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1,Discourse Analysis,1: Introduction 2: Basic issues in DA 3: Texture (Hallidays Theory) 4: Texture (Beaugrande & Dresslers Theory) 5: Cohesion and coherence 6: Thematic and information structure 7: Tense and Aspect 8: Discourse structure 9: Conversation analysis 10: Discourse and context 11: DA in application,2,1: Introduction- A general understanding,When? Came into being since 1950s; as an independent discipline since 1970s. What to study? Language units larger than sentences, including both written and spoken language.,3,1: Introduction development of DA,1.Text Linguistics Text linguistics (or discourse linguistics) developed on the basis of syntax (句法学). So it is also called text grammar (篇章语法) or discourse analysis (语篇分析,话语分析).,4,1: Introduction development of DA,2. Stages (1) The Preparatory Stage (1950s): Harris (2) The Developmental Stage (or The Emergence of Discourse Analysis As A New Discipline) (1970s) : Halliday (3) The Matured Stage (1980s):G. Yule, T. Givon, S. Thompson, J. S. Petofi, W. Chafe, W. Mann, R. Longacre, etc. in America; G. Brown, Van Dijk, M. Coulthard, J. Sinclair, E. Ventola, etc. in western Europe; M. A. K. Halliday, R. Hasan, J. Martin, C, Matthiessen, etc. in Austalia; M. Bakhtin in Russia; 廖秋忠, 陈平, 胡壮麟, 沈家煊, 顾曰国, 任绍曾, 申丹,黄国文, 张德禄, 朱永生等。,5,1: Introduction definition?,1. The Common-Sense Definitions 2. The Theoretical Definitions : formalist : discourse us a particular unit of language (above the sentence) functionalist : discourse is defined as a particular focus on language use.,6,1: Introduction definition?,Formalist:Language above the sentence Functionalist: Language use Discourse: utterances,7,1: Introduction characteristics,discourse must be grammatically correct and semantically coherent. discourse should have an argumentative structure and logical structure it is generally held that the boundary of discourse analysis should exceed the limit of a simple sentence Halliday and Hasan (1976) propose that discourse is a semantic unit, not a unit of form.,8,Introduction: Text & Discourse,Different definitions to text/ discourse: 1. Halliday&Hasan (1976), Quirk et al. (1985): text for both written and spoken language 2. Coulthard (1985): text for written, discourse for spoken 3. Leech et al.(1985): discourse for both 4. Widdowson (1975): discourse for written,9,1: Introduction The Task of DA,From the macro-perspective : How does language use influence beliefs and interaction, or vice versa? How do aspects of interaction influence how people speak? How do beliefs control language use and interaction? What are the relationships among language use, beliefs and interaction?,10,1: Introduction The Task of DA,From the micro-perspective : (a) the semantic links between sentences, (b) textual cohesion and coherence, (c) conversational principles, (d) the relationship between discourse and context, (e) the relationship between the discourse semantic structure and ideology, (f) the relationship between discourse and thinking patterns, etc.,11,1: Introduction Varieties of Approaches Towards DA,In sociology In philosophy In cognitive psychology In literature In linguistics In critical linguistic study In cognitive linguistics,12,2: Basic issues in DA,1. Cohesion 2. Coherence 3. Sentence, sentence group and text 4. Patterns of sentential relationships 5. Discourse structure 6. DA levels,13,2: Basic issues in DA,Cohesion: A important feature of texture realized at the surface structure of a text. To be realized by using grammatical devices (e.g. reference, substitution and ellipses, etc.) and lexical devices (e.g. reiteration and collocation, etc.) A tangible network of the text,14,2: Basic issues in DA,Coherence: The semantic relation in a text; lying in not on the surface but the deep level of the text; realized by logical reasoning; an intangible network of the text,15,2: Basic issues in DA,Cohesion: A: Whose is this pen? B: Oh, its the one I lost. Coherence: A: Thats the telephone. B: Im in the bath. A: O.K.,16,2: Basic issues in DA,Sentence, sentence group and text Sentence: the largest grammatical unit SG: composed by 2 or more sentences Clause: ? Clause complex,17,2: Basic issues in DA,Sentential relationships: The structural and semantic relations between sentences in a coherent text. Clause complexes: A sentence can be interpreted as a clause complex: a Head clause together with other clauses that modify it. The clause complex will be the only grammatical unit which we shall recognize above the clause. (Halliday, 1994),18,2: Basic issues in DA,Basic types of clause complexes,19,20,2: Basic issues in DA,Two systemic dimensions: 1. The system of interdependency: parataxis and hypotaxis 2. The logico-semantic system: expansion and projection,21,2: Basic issues in DA,Discourse structure “This noise is giving me a headache.” “Me, too!” * “Its going to rain soon.” “Me, too!”,22,2: Basic issues in DA,Discourse structurelinearization (线性表现) I came. I saw. I conquered.
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