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1,Focus2 content,Dialogue: future career planning,Pair work: talking about a future career,Text: Youll get exactly what you expect,Working with words,Research project,Listening-based writing,Highlights,Table of Contents,Part 2 Language in Use,上海交通大学出版社,2,focus2highlights,Highlights R&L: Dialogue: future career planning S: Talking about a future career Language for talking about a future career R: Youll get exactly what you expect Research project: Searching the Internet for an analysis of shyness and tips on how to overcome it L&W: Summarizing two letters Language for talking about problems at work,Part 2 Language in Use,上海交通大学出版社,3,focus2dialogue,1. Dialogue: future career planning,上海交通大学出版社,Upon graduation, seniors in colleges or universities begin to look for jobs, and many want ads appear on the bulletin board on campus. Mary, a junior, meets her classmate Brand in front of the board and they have a conversation. Now listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. Then read it aloud.,Mary: Have you thought about what you want to do after you graduate, Brand? Brand: Oh, yeah. As a matter of fact, I began to (1) for the future as early as the first year of college. Im aware that high hopes of comfortable jobs and (2) immediately after graduation can turn into a disappointing reality. Mary: You know, Ive heard therere some really good jobs in the government.,map out my blueprint,high-paying salaries,4,focus2dialogue,上海交通大学出版社,Brand: Yeah, but Id rather not work for the government. You see, those jobs seem so boring and the salaries are low. Mary: Well, what about something like sales work? You could be (3) . Brand: Well, yeah, Ive thought of that and I really like the idea. I bet I could meet lots of different people and do some traveling and maybe get out of the office. Mary: Yeah, sounds like its right up your alley! I wonder how much money you can make in sales, though. Do you have any idea what (4) _ are like? Brand: Mmm, I dont know But, actually, I think Id rather be (5) Mary: Really? Brand: so that Id get paid according to how successful I am. I could make much more money that way. I think Id prefer that to getting a salary. Mary: Well, I think youll have a great future in sales.,independent and creative,starting salaries,on commission,1. Dialogue: future career planning,5,Brand: Hows your (6) ? Mary: I havent decided. I plan to seek out either a (7) or a business professional in order to (8) what methods of career planning will work best for me. But what Im certain of is that Im going to find a job in my hometown. Brand: Really? Mary: Ive been in Shanghai for my studies for three years. Im (9) . Although the people are friendly, I miss my family, my friends, and the lifestyle in my hometown. Brand: Oh, but in Shanghai youll get much more opportunities than in your hometown. Mary: My hometown is not (10) , but its beautiful. In fact, theres no place like my hometown. I feel much more comfortable there.,focus2dialogue,上海交通大学出版社,career planning,guidance counselor,gain insights into,homesick all the time,very modern,1. Dialogue: future career planning,6,focus2 dialogue,Notes to the Dialogue,1. As a matter of fact, I began to map out my blueprint for the future as early as the first year of college. 实际上,早在读大一的时候我就开始规划自己的未来蓝图了。 map out: 制定(计划),拟定;安排,组织 e.g. We must map out our program step by step. Id like to map out the whole week in advance. blueprint: n. 1) C行动方案;计划蓝图 e.g. Your ambitious blueprint should be based on reality. 2) C (建筑、机器等的)蓝图 e.g. A top craftsman can draw a blueprint without using the compasses or rulers. 2. Do you have any idea what starting salaries are like? 你知道底薪一般是多少吗? starting salary: 起薪 e.g. What starting salary do you expect?,上海交通大学出版社,1. Dialogue: future career planning,7,focus2 dialogue,3. But, actually, I think Id rather be on commission 不过,事实上,我希望能按销售额给予提成。 commission: n. 1) U, C 佣金;回扣 e.g. You get 10% commission on everything you sell. 2) C (通常为政府管控或调查某事的)委员会 e.g. The Federal Trade Commission investigates false advertising. vt. 正式委托 e.g. They commissioned an architect to design the new library. 4. I plan to seek out either a guidance counselor or a business professional in order to gain insights into what methods of career planning will work best for me. 我打算物色一名顾问或商业方面的专业人士来帮助我深入了解哪些职业规划的方法最适合我。 counselor: n. C 顾问 e.g. She is a marriage guidance counselor. gain an insight / insights into: 了解,熟悉;洞悉,看透 e.g. A good leader is able to gain insights into the nature of things.,上海交通大学出版社,1. Dialogue: future career planning,8,Focus2 pairwork,上海交通大学出版社,Learning,Suppose you met one of your friends on campus and talked about job hunting, what would you say about your future career? Please discuss it with your partner and make up a dialogue.,2. Pair work: talking about a future career,9,Focus2 pai
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