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List 1“考好GRE的唯一捷径就是重复,重复,再重复。” 曹楚楠,2008 年 10 月 Verbal 750,Quantitative 800, AW55,录取学校Princeton, MIT; M FinUnit1abandon【考法 1】n.放纵: carefree, freedom from constraint【例】added spices to the stew with complete abandon 肆无忌惮地向炖菜里面加调料【近】unconstraint, uninhibitedness, unrestraint【考法 2】v. 放纵: to give (oneself) over unrestrainedly【例】abandon oneself to emotion 感情用事,abandon herself to a life of complete idleness 放纵自己过着闲散的生活【近】indulge, surrender, give up【考法 3】v. 放弃: to withdraw from often in the face of danger or encroachment 【例】abandon the ship/homes 弃船,离家 【反】salvage 救援【考法 4】v.停止做某事: to put an end to (something planned or previously agreed to) 【例】the bad weather forced NASA to abandon the launch 坏天气迫使 NASA 停止了发射 【近】abort, drop, repeal, rescind(), revoke, call off 【反】keep, continue, maintain, carry on 继续abase 【考法 1】v.降低(地位、职位、威望或尊严): to lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem【例】was unwilling to abase himself by pleading guilty to a crime that he did not commit 不愿意屈就自己去承认一个莫须有的罪名【近】debauch, degrade, profane, vitiate, discredit, foul, smirch, take down【反】elevate, ennoble, uplift, aggrandize, canonize, deify, exalt 使高贵,使有声望abash 【考法 1】vt.使尴尬,使羞愧: to destroy the self-possession or self-confidence of ,disconcert, embarrass【例】Nothing could abash him 没有什么可以使他感到难堪。【近】discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, faze, fluster, nonplus, mortify【反】embolden使大胆 abate 【考法1】v.减轻(程度或者强度): to reduce in degree or intensity【例】abate his rage/pain 平息他的愤怒/减轻痛苦【近】moderate, recede, subside, remit, wane, die (away or down or out), let up, phase down, ratchet (down), taper off 【反】intensify【考法 2】v.减少(数量或者降低价值): to reduce in amount or value【例】abate a tax 降低税收【近】de-escalate, deplete, downscale, dwindle,【反】augment, promote 增加【考法 3】v.停止,撤销: to put an end to【例】abate a nuisance 停止伤害【近】abrogate, annul, invalidate, nullify, rescind, vacateabbreviate 【考法1】v.缩写,缩短: to make briefer【例】abbreviate the word “building”as “bldg.”将 “building”缩写作 “bldg” 【近】abridge, curtail, cut back, syncopate, truncate 【反】extend, protract, elongate, lengthen, prolong 延长abdicate【考法 1】v.正式放弃(权力、责任): to renounce a throne,to relinquish (power or responsibility) formally【例】abdicate the throne/crown 退位【近】cede, relinquish, renounce, resign, step down (from)【反】constitute, assume, usurp 任命,承担,篡位aberrant【考法 1】adj.异常的,非常规的: deviating from the usual or natural type【例】This behavior might be aberrant enough to draw attention这样的行为己经异常得足以引起人们的注意。 【近】abnormal, anomalous, peculiar, singular, unwonted, uncustomary 【反】normal, natural, regular, standard, typical 正常的,标准典型的abet【考法 1】v.帮助,怂恿: to assist or support in the achievement of a purpose【例】aid and abet 协助教唆【近】ferment, foment, provoke, instigate, stir (up), whip (up)【考法 2】v.鼓励: to actively encourage (as an activity or plan)【近】aid, assist, back, support, prop (up)【反】stymie, frustrate, obstruct, thwart, impede, forestall, hinder 阻挠 abeyance【考法1】n.中止,搁置: temporary inactivity 【例】hold the plan in abeyance 使计划暂停【近】doldrums, quiescence, moratorium, latency, dormancy, suspension, cold storage, deep freeze【反】continuance, fulfillment 继续,履行 abhor【考法1】vt.深恶痛绝,极度厌恶: to regard with extreme repugnance【例】He abhors the way people leave their trash at the picnic sites in the park他很厌恶人们把垃圾留在公园的野餐点。【近】abominate, despise, detest, execrate, loathe 【反】greatly admire非常崇拜Unit 2abiding 【考法 】vt. 永久的: lasting for a long time; enduring【例】an abiding love of Espanol对西班牙语持久的热爱【近】ageless, enduring, eternal, everlasting, perennial, perpetual, timeless【反】evanescent , ephemeral 短暂的abject【考法 1 】adj.无精打采的: cast down in spirit, spiritless 【例】a man made abject by suffering被生活折磨得无精打采的人 【近】spiritless【反】spirited, excited, exultant 狂喜的,令人兴奋的【考法 2】adj.(地位、身份)悲惨、凄凉的: sunk to or existing in a low state or condition 【例】abject poverty让人绝望的贫穷【考法 3】adj.卑微的,讨好的: expressing or offered in a humble and often ingratiating spirit 【例】abject flattery卑躬屈膝般的恭维;an abject apology讨好般的道歉 【近】base, humble, menial, servile过分屈从的; 缺乏独立性的, slavish无独立性的; 无创造性的abjure 【考法 1 】v.发誓放弃: a firm and final rejecting or abandoning often made under oath 【例】abjure ones belief发誓放弃信仰【近】recant, renege违背诺言等; 食言; 背信, renounce, abnegate, forswear (also foreswear) (保证)放弃(某事物); 舍弃, repudiate【反】affirm, espouse, embrace 拥护【考法 2】v.抵制,避免: to resist the temptation of【例】abjure extravagance 抵制铺张浪费【近】keep (from), refrain (from), withhold (from)【反】bow to, give in to, submit to, succumb to不再抵抗(诱惑 疾病 攻击等); 屈从, surrender to, yield to 屈从于abnegate 【考法1】v.否认: deny, renounce【例】abnegated the idea of freedom放弃自由的观念【近】recant, renege违背诺言等; 食言; 背信, repudiate拒绝接受或承认(某事物); 回绝, unsay, forswear (also foreswear), take back,【反】reaffirm 再肯定,重申【考法 2】v.投降,放弃,交出(权力等): surrender, relinquish 【例】abnegated her powers交出她拥有的权力 【近】cede, resign, step aside (from), step down (from) 【反】adhere to依附,坚持abominate【考法 1 】v.憎恶: to hate
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