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Greek mythology,Greek Mythology,1. what is it about? 2.The origins: Chaos Gaea (Earth ) Uranus (Heaven) Titans the Hecatonchires, the Cyclopes the Giants,Titans,Enormous size; strong 12: 6 males, 6 females The fate of Titans Titanic,The rule of Cronus:,the youngest Titan; Castrated(阉割) his father; 6: 3 sons and 3 daughters (with Rhea) Overthrown,Prometheus,the wisest Titan; “forethought” cousin of Zeus ; sided with Zeus The brother of Epimetheus and Atlas the creator and the protector of humanity the trick on Sacrifice and the theft of the fire The punishment Pandoras box,The Olympian Gods,Zeus Poseidon Hera Hestia Athena Ares Hephaestus Hermes Apollo Aphrodite Artemis Demeter Hades Dionysus,Zeus,Name: Zeus(Greek) Jupiter(Roman) Sex: Male Marital status: married Hera Features: (In art) bearded, middle aged, majestic, often holding a thunderbolt. Symbols: thunderbolt, eagle and oak.,Power: the supreme ruler, the spiritual leader of both gods and men. a weather god, controlled thunder, lightning and rain. Close relations: father: Cronus mother: Rhea Siblings: Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, Hestia Union with goddesses: Metis, Hera, Demeter, Leto, Maia, Themis, Eurynome, Mnemosyne, Children: Athena, Ares&Hephaestus&Hebe, Persephone, Apollo&Artemis, Hermes, Horae&Fates, Graces, the Muses,Zeuss affairs with mortal women,Alcmene as her husband Heracles Danae as a shower of gold Perseus Europa as a white bull - three sons Io changed into a cow Epaphus Leda as a swan Helen & Polydeuces Semele burnt by lightening - Dionysus,Hera,Name: Hera(Greek) Juno(Roman) Sex: Female Marital Status: married Zeus Features: She was often pictured as being wise and solemn with a large crown known as polos. Symbols: The peacock,the young cow, lion and so on,Power: The queen of the Olympian deities; goddess of marriage and birth; the protector of married women Close Relations: mother of Ares & Hephaestus & Hebe . Character: jealous & revengeful known for her persecution of Zeus mistresses & children,Name : Poseidon(Greek) 波塞冬 Neptune(Roman) 涅普顿 Sex : male Symbol : sea and waves Features : majestic figure, bearded, a trident (三叉戟) in hand , driving a horse-drawn chariot (铜蹄金髦马驾驶的战车),Power : He could call up all the big winds and stir up or calm down the stormy oceans Close relations: sons Triton, half-fish Pegasus, winged horse Polyphemus, one-eyed Cyclops Antaeus, a giant wrestler,Hey, Forget me not!,Athena,Name: (Greek) Athena (Roman) Minerva Sex: Female Marital Status: unmarried Origin: Her father is Zeus. Her mother is Metis. Zeus changed Metis into a fly and swallowed her. But Zeus became to have a bad headache. He command Hephaestus to split his head. From his head came out of Athena, fully grown and dressed in armor.,Features: tall, stately woman wearing a helmet and carry a spear and shield. On the shield was the head of Medusa. Symbols: Olive branches, the gold shield and the owl.,Power: goddess of wisdom, war, arts and crafts. She take weavers and science under her wing. And she give people the peace and intelligence, keep the law and order. Stories: Athena & Poseidon Athena & Arachne,See you!?,Apollo,Name:Apollo(Phoebus) Sex:Male Origin:Island of Delos Marital Status: unmarried Features: a young man without beard, hold a bow or lyre, male beauty,Symbols: Bow and arrow, laurel leaves, lyre Power: god of sun, archery, healing, music, poetry and prophecy. leader of the Muses Close Relations: Zeus (Father) Leto (Mother) Artemis(Sister) Story: Apollo and Daphne,Artemis,Name: (Greek) Artemis (Roman) Diana Sex: female Marital Status: unmarried Features: beautiful, young huntress wearing hunting clothes, bow and arrows, nymphs & hunting dogs /a deer,Power: goddess of moon, hunting and wild animals. the example of maiden modesty and grace stands for feminine purity and virginity protect marrying girls and young women in trouble,Close Relations:Brother-Apollo; Father-Zeus; Mother- Leto Story: Artemis and Actaeon,
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