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五年级英语上册第四模块第二课时教学设计Teaching aims:语言知识:名词性的物主代词:mine/ yours /his/hers/ours/theirs/TomsWhose bag is this ? Is it Linglings bag?语言运用能力:Listen: Part 1,3 and 4Speak: Part1,2 and 5Read:Part 1 and 3Write:some wordsand sentences情感培养: 让责任成为我们的习惯Teaching ways:创设情景和相互提问教学法Important and difficult sentences:1.Whose bag is this?2.Is this Sams T-shirt?3.Its Linglings bag.诊断性评价:按要求写出相应的人称代词1.I(宾格)_2.she(名词性物主代词)_ 3.we(形容词性物主代词)_4.you(单数)_5.them(名词性物主代词)_6his(主格)_7.us(名词性物主代词)_8.I(复数)_ 9.he(形容性物主代词)_10.her(主格)_教学过程:Step1: WarmerOn the board, write thefollowing dialogue:A:Whose book isthis?B: Its .s book.Pick up a book. Ask and answerthe question by yourself so the students understand.Now pick up another book. Ask thequestion and have the class answer. Do a lot of examples.Vary the objects by usingpens,pencils,rulers or rubbers.Step2: listen ,point and say.Make up some riddles (if you have enough time, youmay want to get the students to make them up in groups).Have the class guess what you aredescribing and then who it belongs to.Example: Riddle . Its long.Its used for measuring things.What is it?Answer: Its aruler.Step3. Point,ask and answerPut the students in groups offour or five.They must each place two objectson the desk. They take turns to pick up an object and ask“Whose.is this? The rest of the group has toanswer.Step4. Listen and underline the letters that makethe sound. Then say thewords.Write thefive phonetic symbols on the board,i.e.形成性评价用所给词的适当形式填空1.This bag is_(I). It isnt _(you).2.Your_(coat) are on the line.3.I_(wash) them for you yesterday.4._(who) pencil is this?5.The pen is _(Tom).6.This is _(she) book, not_(I).7.Can I_(wear) your T-shirt?Homework:1.Remember the words of Module 42.Do Activity Book
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