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深入理解课文,了解孙中山,了解“布衣”与总统的关系,了解布衣总统的来历及其布衣特色的体现,体会甘于淡泊精神对当代青年的教育意义。Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine TownTeaching aims and demands:. 1.Make suggestions about visiting places and doing activities e.g. Lets go swimming.2. Use “How much” and “How many”, “no” and “none” to express quantities .3.To revise vocabulary about activities and places in new situations 4.To make suggestions about visiting different placesStep 1. Lead-in Ask students about what they like and could do in their areas, e.g. T: What do you like doing? S1: I like shopping. T: Where can we do some shopping? S1: The shopping mall/center.In the same way, present “eating” “restaurant” “watching” “cinema” “playing” “sports center”Step 2. Presentation1.The Beijing Sunshine Secondary School students are planning a visit for British exchange students coming to their school.Do part A and B to activate students ideas about what people can do in their community.2.Ask students to do Part A and B on their own using the information provided in the picture prompts.3.Underline some phrases.Step 3. PracticeDo a chain work.S1 says what he/she likes, e.g. I like eating Chinese food. S2 repeat what S1 likes, then adds what he/she likes, e.g.Paul likes eating Chinese food and I like playing tennis.Step 4. Presentation1.Say: What does Eddie like? (sleeping and eating) There is no food now. Eddie and Hobo are going to the supermarket.2.Listen to the tape and answer: How much money do they have?3.Play the tape. Listen then check the answer.4.Students listen and read after the tape.5.Go through the dialogues6. Act out.认识不够深刻全面,没能做到内心外行,表率化人。对照党章和焦裕禄等先进模范典型,感觉自己对党性锻炼标准不高、要求不严。
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