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深入理解课文,了解孙中山,了解“布衣”与总统的关系,了解布衣总统的来历及其布衣特色的体现,体会甘于淡泊精神对当代青年的教育意义。重庆市铜梁县2017-2018学年高二英语上学期寒假作业(一) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A Phillip Island PenguinsThe Little Penguin has called Phillip Island home for untold generations. Get to Phillip Island in plenty of time to watch a summer sunset at Summerland Beachthe stage is attractively set to see the Little Penguin leave water and step onto land.Leave Melbourne at 5:30 pm. for a direct journey to Phillip IslandSee the Gippsland areaGuinness Book of Records place for the worlds longest earthwormJourney along the coastal highway around the Bay with French Island and Churchill Island in the distanceCross the bridge at San Remo to enter Phillip Islandnatural home for Little Penguins and many animalsTake your place in special viewing stands to watch the daily evening performance of the wild Little penguinsUltimate Penguins (+U)Join a group of up to 15. This guided tour goes to an attractive, quiet beach to see Little Penguins. You can see penguins at night by wearing a special pair of glasses.Adult $ 60.00 Child $ 30.00Viewing Platform Penguin Plus (+V)More personalized wildlife viewing limited to 130 people providing closer viewing of the penguin arrival than the main viewing stands.Adult $ 25.00 Child $ 12.50Penguin Skybox (+S)Join a group of only 5 in the comfort of a special, higher-up viewing tower. Gain an excellent overview of Summerland Beach.Adult 16 yrs + $ 50.0021What kind of people is the text mainly written for?AScientists.BStudents.CTourists.DArtists.22What can we learn from the text about Little Penguins?AThey have been on Phillip Island for years.BThey keep a Guinness record for their size.CThey are trained to practice diving for visitors.DThey live in large groups to protect themselves.23How much would a couple with one child pay for a closer viewing tour?A$ 37.50.B$ 62.50.C$ 180.00.D$ 150.00.BThe Come-back Coffeehouse The sign in the window read Carls Coffee Shoppe, spelled the old-fashioned way. Hallie shook her head and wondered how many times she had suggested an alternative. She entered the shop and saw only one person. I could help with the books, Dad,Hallie offered, Theres not much you could do. Her father signed. How about if you clean the counters instead? His statement made her feel like a little girl instead of a senior in high school. Hallie sprayed some cleanser and ran a cloth over the worn countertops. After she had washed a few of the old eggshell-colored cups, she began her homework. At closing time, Hallies parents sat beside her. You know the shop has not been profitable lately, Mr. Rhodes began. We need to decide if it is even worth keeping it open. Were going to visit Uncle Harold over spring vacation. Mrs. Rhodes continued. He can look over the books and tell us what our options are. You and Aunt Tess will run the shop for the week. By spring vacation Hallie was ready for an adventure. Hllies parents gave some instructions, and said good-bye. Hallie stared absently out the window at the passersby: young people on their way to work, and kids on their school vacation. They were not the same people that her grandpa Carl had served. Suddenly Hallie had an idea. She confided in Aunt Tess, who approved. The two eagerly set to work. At the end of the week, Hallie was coming out from the kitchen when she saw her parents standing in the shop, confused. She smiled as her parents stared at the teens around the counter and the young families seated at the tables. Welcome back! Hallie swept her arms to present the restaurants cheerful new decoration. Bright, attractive coverings spread over the tables, and modern posters hung on the walls, while, colorful mismatched dishes contributed to the pleasant atmosphere.I brought board games from home, Hallie added excitedly, and the bookstore down the street donated the posters. When we talked to our friends about what we were doing, they were happy to give us some dishes. Hallie held her breath as she waited for her parents reaction. Everyone certainly seems to like the changes, noted Mrs. Rhodes. Speaking of changes, Mr. Rhodes said, I see our name has changed, too. Do you mind? I changed our name to Come-Back Coffeehouse to make the shop sound welcoming, as in Please come back again. A smile spread across her fathers face. “The new name is fitting.” Thanks to you, this place certainly has made a comeback!24. What can we infer from the first two paragraphs?A. Hallie trusted Aunt Tess very much.B. Hallie took charge of the books for her parents.C. Hallies parents didnt take her opinions seriously.D. Hallies parents didnt count on the shop for a living.25. What do we learn about Carls Coffee Shoppe?A. It
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