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深入理解课文,了解孙中山,了解“布衣”与总统的关系,了解布衣总统的来历及其布衣特色的体现,体会甘于淡泊精神对当代青年的教育意义。Unit6 Im going to study computer science Section A集中识词【学习目标】:1,掌握重点单词的用法 2,掌握重点句型:-What do you want to do when you grow up? -I want to be 【学习重点】:be going to 结构表示将来的打算【课前预习】:看单词表,完成P41-P43词汇: (每个两遍)1.医生 2. 工程师 3. 小提琴手 4.飞行员 5.钢琴家 6. 科学家 7.计算机程序员 8.厨师 9.驾驶员 10. 学院,大学,高等专科 11教育 12.药,医学 13.大学(综合性),高等学府 14.伦敦 15. 邮寄,发送 16. 文章,论文 17. 长大 成长 18. 确信;对有把握 19. 确保,查明 【知识点探究】1.grow v.生长;种植。 其过去式为 Eg.(1) Mrs Brown _ (种植了) lots of vegetables in her garden.2. grow up 意思为 _,(2)She (生长在)Baoding. 2. send v. 派;送。过去式_ :sendto意为“把送到;把派到”;作“寄出”讲时其反义词是个get/receive“收到”。 Eg, a我要写些文章寄到报纸杂志上去发表。I am going to write articles and _ _ them _ _ magazines and newspapers.b.He sent his three sons to the same school. 中文: c.谁送你来这的? Who _ you here ?3. cook n. ,v. ; cooker 固定搭配 “做饭”do some 1) My brother is . “我哥哥是个厨师” 2)My mother often for me. “我妈经常给我做饭”3)I like these beautiful “我喜欢这些厨具”4)一位厨师正在用厨具煮米饭。A is some rice with now.4.medicine 药,医学 ,为不可数名词,adj. 医学的;“吃药”-通常用take,不用eat, take some medicine “吃药”1)我将在大学学习医学,. I am going to study at a .2)请在饭前吃药。Please before meals.5.university 一所综合性大学 ; college “学院;大学” 通常指“专科学校”university,通常指由多个学院组成的综合性大学。我有两个哥哥。一个在北京大学学习,另一个在一所外国语学院学习。I have two brother .One studies in Peking ,the other studies in a of foreign languages.【自学效果检测】I.根据首字母或汉语提示过错成句子1. When I got home, my mother was c_ in the kitchen.2. Toms mother is a d_ .She works in a hospital.3.Mikes father is an_(工程师). 4. He likes playing the violin, and he is a v_5. Take the m_ three times a day. 6. If you study hard, you can go to an u_.7.Can you write some_(文章) for the magazine?II单项选择。( )1.Im going to take _ lessons every day. A.act B. sction C.acting D.actor( )2.He is going to _ a teacher. A.as B.do C. act D.be( )3.Are you _ actor? A. a B. an C.the D./( )4_are you going to do?Im going to fly a kite AWhere BWhat CHow DWhy( )5.He often practices basketball. A. play B. playing C. plays D. to play( )6.Are you going to be pilot or engineer when you grow up? A.a/ a B. a / an C. an/ a D.an / an( )7.An must take lessons. A.actor/ actor B. actor/ acting C.acting/ actor D. acting/ act( )8.Lucy,what is your brother going to be _ he grows up? A.what B.where C.how D.when( )9.一_a volunteer is great. I think so. Some of us want _ volunteers for the London Olympics. A. Being, being B. To be, being C. Being, to be D. To be, to be ( )10. ( 2012邵阳中考)I spent a lot of time _English last weekend. A. to practice speaking B. practicing to speak C. practicing speaking( )11.As a_, I should try my best to practice_. A. cooker, cook B. cook, cook C. cooking, cooking D. cook, cooking( ) 12. My mother told me to _ the medicine three times a day. A. take B. eat C. have D. drink( ) 13. I was happy. He sent a book _ for my birthday. A. in B. at C. for D. to( ) 14. After high school, my daughter is going to _ next year.A. home B. college C. school D. house( ) 15. There are some boys on the playground(操场).They _ football. They _ a football match(比赛) next Saturday. A. play, have B. are playing, are going to play C. play, are having D are playing, haveIII. 根据汉语提示完成句子。1.Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng are great (飞行员).2.His cousin is going to be a computer (program).3.Tom wants to do some (cook) for his father. 4.He is a (drive).5.His dream is to be a famous (violin) one day. 6. I want_ (be) a teacher in the future.7. Helen is good at_ (sing) English songs.IV选词填空。 1.I left(忘记) my raincoat .But I cant remember. 2.As a ,he must take flying lessons much. 3.His brother is an . He knows a lo
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