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,Exercises,Reading Comprehension,Structure of the Text,Unit 3: Exercises,Vocabulary,Cloze,Translation,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,1. In paragraph 1, the author says that we are in the middle of a sixth great extinction. What are these great extinctions? Could you name some. In what way is the current great extinction different from the previous five ones?,The difference lies in the fact that the previous five great extinctions have occurred for natural causes, but the current great extinction has been caused by human activities.,Reference,Ex. I, p.50,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,2. What is the author trying to do with paragraph 2?,The author gives us some examples to show what human needs have caused the current great extinction. Generally speaking, they are humans needs for survival.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,3. Why did the buffalo and the passenger pigeon in North America become extinct?,Both the buffalo and the passenger pigeon became extinct owing to overhunting by humans.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,4. What point does the author want to illustrate by writing about the European rabbits in paragraph 4?,He wants to illustrate that natural habitats of some native species could be destroyed by the introduction of foreign species. The introduction of European rabbits into Australia is a good example. They multiplied quickly and threatened the habitat of native grazing animals in Australia by eating all the vegetation.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,5. In paragraph 5, the author states that humans endanger other species by destroying their natural habitats. What example does the author give to support this statement?,The example is: The rapid shrinking of rainforest caused the loss of many species that made their homes in it.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,6. What can we learn from paragraph 8?,Each life form occupies a special place in the ecosystem, and the disappearance of any species will affect other species in the ecosystem. But 74 species are dying out every day.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,7. What are the two advantages that biodiversity has over monocultures according to paragraphs 912?,1) Biodiversity makes it possible for useful substances to be found in species we havent got to test or study. 2) Biodiversity will save humanity from being starved to death owing to their great dependence on a small number of species.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,8. In paragraph 10, the author writes about the Pacific yew tree. What makes the Pacific yew tree so highly valued today? What does the author want to tell us by mentioningthis tree?,Because it is discovered that the bark of the Pacific yew tree contains a substance called taxol, which can effectively treat certain kinds of cancer. By mentioning this tree, the author wants to tell us that many species may die out before their value is discovered.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,9. What is the main idea of paragraph 11?,Paragraph 11 mainly tells us that the value of the vast majority of species has yet to be discovered. It is very important for us to protect the diversity of species. If we dont, we will lose species that may turn out to be extremely important to our own survival.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,10. What point is suggested by the last paragraph?,It suggests that its hard to tell whether these protective methods will be effective or not now because the rapid human population growth may make it difficult to put these methods into practice.,Reference,1. Introduction (Paras. 12),2. Body (Paras. 315),3. Conclusion (Para. 16),Text Outline,Unit 3: Structure of the text,Ex. II, p.51,1. Introduction (Paras. 12),We are in the middle of a sixth great extinction, which is caused by _.,Text Outline,Unit 3: Structure of the text,human activities,2. Body (Paras. 315),1) _ that human activities endanger other species. (Paras. 35),Text Outline,Unit 3: Structure of the text,Three major ways,2) The reasons why we should preserve every life-form on earth. (Paras. 613),3) Methods of protecting endangered species. (Paras.1415),2. Body (Paras. 315),Text Outline,Unit 3: Structure of the text,A. Human beings _ for their meat, bones, skins or for protecting their crops and livestock. B. Foreign species introduced by human beings can _. C. Human beings _ by cutting down forests, building towns, etc.,kill off animals directly,endanger the habitat of native species,destroy animals natural habitats,2. Body (Paras. 315),2) The reasons why we should preserve every life-form on earth. (Paras. 613),Text Outline,Unit 3: Structure of the text,A. _. B. The variety of species can add natural beauty. C. Some species provide humans with economic value. D. Each life-form _
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