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人教最新版英语口语记忆顺口溜(八上32),引导同学们归纳简短口语, 学编整合记忆顺口溜。 指导教师杨学慧,尝试学英语的方法。 Try the way to learn English. 我会很快乐。 Ill be happy.,人们以后不再使用钱。 People wont use money. 将来只有一个国家。 There will be only one country.,让我们举办一个惊喜派对吧! Lets have a surprise party! 你们能来参加聚会吗? Can you come to the party?,我们正在策划乔迁聚会。 Were planning a house- warming party. 你能来参加我的聚会吗? Can you come to my party?,首先,把玉米放入爆米花机。 First, put the corn into the machine. 接下来,打开爆米花机。 Next, turn on the machine.,你喜欢吃三明治吗? Do you like sandwich? 我们能一起去打网球吗? Can we play tennis?,我们要去参加聚会。 Well go to the party. 如果做了, 你会后悔。 If you do it, youll be sorry.,有可能的话,我们会后悔的。 If possible, well be sorry. 我要赚很多钱。 Ill make a lot of money.,我认为你应该上大学。 I think youd go to college. 有些与学习有关。 Some have problems with study.,她没有钱。 She didnt have any money. 她开始吃饼干。 She started eating a biscuit.,今天风和日丽。 Its warm and sunny. 今天多云/ 晴朗 /在下雨。 Its cloudy/sunny/ rainy.,它在邮局的后面。 Its behind the post office. 它紧挨着邮局。 Its next to the post office.,Good habits achieve beautiful life. Try to be your best.,
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