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医学院校硕士研究生英语 听与说,首都医科大学应用语言学系,English for Master Students in Medical Universities,Department of Applied Linguistics Capital Medical University,Unit 3,Section A The Internet and Websites Section B Systolic and Diastolic Heart Failure,Section A The Internet and Websites,I Reference Answer I 1.O 2.K 3.Q 4.R 5.J 6.N 7.B 8.M 9.H 10.T 11.L 12.I 13.S 14.C 15.P 16.E 17.G 18.A 19.F 20.D,Section A The Internet and Websites,I. Brainstorming 1. link: n. v. 连接,尤其指网络连接 2. subscribe v. 订阅;订购 3. folder: n. 文件夹 4. database:n. 数据库 5. homepage:n. 主页 6. spam:n. 垃圾邮件 7. URL:统一资源定位符 (Uniform Resource Locator) 是 用于完整地描述Internet上网页和其他资源的地址 的一种标识方法。 8. loop:n. 循环 9. download:v. 下载,Section A The Internet and Websites,10. clipboard:n. 剪贴板 11. bandwidth:n. 带宽 12. upload:v. 上传 13. ISP:(internet service provider)因特网服务提供商 14. FAQ:(frequently asked question)常见问题 15. bookmark:n. 书签 16. template:n. 模板 17. bold:adj. 黑体的 18. copyright:n. 版权 19. icon:n. 图像;图标 20. browser:n. 浏览器,II Pair Work,A: Hi, long time no chat, u seem always online. B: Yeah, whenever I turn on the computer, I log on QQ. A: Where did we leave off last time we chatted? B: cyber snob? A: yep, I remember, There are many guys whose online confidence outgrows their real selves. B: I agree, those cyber snobs turn out to be the opposite in real life. No one knows that you are a dog on the Internet. A: (giggling) Thats right, how long have we been chatting online? B: Three moths, I guess. A: We seem to have lot in common. Do you think we can meet each other? B: You mean to meet face-to-face. R U Kidding? A: Im serious, the timing is perfect. B: Well, if you insist- A: Would you be interested in going to see a software show in Zhong Guancun Square? B: Thats a great idea! A: Ill check on the date and tell you later. B: OK.,Remark on meeting cyber friends, are you for it or against it?,Im for it. Nowadays with the high-speed development of society its hard for people to find a friend in reality, esp. for young people. We seem always busy with work. Thus the internet brings with it a unique opportunity to meet people we likely would never have met in any other way. And very often, those people we meet online will become friends. So why cant we meet a friend and talk with him/her?,Section A The Internet and Websites,III Conversation 1. A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D,Section A The Internet and Websites,IV Group Discussion 1. Do you have your own cyber space (webmail account, blog or website etc.)? If you do, talk about it. If not, talk about your plan to devise one. On my blog you can see all about my activities, thoughts, inspirations, ideas, and everything that happened around me ,Section A The Internet and Websites,2. What do you suggest for internet governance, such as intellectual property rights, freedom of expression, spam or cyber crimes etc.? intellectual property rights: Authentication and acknowledgement of authorship must credited, and thus copying material without acknowledgement is a crime.,Section A The Internet and Websites,Freedom of expression: Freedom of expression policies should take into account that people/groups can be held accountable for what they say/do on the internet, especially blogs.,Section A The Internet and Websites,Spam: There is no global consensus on a definition of spam and no global arrangement to address this matter or enable national anti-spam laws to be effective. However, I suggest bilateral and plurilateral agreements between countries to enforce anti-spam laws, share best practices and cooperate on solutions.,Section A The Internet and Websites,V Passage Passage 1 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F Passage 2 collecting links to webpages; sharing thoughts and ideas online journals or diaries audio, music, images and video,Section A The Internet and Websites,4. get your own web page;you could publish these comments;the links you find; turn it into a daily journal of thoughts and ideas; make the whole thing available 5. became increasingly mainstream;political consultants;candidates; began to blog to bond with constituents,Section A The Internet and Websites,VI Dialogue 1.D 2.D 3.C,III Culture Link,缩写 含义 A/S/L 年龄、性别、所在地B4 在之前 BRB 马上回来 CYA L8R 再见 IMO 以我看来 IMHO 以我肤浅的观点来看,III Culture Link,LOL 大笑 ROTFL 笑的在地上打滚 TY 谢谢 U 你 WB 欢迎回来,III Culture Link,俚语 含义 troll 聊天室滋扰别人聊天的人mods 版主 spam 垃圾邮件 flaming 在网上谩骂,Internet Vocabulary Extension,flood online 灌水 book tickets via the Internet 网上订票 Did you google today? 你今天google了吗? cyber snob 网上自命不凡的人 Dont bug me! 别用病毒攻击我!,Internet Vocabulary Extension,emoticons 脸谱符号 F.R.A.N.C.E(Friendship remains and never can end.) 友谊永存,海枯石烂。 MYOB(Mind your own business.) 别管闲事 No one knows that you are a dog on the Internet. 在网上没人真正认识你。 ubiquitous comp
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