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There is no end to learning. 学无止境!课 题 Lesson 101 A card from Jimmy教学目标1.扩大词汇量2.提高阅读,词汇运用能力教学重点、难点直接引语和间接引语2 Part 1 单词:card n. 明信片postcard 明信片 credit card 信用卡 ID card 身份证youth1)n.青年人,年轻人(单复数同形)The youth of the nation is polite .该国的青年人都有礼貌2)青年(少年)时期,青春时期He spent his youth in the U.S.A 他少年时代在美国度过soon adv.1)不久He will be back soon. 他不久就会回来。The show began soon after dinner.表演在晚餐之后很快就开始了。write (wrote,written) v. 写write in English 用英文写词转:writer 作家Practice:单词拼写:根据所给中文意思补全下列单词1) c _ _ d 卡片2) s _ _ n 不久3) w _ _ t _ 写4) y _ _ th 青年5) h _ s t _ l 招待所6) h _ p _ 希望7) _ s s_ c _ a _ _ _ _协会8) l _ tt _ r 信 Part 2 课文解析Read Jimmys card to me please, Penny.1.read sth to sb 把读给听 -Read the newspaper to me. 读这份报纸给我听。2.Jimmys card-Jimmy 的明信片-Jimmys 名词所有格I have just arrived in Scotland and Im staying at a Youth Hostel.1.这是一个直接引语的例子,是penny 直接读出她的儿子写在明信片上的话,实际讲的话要放在引号之间。 句尾的标点符号也要放在引号内。2.just 刚刚(完成时态)He has just given the key to me. 她刚刚把钥匙给我。She has just gone to the library. 他刚刚去图书馆。 just 正要,刚要 (进行时态) He was just leaving. His parents called. 他正要离开,他的父母打电话了。3.arrive in + 城市/ 国名 She arrived in Madrid yesterday. 她昨天到了马德里。 arrive at +公共场所地点名称(airport, park, the station) We arrived at the airport the minutes ago. 我们十分钟前到达机场。 They have just arrived at the hotel. 他们刚刚到这个旅馆。Im staying at a Youth Hostel.stay at a Youth Hostel 住在青年招待所注意:stay 短晢的居住,不可用live代替He says hes just arrived in Scotland. He says hes staying at a Youth Hostel. You know hes a member of the Y.H.A.他说他刚到苏格兰,他说他现在住在一家青年招待所。你知道,他是“青招协”的一个成员。He says hes just arrived in Scotland.He says hes staying at a Youth Hostel. 这两句都是间接引语,从句中的主语要变成“he”.You know后接宾语从句What else does he say?1.What else 其它什么 When else 其它什么时间 Where else 其它什么地方 Who else 其它什么人What else do you want? 你还想要其它什么东西?When else can we meet again? 其它什么时间我们再见面呢?Where else have you been? 你还去过其它什么地方?Who else can do it? 还有谁能做这件事?Ill write a letter soon. I hope you are all well. 我很快会写信的。祝你们大家身体都好。 这两句是直接引语,说话内容要放在引号中。1.soon 不久2.I hope 接宾语从句 you are all well 作I hope 的宾语,省略“that”.3.all 全部(指数量为3或3个以上的人或物)What? Speak up, Penny. Im afraid I cant hear you.1.up adv. 表示强度等由弱到强,由低到高2.speak up 大声点说He says hell write a letter soon. He hopes we are all well. love, Jimmy.此两句是间接引语,从句的人称要作相应的变化。He doesnt say very much, does he? 此句为反意疑问句,由两部分组成,前面是一个陈述句,后面是一个简略问句,中间用逗号隔开,反意疑问句可以用来确认自己的判断,还可以用来表示惊讶,愤怒等感情。如果前一部分陈述句是肯定形式,简略问句就要用否定形式;如果前一部分陈述句是否定形式,后一部分则用肯定形式,回答反意疑问句要根据实际情况而定。实际情况:He is an engineer.1.He is an engineer, isnt he? 他是一个工程师,是吗?Yes, he is.2.He isnt an engineer, is he? 他不是一个工程师,是吗?-Yes, he is.不,他是一个工程师。练习::将下列反义疑问句填写完整1. I am on duty, _?2. Your mother is a doctor, _?3. The weather here is very hot, _?4. Thats a Japanese car, _?5. Miss Gao teaches English, _?6. She doesnt like apples, _?7. Tom had supper yesterday, _?8. She had to get there early, _?9. Mary cant ride a bike, _?10. There is some milk in the glass, _?He cant write very much on a card, Mum.much prep. 指代不可数名词,这里指所写内容Part 3 语法点直接引语和间接引语 直接引语就是直接引用说话人原来所说的话;间接引语就是原话的转述。直接引语放在引号里,间接引语是把说话人的原话变成宾语从句。 间接引语中,宾语从句中的动词与主句中的引述动词在时态上必须保持一致。一般来说,主句中的引述动词用现在时态,那么间接引语中可用包括一般现在时、现在进行时和现在完成时的所有现在时态以及将来时。如: She says she has got a headache. 她说她头痛。 He says he is staying at a Youth Hostel. 他说他正住在一家青年招待所。 He says he has sold his house. 他说他已经把房子卖掉了。把直接陈述句改为间接引语时,谓语动词形式的变化体现在人称上。如: He says, I hope you are all well. 他说:“我希望你们都身体健康。” He says that he hopes we are all well. 他说他希望我们都身体健康。 The girl says, I have finished my homework. 那个姑娘说:“我已经做完了家庭作业。” The girl says that she has finished her homework. 那个姑娘说她已经完成了家庭作业。注意:如果直接引语为陈述句,变为间接引语时常用从属连词that引导(口语中可省略),引述动常常用say,tell等。同时,概据主语的要求,间接引语须在人称,时态及其它方面作相应的变化。1.She said to me,“I have left my book in your room.” She told me that she had left her book in my room.2.He said,“I will do it here.”他说,“我就在这儿干。” He said he would do it there.他说他就在那儿干。3.Mr. Black said,“Im sorry.”布莱克先生说,“对不起.”Mr. Black said he was sorry. 布莱克先生说对不起。 若引述的内容是客观事实、科学真理、现在习惯性动作以及格言等,间接此语中动词的时态不变。The teacher said that the Changjiang River is the first largest river in China. 老师说长江是中国第一大河。练习1:把下列直接引语改为间接引语形式1He says, I like summer._2She says, I am going to the party tomorrow._3They say, we can swim. _4His father says, you cant go out._
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