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安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训Module 2 My New TeachersOf all my teachers, Mr Lee is the one who leaves the deepest impression on me. Though he is thirtyfour, he looks very young for his age and he is energetic. He is strict with us in class and patient with us after class. His classes are well organized. Hes so lovely that hes one of the most popular teachers in our school.Compared with other teachers, Mr Lee pays more attention to his way of teaching. He tries all kinds of ways to make his classes lively and amusing. Listening to his classes is relaxing. In his opinion, we should not only know “what”, but also understand “why”. So instead of giving us answers immediately, he encourages us to think by ourselves whenever he puts forward questions. With his help, weve learned how to analyze and settle problems.He is such a learned person that we all respect him very much.,在我所有的老师中,李老师给我的印象最深刻。尽管他34岁了,但他看上去很年轻并且他精力充沛。他课堂上对我们非常严格,课下对我们有耐心。他的课组织很严密。他是如此可爱以至于他是我们学校最受欢迎的教师之一。与其他老师相比,李老师更注重教学方法。他尝试各种方法使自己的课活泼有趣。听他的课很令人放松。在他看来我们不仅应该知道“是什么”,还要理解“为什么”。所以,无论何时他提出问题,他不是立即给我们答案,而是鼓励我们独立思考。在他的帮助下,我们学会了如何分析和解决问题。他是如此有学问的一个人以至于我们都很尊敬他。在治安防范工作中保卫部要求治安员按照“全覆盖、零容忍”的工作原则,明确责任、清晰目标,坚持对重点要害部位进行“地毯式”巡查
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