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人教最新版英语简短口语记忆顺口溜(八上01),引导同学们归纳简短口语, 学编整合记忆顺口溜。 指导教师杨学慧,是我的。 Its mine. 这些不是我的。 These are not mine.,没关系。 Thats all right. 说得有道理。 You are right.,那些挺好看的。 Those are nice. 我骑自行车去的。 I ride my bike.,我也一样! So do I! 原因在此。 Thats why.,这是最后一次。 This is the last time. 我是第一次。 It was my first time.,跳得很高。 I jump very high. 下次会更好! Do better next time!,靠右行。 Keep to the right. 我没有意识到! I didnt realize!,别自作聪明。 Dont look wise. 他救了她的生命。 He saved her life.,看红绿灯。 See traffic lights. 改天吧。 Maybe some other time.,感到惊奇的是。 To my surprise, 她会放风筝。 she can fly a kite.,你最好尝试尝试。 You had better try. 排队等候。 Wait in line.,他是我的一位朋友。 Hes a friend of mine. 这只是时间问题。 Its only a matter of time.,好一个惊喜! What a surprise! 我生活在乡下。 I live in the countryside.,今晚乐一乐。 Have fun tonight. 行/可以。 All right.,你要多大碗的? What size would you like? 我夜里观看星星。 I watch the stars at night.,参观博物馆,好吗? We visit a museum, right? 我们会玩得开心。 Well have a great time.,没有看见我所喜欢的东西。 I didnt see anything I liked. 人生中最糟糕的日子。 It was the worst day of my life.,Good habits achieve beautiful life. Try to be your best.,
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