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哇魔力:2016年考研英语(一、二)小作文万能高分通用模板(最新第28版)(北大版)(100%原创) 联系Email:1908737820qq.com,QQ:1908737820加微信公众号:kaoyanx,进入考研抢分超级军火库 盗版均会有数据随机性丢失或出错的严重问题(正版官方网址:www.kaoyanx.com)哇魔力版权所有,传播或盗版必追究法律责任 2016考研抢分军火库,加微信公众号:kaoyanx 最新第28版2016年考研政治多选题满分0.5小时速成大魔秘淘宝店:shop102946925.taobao.com 哇魔力:2016年考研英语(一、二)大作文万能高分模板(北大版)(第28版)详见:www.kaoyanx.com只需填写一句话和一个词 通用模版 模板 注:红色字体是需要填写的内容 Dear (), (Im a senior from department of computer science.) Its my great pleasure to write to you to present my sincere guilt(抱歉)/heartfelt appreciation(感谢)/consultation(咨询)/grumbles(抱怨)/invitation(邀请) /proposal(建议)/nomination (that 具体事件). There are several factors/features/reasons/characteristics according for/illustrating/elaborating my apology/gratitude/contents/complaint/request/recommendation/proposal in the following part. 说明:第句视具体情况选择,详见后面的真题示例。第句是过渡句。 The most critical reason leading to this letter (letter也可以用后面这些词替换: apology/gratitude/contents/complaint/request/recommendation/proposal) is that (内容1). Moreover(用于 正面表述,比如感谢、邀请)/Worse still(用于负面表述,比如抱怨、投诉), (内容2) also plays a crucial role. Last but not the least, (内容3). 说明:第句中的moreover和worse still可根据信的性质进行转换,详见后面的真题示例。 My highly appreciation goes for your precious time from your busy schedule spent on this letter. Your favorable response (and contributions) at your earliest convenience would be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Li Ming / Zhang Wei 哇魔力:2016年考研英语(一、二)小作文万能高分通用模板(最新第28版)(北大版)(100%原创) 联系Email:1908737820qq.com,QQ:1908737820加微信公众号:kaoyanx,进入考研抢分超级军火库 盗版均会有数据随机性丢失或出错的严重问题(正版官方网址:www.kaoyanx.com)哇魔力版权所有,传播或盗版必追究法律责任 2016考研抢分军火库,加微信公众号:kaoyanx 最新第28版2016年考研政治多选题满分0.5小时速成大魔秘淘宝店:shop102946925.taobao.com 哇魔力:2016年考研英语(一、二)大作文万能高分模板(北大版)(第28版)详见:www.kaoyanx.com只需填写一句话和一个词 第二部分,真题套用实战示例 第一,感谢信(2010年考研英语二,感谢美国同事的热情接待) Dear Mr. Whitman, Its my great pleasure to write to you to present my heartfelt appreciation for your hospitality. There are several reasons accounting for my gratitude in the following part. The most critical reason leading to this gratitude is that youve been so occupied with your business, while, you still provide me warm reception. Moreover, you treat me friendly from the beginning to the end and help me a lot. Last but not the least, I wish one day I could thank you in person and offer you a comfortable reception. My highly appreciation goes for your precious time from your busy schedule spent on this letter. Your favorable response at your earliest convenience would be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Li Ming / Zhang Wei 第二,建议信(2014年考研英语一,给校长提建议) Dear Mr. President, Im a senior from department of computer science. Its my great pleasure to write to you to present my sincere recommendation that much attention should be paid to students physical conditions. There are several reasons elaborating my recommendation in the following part. The most critical reason leading to this recommendation is that most students are burdened with too much pressure due to study and its been easier for them to ignore the significance of physical conditions. Worse still, exhaustion from study but lack of adequate exercises may reduce the learning efficiency, leading to disappointing consequence. Last but not the least, it would be much better if there are more opportunities being provided by school to encourage students to get access to more exercises to improve physical conditions. My highly appreciation goes for your precious time from your busy schedule spent on this letter. Your favorable response at your earliest convenience would be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Li Ming / Zhang Wei 哇魔力:2016年考研英语(一、二)小作文万能高分通用模板(最新第28版)(北大版)(100%原创) 联系Email:1908737820qq.com,QQ:1908737820加微信公众号:kaoyanx,进入考研抢分超级军火库 盗版均会有数据随机性丢失或出错的严重问题(正版官方网址:www.kaoyanx.com)哇魔力版权所有,传播或盗版必追究法律责任 2016考研抢分军火库,加微信公众号:kaoyanx 最新第28版2016年考研政治多选题满分0.5小时速成大魔秘淘宝店:shop102946925.taobao.com 哇魔力:2016年考研英语(一、二)大作文万能高分模板(北大版)(第28版)详见:www.kaoyanx.com只需填写一句话和一个词 第三,推荐信(2011年考研英语一,给好友推荐电影) Dear Bob, Its my great pleasure to write to you to present my sincere recommendation of one of my favorite movies “Pride and Prejudice”. There are several reasons accounting for my great recommendation in the following part. The most critical reason leading to this recommendation is that the moral of this movie is profound and far-reaching, which enlightens us of significant meanings of life. Moreover, the hero and the heroine are starred by world famous actors. Last but not the least, its a golden chance for you to practice English while entertaining yourself, which is really a win-win strategy. My highly appreciation goes for your precious time from your busy schedule spent on this movie. Your favorable opinions of this movie at your earliest convenience would be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Li Ming / Zhang Wei 第四,投诉信(2012年考研英语二,投诉电子词典存在的问题) To whom it may concern, Im a senior from department of computer science. Its my great pleasure to write
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