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安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训课时跟踪练(三) Other Parts of the Module一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本课语言点针对练习.单词拼写1Whats the workers average (平均的) income a month in this factory?2The days are shortening (缩短) as the winter comes near.3We should speak English frequently (经常) in order to improve our spoken English.4Not knowing how to operate the computer is one of the disadvantages (缺点) in finding jobs.5All the students who work hard can definitely (肯定) pass the exam.6Only in this way can they grow up to be independent (独立的) and become truly successful.7Your attention should be concentrated (集中) on your papers during the test.8According to the statistics (统计数字), 60% of the households in this district have their private cars.单句改错1Comparing with the place where I grew up, this town is much more exciting.ComparingCompared2By average, women live between five and seven years longer than men.ByOn3Production in the factory stopped because of frequently power failures.frequentlyfrequent4The job will make him independent on his parents.onof5I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with anything.anythingeverything6With his attention concentrating on a book, he didnt notice me come in.concentratingconcentrated.选词填空1The hot weather here doesnt agree_with me.2We should do something instead_of just talking about it.3On_average,_men still earn more than women.4There have been a_series_of accidents on road recently.5Compared_with your work, mine is far from satisfactory.6She pointed_out that there was little chance of success.本单元语言点温故练习.单句语法填空1What I need is a book containing (contain) the ABC of oil painting.2What points can be raised in defence (defend) of this argument?3It is a creative (create) idea to make robots do housework for humans.4Designed (design) for children, the album became popular as soon as it came out.5I found it hard to keep my concentration (concentrate) with so many people talking.6He now has access to the companys most important information.7We are not permitted to_talk (talk) in the library, nor can we take books out without permission.8Mr. Smith has invented many useful things and has made much money from his inventions.(invent)9An average of 1,350 persons visit the temple every day.10If you had (have) come earlier, you wouldnt have missed the bus.完成句子1It is said that success consists_of_three_important_factors:_talent, diligence and luck.据说成功由三个重要因素组成:天分、勤奋加上运气。2She can sing; she can play_the_piano_as_well.她会唱歌,她也会弹钢琴。3The Great Wall of China becomes/is_known_as an ancient manmade wonder.中国的长城是公认的一个古代人工建筑的奇迹。4With the development of science and technology, the prices of mobile phones have_gone_down.随着科技的发展,手机的价格下降了。5All you had to do was think a little harder and come_up_with_a_new_solution.你所能做的就是再仔细思考并想出个新的解决方法。6Wherever he is, he makes_it_a_rule_to_give_his_mother_a_call every day.无论他在哪里,他习惯每天给妈妈打个电话。7Where_do_you_think she comes from?你觉得她来自哪里?8Not_everyone can pass the exam.并不是所有人都能通过这次考试。二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解Because of the difficulty in finding a satisfactory job, many college students are willing to start online shops to get over such a period. A survey launched by social survey center of China Youth Daily indicates that 66.9 percent of the interviewees encourage graduates to keep online stores as starting enterprises, while 12.3 percent disagree.A low starting lineDue to the lack of funds, Ning Meng, a student in Jilin University chose to be a clothing agent.“We send orders to manufacturers and they will deliver clothes to purchasers. We can get the margin (利润) in between,” Ning said.“Opening such a shop needs funds, and there is always hidden danger behind it. If other store keepers place a substantial order, they will have a lower offer. Then it will leave me a small profit,” Ning said.Have advantagesA college student in Shanghai named Liu Heng is a master of online shopping. He thinks that university students have unparalleled advantages in managing such business network resources and abundant time.“I learned a lot about business in KAB entrepreneur courses,” Liu said. “Brainstorm and search engine will help you solve most of the problems in starting your own business.”“College students have much online shopping experience, so they are aware of what their peers need. Thats the advantage they have,” Liu Jing, a member in KAB entrepreneur club in Southwestern University of Finance and Economics told reporters.Lack of timeYan Jingjing, a junior in Beijing Forestry University (BFU) describes her career as “agony”. Yan used to have an online accessory shop, which is popular among buyers. But numerous curriculums pushed her to deal with the business at night every day. Finally she shut down the shop for lack of time.The investigation displays that 69.7 p
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