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此卷只装订不密封班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号 2018-2019学年江苏省南京市鼓楼区高一上学期期中考试英 语注意事项:1答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。2选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。3非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。4考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。第I卷(选择题)一、单项选择1The house which I grew up in has been taken down and replaced by an office building _ wall is yellow.A of which B whereC whose D on which2If you would like to make a_ to our charity, please contact us either by phone or e-mail.A devotion B donationC selection D graduation3As an extraordinary year comes to an end, the TIME magazine is inviting readers to help the person who has most influenced the world.A defend B respectC inform D select4As a(n) _ student, his duty includes taking responsibility for his personal behavior.A regular B usualC normal D average5She spoke_ her son, saying that he was still a child who sometimes would do wrong things.A in memory of B in defense ofC in search of D in need of6By serving others, a person focuses on someone else other than himself or herself _ can be very eye-opening and rewarding.A who B whichC what D that7-Is your Uncle Tom a soldier?-No, but he once _ in the army for 4 years.A served B is servingC has served D was serving8What is worth doing deserves_ with great efforts.A to be doing B to doC to be done D done9People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you_ which one it is, you will know what to do for each person.A give out B leave outC turn out D figure out10The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point_ he can walk.A that B whyC which D where11The teacher along with the students_ discussing the Reading Skills that was newly published in America in the classroom now.A are B wereC is D was12When Peoples Bank of China announced that we should stop the use of bitcoin(比特币),there was fear among those who had had their Chinese Yuan _ for bitcoin.A misunderstood B desiredC mistaken D traded13Healthy eating along with regular exercise is probably the only way_ can help you become fit.A which B thatC in which D by which14-He is unlike his father who drinks a lot, _?-Yes. He never drinks.A is he B doesnt heC does he D isnt he15-Honey, I have to say I cant go to the party tonight. Im tired out.-_. Have some fun!A Dont pull my leg. B Dont be a wet blanket.C Dont be a black sheep. D Dont give me the cold shoulder.二、完形填空It was the start of another summer session at the university. I was enrolled to(报名) a psychology class. It was extremely difficult to get into, _16_ the class was very popular. Lots of students were put on a_17_ list but I was lucky and succeeded on my first_18_.I had enrolled in this class not only because of the subject matter but also because of the professor. I had heard_19_ things about her. She had published many books which had been translated into many languages. It would be a(n) _20_ to learn from her. And I had a(n) _21_.Today was the first day of class. The professor entered the_22_ lecture hall and made her way to the front. She faces us, quieted us and_23_ around. Could she see me? She was my mother.It was_24_ seeing my mother giving a lecture_25_, we had just had breakfast together that morning and talked about the usual mother/daughter things. Could I get past the_26_ that the professor was my mother and_27_ learn something?My mother first gave an overview of what we could_28_ in the following eight weeks. Then she started the lecture. I listened and took notes and somewhere_29_ the way my mother turned into a professor. She was so good a professor that I got completely_30_ in the subject matter and forgot that my mother was the person lecturing.That summer school session passed quickly. Did the other students in the class ever learn my secret? Well, yes they did. Did I_31_ it? No. But_32_ else did. On the last day of the session, the professor asked me to stand. She_33_ me, telling that the class that she was very proud of me.My mother, who had so many important_34_ in her life, was telling her students that the thing she was proudest of was me! Over the years I heard her lecture many times but I have_35_ been prouder to her daughter that I was that day when she introduced me to the class.16A though B as C while D yet17A writing B reading C mailing D waiting18A try B class C experience D taste1
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