔,一、名词 1、纵隔 2、胸膜、胸膜腔 3、肺裂 5、肋膈隐窝 6、喉室 7、声带 8、声门裂 9、喉肌 10、环状软骨 11、嗅区 12、鼻前庭 13、肺门 14、肺根 15、系膜 二、填空题 1、男性腹膜腔的最低点是 _;女性腹膜腔的最低点是_。 2、肺外呼吸道包括、和。 3、固有鼻腔的粘膜可分为和 两部分。 4、成人喉的上界约平之间,下界平下缘。 5、喉软骨是喉的支架,主要包括、和 等。 6、喉肌的主要功能是通过作用于关节和 关节,调节 _、_以及_等。 7、喉腔借_和_分为三部分,即_、_和_。 8、支管上端平_高度起自_,向下到的平面分为_。,9、左肺由分为和两叶。右肺则由分为 、和三叶。 10、胸膜可分为和两部分,两者在处相互移行,在左右肺周围各形成一个完全封闭的潜在性间隙,称_。 11、壁胸膜依其所在的部位可分为四部分:即_、_、 和_。 1
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