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安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训Module 3 MusicSection Introduction & Reading Language Points 一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇 1.audiencen听众2.classicaln. 古典音乐3.courtn. 宫廷4.geniusn. 天才 5.peasantn. 农民 6.tourvt. 巡回演出.拓展词汇1.conductorn指挥conduct vt.指挥2.musiciann音乐家musicaladj.音乐的music n音乐3.directorn指挥;导演direct vt.指导;导演 adj.直接的direction n方向4.losevt.失去;丢失loss n失去;丢失5.talentn天分;天赋;才华talented adj.有才华的6.composevt.作曲;创作composern作曲家1.composer n作曲家联想er后缀表人名词小结driver司机,驾驶员 leader 领袖,领导人player 比赛者,选手 winner 获胜者2.conductor n指挥记法or为常见的表示人的名词后缀联想director n. 指挥;导演visitor n. 访问者,参观者 actor n. 男演员inventor n. 发明者3.prince n王子;亲王联想king n. 国王queen n. 王后;女王 princess n. 公主二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.be_different_from与不同2.be_known_as 作为而出名3.change_._into_. 把变成4.as_well_as 也,又5.be_impressed_with 对留下印象6.go_deaf 变聋7.of_all_time 有史以来8.hear_of 听说1.singing voice歌喉2.have a beautiful singing voice 有一副唱歌的好嗓子3.give concert 举办音乐会4.play the violin 拉小提琴5.something wonderful 精彩的东西6.the rest of ones life 某人的余生7.director of music 音乐指挥8.from an early age 从很小的时候三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.Having workedthere for 30 years, Haydn moved to London, where he was very successful.在那儿工作了30年后,海顿搬到了伦敦,在那里,他非常成功。现在分词的完成式作时间状语。Having_worked for a whole day, the secretary looked exhausted.那个秘书工作了整整一天, 看上去疲惫不堪。2.By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras.到莫扎特14岁时,不仅已经谱写了很多管弦乐曲,还谱写了许多拨弦键琴曲、钢琴曲和小提琴曲。by the time用作连词,引导时间状语从句。By_the_time I got home, my mother had_already_finished cooking supper.我到家的时候,妈妈已经把晚饭做好了。3.While he was still a teenager, Mozart was already a big star and toured Europe giving concerts.当莫扎特还是个少年时,他就已经是一个大明星了,并在欧洲举办了巡回音乐会。while作从属连词,引导时间状语从句。Ill take care of your children while_you_are_away.你不在时我会照顾你的孩子的。4.However,it was Haydnwhoencouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.然而,鼓励贝多芬移居维也纳的正是海顿。it was . who .为强调句型,被强调部分为Haydn。It_is_the_teachers_praise_that contributes to my success.是老师的表扬促使我成功的。1(教材P21)audience n观众,听众,读者(1)为集合名词,作主语时,若强调个体,谓语动词用复数形式;若强调整体,谓语动词用单数形式。(2)其前可用large和small进行修饰。The audienceis/are always excited by a wonderful goal.一个精彩的进球总会使观众激动。There was alarge/small audience.听众很多/很少。名师点津集合名词作主语时通常有下面两种情况:(1)集合名词class, family, audience, staff, team, crowd, crew, public, couple, government, group等作主语时,若强调个体,谓语动词用复数形式;若强调整体,谓语动词用单数形式。The family next door is (be) from the south.隔壁的那家人来自南方。(强调总体概念)The family next door like fishing very much.隔壁的那家人非常喜欢钓鱼。(强调所有的家庭成员)(2)people, police, cattle等集合名词作主语时,谓语动词总是用复数形式。The police are (be) searching the house.警察正在搜查房子。2(教材P22)lose vt.失去;丢失;迷路;输掉;使沉溺于;专心致志于(1)lose face/heart/weight丢面子/灰心/减肥lose ones way be lost 迷路lose oneself in sth./be lost in sth. 专心致志于某事(be) lost in thought 陷入沉思(2)loss n. 失去;丧失at a loss 困惑;不知所措Dont lose heart. Given another chance, you are supposed to pass.不要气馁,再获得一次机会的话你就会通过了。It was darker, whats worse, he lost his way/was lost in the forest.天越来越黑了,更糟的是,他在森林中迷路了。He was at_a_loss on hearing the sudden news.听到那突然的消息后,他不知所措。3(教材P22)Joseph Haydn (17321809) was an Austrian composer andis known as “the father of the symphony”约瑟夫海顿(17321809)是一位奥地利作曲家,以“交响乐之父”著称。be known as作为而出名be known for因而出名 be known to 为所知The African lion is known as the king of the forest.非洲狮子被誉为森林之王。The young man is known as a singer and he is mostly known for singing popular songs which are known to many teenagers.这个年轻人是位知名歌手,他尤其以唱许多青少年耳熟能详的流行歌曲而出名。4(教材P22)He only lived 35 years and hecomposed more than 600 pieces of music.他只活到35岁,却创作了600多首乐曲。compose vt.作曲;创作;组成,构成;使平静(1)be composed of由组成compose oneself 使自己镇定(2)composer n. 作曲家composition n. 创作;作曲;写作Hecomposeda new play last month whichis composed of three parts.他上个月创作了一个由三部分组成的新剧本。He lay back on the bed and tried to compose_himself. 他躺在床上,尽力使自己安定下来。Beethoven is the bestknown composer (compose) of classical music.贝多芬是最著名的古典音乐作曲家。名师点津其他表示“由组成”的短语还有:consist of, be made up of等。The committee is composed of professors and engineers. The committee is_made_up_of professors and engineers.The committee consists_of professors and engineers.委员会由教授和工程师组成。5(教材P22)Wolfgang had musical talent from a very early age.沃尔夫冈很小的时候就有音乐天赋。talent n天分;天赋;才华(1)have a talent for有天赋show a talent for 表现出的天赋(2)talented adj. 有天赋的;有才能的This kind of game is useful to develop childrens talents.这种游戏有助于发展儿童的才智。The girl has_a_talent_for language. Now she can speak three foreign languages.这个女孩有语言天赋,她现在能说三门外语了。The little boy showed a talent for painting. We all believed he would become a talented (tal
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