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安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训What does he look like?今晚你要去看电影吗? 是。我们七点见面,好吗? 好的,但是我有可能来晚一会儿!我朋友戴维也要去。先在电影院门前与他见面吧。 哦,但是我不认识他,他长什么样儿? 哦,他留着棕色头发,而且戴着眼镜。 好吧,他个子高还是矮呢? 他不高也不矮。他是中等个儿。 好吧,当然可以,那就回头见。 他长什么样儿?他的确很高。 她长什么样儿?她留着很长的直发。 他们长什么样儿?他们中等身材。 他们留着直发还是卷发呢?他们留着卷发。 他个子高还是矮呢?他不高也不矮。他中等个儿。 Are you going to the movie tonight? Yes. We are meeting at seven, right? Yeah, but I may be a little late. My friend David is going, too. Just meet him in front of the cinema first. Oh, but I dont know him. What does he look like?Well, he has brown hair and wears glasses. OK. Is he tall or short? He isnt tall or short.He is of medium height. OK, sure. See you later then.What does he look like?He is really tall. What does she look like?She has long straight hair.What do they look like?They are of medium build. Do they have straight or curly hair?They have curly hair. Is he tall or short?He isnt tall or short.He is of medium height. 在治安防范工作中保卫部要求治安员按照“全覆盖、零容忍”的工作原则,明确责任、清晰目标,坚持对重点要害部位进行“地毯式”巡查
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