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安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训Module 1 Small Talk Section Introduction & Reading-Pre-reading In most Englishspeaking countries, it is normal and necessary to make “small talk” in certain situations.Small talk is a casual form of conversation that “breaks the ice” or fills an awkward silence between people.Even though you may feel shy using your second language, it is sometimes considered rude to say nothing.Where do people make small talk?People make small talk just about anywhere, but there are certain places where it is very common.Most often, small talk occurs in places where people are waiting for something.For example, you might chat with another person who is waiting for the bus to arrive.People also make small talk in a doctors or dentists waiting room, or in queue at the grocery store. At the office, people make small talk in elevators or lunchrooms and even in restrooms, especially if there is a lineup.Some social events (such as a party) require small talk among guests who do not know each other very well.It is called “mingling” when people walk around in a social setting and talk to a variety of people.Why do people make small talk?There are a few different reasons why people use small talk.The first, and most obvious, is to break an uncomfortable silence.Another reason, however, is simply to fill time.That is why it is so common to make small talk when you are waiting for something.Some people make small talk in order to be polite.You may not feel like chatting with anyone at a party, but it is rude to just sit in a corner by yourself.After someone introduces you to others, you do not know anything about them, so in order to show a polite interest in getting to know them better, you have to start with some small talk.Section_Introduction_&_Reading_PrereadingHow Good Are Your Social Skills?Have you ever crossed the road to avoid talking to someone you recognise? Would you love to go to a party and talk confidently to every guest? Do you want to make more friends but lack the confidence to talk to people you dont know? And are you nervous about the idea of being at a social event in another country? Dont worry we can help you!You neednt worry about situations like these if you have good social skills. And they are easy to learn. People with good social skills communicate well and know how to have a conversation. It helps if you do a little advance planning.Here are a few ideas to help you.avoid doing sth.避免做某事avoid后接动名词作宾语,不可接动词不定式。confidently/knfIdntli/adv.自信地make friends 交朋友,建立友谊make friends with 与交朋友lack/lk/v缺乏,缺少you dont know为省略了关系词的定语从句,修饰先行词people。(be) nervous about 对神经紧张/害怕/胆怯neednt 没有必要,不必situation n情景,情形be easy to learn 易于学习have a conversation 交谈advance/dvns/adj.预先的,在前的do planning 做计划,做准备你的社交技能有多高?第13段译文你是否做过这样的事情:看见认识的人以后,故意过马路以避免与其说话?你是否愿意参加聚会并自信地和每位来宾交谈?你是否想结交更多的朋友但又缺乏与陌生人交谈的信心?你是否一想到要在别的国家参加社交活动就觉得忐忑不安?别担心我们能帮助你!如果你具备了良好的社交技能,你就不用担心这样的情景。而且这些技能是容易学习的。具备良好社交技能的人能很好地和别人交流并且知道怎样交谈。要是预先做些准备,将会对你有所帮助。下面为帮助你出些主意。Learn how to do small talkSmall talk is very important and prepares you for more serious conversations. Be prepared! Have some lowrisk conversation openers ready. For example:think of a recent news story not too serious, eg.a story about a film star or sports starthink of things to tell people about your studiesthink of “safe” things you can ask peoples opinions about music, sport, films, etc.think of topics that you would avoid if you were talking to strangers and avoid talking about them! That way, you dont damage your confidence!prepare sb. for sth.使某人对某事有所准备lowrisk adj.低风险的,不太会出错的think of 想起,回忆起you can ask peoples opinions about为定语从句,修饰things。 引导词that或which在从句中作about的宾语,在此被省略。that you would avoid . 为定语从句,修饰先行词topics; if从句中be动词用了were,这是虚拟语气的用法。that way作方式状语,其前面省略了介词in。第4段译文学会怎样聊天聊天是很重要的,并能帮助你为一些更严肃的谈话做准备。准备好!准备一些不太会出错的开场白。例如:想出一个最近的新闻故事不要太严肃,譬如,一个有关电影明星或体育明星的故事想出一些有关你学习的事情告诉别人想出一些“不会出错”的事情询问别人的意见音乐、体育、电影等想出一些和陌生人谈话时要回避的话题并且要避免谈论这些话题!那样, 你的自信心就不会被伤害了!Develop your listening skillsListening is a skill which most people lack, but communication is a twoway process it involves speaking AND listening. Always remember you wont impress people if you talk too much. Here are some ideas to make you a better listener:Do .show that you are listening by using encouraging noises and gestures smiling, nodding, saying “uhhuh” and “OK”, etc.keep good eye contactuse positive body languageask for more information to show your interestDont .look at your watchyawnsighlook away from the person whos talking to youchange the subjectfinish other peoples sentences for themAlways remember the words of Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister in the 19th century: “Talk to a man about hims
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