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第六章 标准英语写作 提要:本章主要是帮助学生了解英汉的差异,明白自己在写英文时受到汉语哪些干扰,从提高单句的写作能力着手,消灭各种类型的基本错误,从而提高整体的写作能力。 1. 标点错误 2. 用词混淆 3. 搭配问题 4. 漏词 5. 累赘 6. 不一致 7. 不平衡 8. 错位 9. 垂悬 10. 应用定语从句时易犯的错误,虽然通过中学或大学的英语训练,但是许多人写出的文章错误百出,其中包括基本的拼写、用词、时态、句子结构等方面的错误。这些错误的产生主要是因为受到母语的干扰。许多学生不知道英文和中文究竟有什么差别,所以写出来的英文往往是中文式的。本章主要是帮助学生了解英汉的差异,明白自己在写英文时受到汉语哪些干扰,从而消灭各种类型的基本错误。 实践表明,多数学生在写作上的主要欠缺不是系统的写作理论和方法,而是最基本的单句写作能力。文章无论长短,都是由句子组成的,句子是表达思想的最基本的单位。因此,句子是否能写得正确、达意和清楚,将直接影响整篇文章的写作质量。要提高写作的能力,必须从提高单句的写作能力着手。,6.1 标点错误 英语属印欧语系,汉语属汉藏语系 英语结构紧凑,汉语结构松散。语言学家以“竹节句法”来比喻英语句子,即英语句子是由必不可少的各种连接词衔接而成,宛如节节相连的竹子;而汉语句子则被比喻为“流水句法”,所谓的流水指少用乃至不用连接词仍行文流畅。 英语是形合的,而汉语是意合的,这是中文和英文的最大区别。英语句子中如果少了连接词,如or,but,if,so,because,when,although,in order that,so that等等,所要表达的意思就会支离破碎,而汉语有时即便没有连接词,只从句子本身的意思也可以把概念或关系表达清楚。,例如,中文可以说“一个英国人,不会说中国话,有一次在中国旅行”。 而英文要说“An English man who could not speak Chinese was once traveling in China” 又比如:“他笑了,我哭了”。英文不能说“He laughed, I cried.” 而要说“He laughed, but I cried.” 这个例子是典型的标点错误,英语语法家称之为comma splices(接合),翻译成中文就是“串句”。下面我们通过一些练习来提高英文标点符号的使用能力。,(1) 采用多种方法,例如增加and或but,使用主从句、分词短语、不定式等改正下面的串句。 a. 考试推迟了,上课取消了。 误:The exam was postponed, the class was cancelled. 正:The exam was postponed, and the class was cancelled. As the exam was postponed, the class was cancelled. b. 雨下了整整一夜,天花板开始漏水。 误:It rained all night, the ceiling began to leak. 正:It rained all night, and the ceiling began to leak. The ceiling began to leak because it had rained all night. The night-long rain caused the ceiling to leak.,c. 他举起一块石头,石头砸在他的脚上。 误:He lifted a rock, it fell on his feet. 正:He lifted a rock, but it fell on his feet. He lifted a rock only to drop it on his feet. d. 售票处排起了长队,所有票子都已售完。 误:Many people lined up at the ticket booth, all the tickets had been sold out. 正:Many people lined up at the ticket booth, but all the tickets had been sold out. Many people lined up at the ticket booth, though all the tickets had been sold out. Many people lined up at the ticket booth, despite the fact that all the tickets had been sold out.,(2)同样一句话,用了逗号,或者多用了一个逗号,或者逗号的位置不同,意思会完全改变。 a. 作者原来的意思是:There were ten chairs in the room. Three of them were broken. The others were fine. 下面哪一句最符合原意: (i) The chairs, which were in bad condition, were sent out to be repaired. (ii) The chairs which were in bad condition were sent out to be repaired. (iii) The chairs, which were in bad condition were sent out to be repaired. (iv) The chairs which were in bad condition, were sent out to be repaired. 正确选择应为(ii)。如果选(i),则意味着所有椅子都坏了。(iii)和(iv)在语法上都不成立。,b. 请指出下面两个句子的意思有什么不同。 (i) Although all their furniture was destroyed when their house burned down, most of Peters records, lectures, and speeches, were saved. 尽管他们的房子被烧毁时,所有的家具都毁坏了,但是彼得大部分的唱片、讲稿和演说稿被保存下来。 (ii) Although all their furniture was destroyed when their house burned down, most of Peters records, lectures and speeches, were saved. 尽管他们的房子被烧毁时,所有的家具都毁坏了,但是彼得大部分的资料,即讲稿和演说稿被保存下来。,(3)去掉多余的逗号。 a. 误:The rise in crime is attributed to drug abuse, and organized robbery. 正:The rise in crime is attributed to drug abuse and organized robbery. b. 误:He told me that he hoped to buy a new car, and to sell his old one. 正:He told me that he hoped to buy a new car and to sell his old one. c. 误:His students, listened eagerly, busily taking down his words. 正:His students listened eagerly, busily taking down his words. d. 误:A letter, that is written in pencil, is difficult to read. 正:A letter that is written in pencil is difficult to read.,e. 误: Indeed, overpopulation(人口过剩), a problem, most people have only recently begun to recognize, is the main source of the majority of our other ecological(生态学) difficulties. 正:Indeed, overpopulation, a problem most people have only recently begun to recognize, is the main source of the majority of our other ecological difficulties. f. 误: Americans, who go to other countries, expecting the same air conditioning, ice water, and private baths, found in hotels in the United States, are often very poor ambassadors. 正:Americans who go to other countries expecting the same air conditioning, ice water, and private baths found in hotels in the United States are often very poor ambassadors.,(4)增添必要的逗号,使句子变得完整。 误:Robert entered the inn and ordered half a loaf of new bread some local butter some cheese a large onion and a pint of beer. 正:Robert entered the inn and ordered half a loaf of new bread, some local butter, some cheese, a large onion, and a pint of beer. b. 误:He should or rather must attend better to his studies. 正:He should, or rather must, attend better to his studies.,c. 误:The lady was dressed in gray the color of a pigeons feathers. 正:The lady was dressed in gray, the color of a pigeons feathers. d. 误:“I do not know when he will come how he will come with whom he will come or whether he will come at all.” 正:“I do not know when he will come, how he will come, with whom he will come, or whether he will come at all.” e. 误:We do not have tell you the true a very good opinion of him. 正:We do not have, tell you the true, a very good opinion of him.,(5)分
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