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Chapter 2 Dynamic Games of Complete and Perfect Information,In this chapter we introduce dynamic games. We again restrict attention to games with complete information(i.e.,games in which the players payoff functions are common knowledge).We analyze dynamic games that have not only complete but also perfect information, by which we mean that at each move in the game the player with the move,knows the full history of the play of the game thus far.,The key features of a dynamic game of complete and perfect information are that ()the moves occur in sequence, ()all previous moves are observed before the next move is chosen, and ()the players payoffs from each feasible combination of moves are common knowledge. P72,一、Basic Problems of dynamic games,(一)Extensive-Form Representation of games,In chapter 1 we analyzed static games by representing such games in normal form. We now analyze dynamic games by representing such games in extensive form. This expositional approach may make it seem that static games must be represented in normal form and dynamic games in extensive form, but this is not the case. Any game can be represented in,either normal or extensive form, although for some games one of the two forms is more convenient to analyze. We will discuss how static games can be represented using the extensive form and how dynamic games can be represented using the normal form.,Recall from chapter 1 that the normal-form representation of a game specifies: ,博弈的扩展式表述,Definition The extensive-form representation of a game specifies: (1)the players in the game, (2a)when each player has the move(i.e.,the order of action ), (2b)what each player can do at each of his or her opportunities to move(i.e.,the moves set of each player), (2c)what each player knows at each of his or her opportunities to move(i.e.,if the players have perfect information), and (3)the payoff received by each player for each combination of moves that could be chosen by the players.,Consider an example:Entry Deterrence,进入的障碍是垄断利润的重要根源。,它有时是自然形成的,如规模经济、专利和许 可证,或者关键投入品的得到都能造成进入障 碍。不过厂商有时也能通过采取适当的策略阻 止潜在竞争者的进入。,为了阻止进入,厂商必须使任何潜在的竞争者 确信进入是无利可图的。,采取蕴涵可信威胁的策略。,设想有一家寡占企业(在位者)在市场上享有 丰厚的利润,另一家企业(进入者)企图进入 分享;为了进入该行业,进入者必须付出4000 万元的(沉没)成本建一个工厂。在位者当然 希望进入者别进入。如果进入者不进入,在位 者能继续定高价,享受垄断利润10000万元。 如果进入者进入,在位者可以“容忍”,维持高 价,希望进入者也这样做,此时在位者只能赚 到5000万元,因为必须与进入者分享市场。进 入者将赚到1000万元的净利润:5000万元减去 4000万元的建厂成本。不过在位者也可以增加 自己的生产能力,生产更多,并把价格压低。 显然,增加生产能力代价很大,而降低价格也,意味着减少收益。这种商战导致双方的低利润: 在位者的利润下降到3000万元,进入者将有 1000万元的净损失:来自于销售的3000万元减 掉建厂成本4000万元。,The extensive-form representation of this Game:,(1)players:,(2a)the order of moves:,(2b)the moves sets:,(2c)the information of history:,一个在位者和一个进入者;,进入者先行动,在位者后行动;,A = 容忍,阻挠 , A = 进入,不进入 ; A=a11,a12 , A=a21,a22,轮到在位者行动时,他已观察到企图进入者是 否已经进入,信息完美,(3)about payoffs:,每一种可能行动组合下的支付是共同知识 如果企图进入者不仅入,则在位者独享 10000万元利润; 如果进入而在位者容忍,则在位者得 5000万元,进入者利润1000万元; 如果进入并且在位者阻挠,则在位者利润 3000万元而进入者-1000万元。,信息完全,*Now we describe this game using game trees rather than words, because the former are often simpler both to express and to analyze. p74,不进入,进 入,容忍,阻挠,(0,10000),(1000,5000),(-1000,3000),博弈树的构成:,节点nodes,决策节点(decision nodes),终点节(terminal nodes),树枝branches:每一条树枝代表一个行动,信息集information sets:参与人在决策节 点选择行动时,需要有关信息;对此前 博弈过程的一个全部而明确的认识就构 成一个信息集。信息集的定义:,Definition An information set for a player is a collection of decision nodes satisfying: ()the player has the move at every node in the information set,and ()when the play of the game reaches a node in the information set, the player with the move does not know which node in the information set has (or has not) been reached.,对完美信息动态博弈的博弈树来说,一个信 息集只包含一个决策结,对不完美信息动态博弈,则一个信息集包含多个决策结。,*动态博弈的行动和策略,在讨论静态博弈时,我们把策略和行动等同 看待,因为参与人“同时”进行决策,没有观察到其他参与人采取了什么行动,所以实施行动时没有针对性。而在动态博弈中,后行动的参与人采取行动之前已观察到了先行动参与人的行动结果,所以他可以根据观察到的结果采取有针对性的行动,一个行动计划,行动是“做什么”,策略是“在什么情况下做什么”,所以通常以这 样的形式出现:如果就。,比如在该例子中的在位者,,其行动是:,其策略有:,a11=容忍,a12=阻挠,s1=“如果有人进入,就阻挠,没人进入则容忍 ”,s2=“如果没人进入,就阻挠,有人进入则容 忍”,s3=“无论是否有没有人进入,都阻挠”;,s4=“无论是否有没有人进入,都不阻挠”;,策略性行动:一个策略性行动就是某人通过影响 其他人对自己会如何行为的预期,以促使其他人 采取对自己有利的选择的行动。 (Thomas Schelling),处在一个策略中的“行动”,可称为“策略性行 动”。如何理解?,再对策略下一个定义:,A strategy for a player is a complete plan of action-it specifies a feasible action for the player in every contingency in which the player might be called on to act. (Gibbons P92),(二)Threat 、 Commitment and Credibility,s1、 s2和 s3蕴涵着威胁, s4蕴涵着承诺。,后行动的参与人将会采取的策略性行动对先行 动的参与人是不利的,那么这一“策略性行动” 对后行动的参与人来说就是一种威胁;后行动 的参与人将会采取的策略性行动对先行动的参 与人是有利的,那么这一“策略性行动”对后行 动的参与人来说就是一种承诺。,上述 s1、 s2、 s3和 s4 ?,这种“影响”具体有两种:威胁或承诺,-3#,威胁或承诺是否可信,对动态博弈的进行 十分重要。“The central issue in all dynamic games is credibility。”(Gobbons P55),在该例子中,潜在进入者究竟是否会进入, 取决于在位者的“只要进入就阻挠”的威胁是否可信:若不可信,即潜在进入者认为他进入后在位者会容忍,他将会发觉进入有利可图(净赚1000万元)并就会怎么做;若可信,即潜在进入者认为他进入后在位者一定会阻挠,就不会进入,因为进入将会损失1000万元。事实上这个威胁是不可信的,因为理性的在位者知道(如同潜在进入者所知),一旦进入已经发生,了,容忍并保持高价是符合自己利益的。容忍得 5000万元,阻挠得3000万元。,稳定的结果是(进入,容忍),,如果在位者能作出一种一旦进入发生除了降价 进行阻挠以外别无选择的行动又如何?特别是, 设在位者现在(而不是以后),投资于万一进 入发生时增加产量和进行价格战所需要的额外 的生产能力。我们设建造、维护和运行这些额 外能力的
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