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How to Write a Professional CV,By: Ahmed Gouda,Agenda,What is a CV? How should you organize your CV Things you should avoid in your CV Things employers look for Ensure that your CV is neat Recruitment agencies Write your CV,What is a CV?,Is a written profile of your professional qualifications Prepared by an applicant seeking employment Multiple versions It might be called Resume,How should you organize your CV,Name & Contact Information Personal Information Career Objective Education Experiences Career History Certifications and Training Courses Technical and Interpersonal Skills Publications Awards & Activities Other Info,Name & Contact Information,Your Name in the top and in boldface Address Residence Email Includes your name Phone number Preferred pattern +X(XXX) XXX-XXXX Write only one mobile Land number is optional,How should you organize your CV,Personal Information,Military Service Status Date of Birth Marital Status Gender Other Driving License,How should you organize your CV,Career Objective,Clear, concise, and targeted to your career goal If you want to have more than one career option you should develop multiple CVs Should include Desired position Employment type Organization type Experience, and Skills offered,How should you organize your CV,Education,Start with the most recent academic degree For each degree Degree name University name / Department Year of graduation Cumulative grade or GPA Dont include high school Dont include Graduation project grade If you are currently working in a degree In progress Expected graduation date,How should you organize your CV,Experiences,Your Projects Start with the most recent Project name Involved technologies Brief description,How should you organize your CV,Career History,Start with the most recent Employer name Position title Time interval (month/Year) Responsibilities (optional),How should you organize your CV,Certifications and Training Courses,Training Courses Start with the most recent Training Center name Time interval (month/Year) Brief description (optional) Certifications Start with the most recent Certification name Earned date,How should you organize your CV,Technical and Interpersonal Skills,Technical Skills Programming language Concepts IDEs Technology related Interpersonal Skills Goal oriented IQ score Communication and Presentation Work under pressure Language Skills,How should you organize your CV,Publications,Research Thesis White paper Articles Write a title and a brief description for each,How should you organize your CV,Awards & Activities,Award/Activity Title Year Granted Authority Description (optional),How should you organize your CV,Other Info,Attended events Name Date Location Research interests Web Based Systems Robotics General interests Drawing paintings Solving puzzles Reading novels Last updated date,How should you organize your CV,Things you should avoid in your CV,ID number Personal photo Irrelevant awards, publications, & memberships Travel history Previous pay rates Reasons for leaving previous jobs Typing & grammar errors Lengthy descriptions The words “References available upon request”,Things employers look for,Signs of achievements Patterns of stability & career direction Professional presentation of your CV,Ensure that your CV is neat,Recommended fonts Calibri Tahoma Times new Roman Use one or two fonts only Use bullets, but dont overuse them Recommended font size 12, dont use smaller than 10. Print in high quality, white paper,Recruitment agencies,American Chamber Egypt IT Jobs Jobs in Egypt Master HR Mea-IT Rename your CV file to be your full name Enter a job code andor job title in the email subject Write the following in the email body Dear Sir/Madam, Kindly find my resume in the attachments. Regards,Write your CV,Time for the workshop,Thank You,
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