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安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训Unit 1 Laughter is good for you Section Word power, Grammar and usage & Task 一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.deepbreathing adj.深呼吸的2.guarantee vt.& n. 保证;担保3.initial adj. 最初的,初始的n. (人名的)首字母4.attain vt. (通常经过努力)获得;得到;达到5.polish vt. 提高;修改;润色.拓展词汇1.fitness n健壮,健康;适合fit adj.健康的;适合的2.participate vi.参加,参与participation n参加,参与participant n参加者,参与者3.foolishness n愚蠢foolish adj.愚蠢的fool n傻子4.instruct vt.教授,传授;指示,命令;告知instruction n命令;指示5.strengthen vt.& vi.增强;巩固strength n力量,力气1.strengthen vt.&vi.增强;巩固记法strength (n.体力,力气)(动词词缀)en strengthen(v.)联想归纳后缀en动词threaten威胁,恐吓lengthen (使)延长,变长heighten 提高,升高,加强2.positive adj.积极的;正面的;肯定的反义negative 负面的,消极的3.foreigner n外国人联想alien adj.外国的;相异的n.外星人串记The old foreigner believes there live the aliens in the universe.这位年老的外国人相信宇宙中有外星人。4.guarantee vt.& n保证;担保同义assure, ensure, promise词块written guarantee 书面保证basic guarantee 基本保障5.attain vt.获得;得到;达到同义get, acquire, obtain, gain词块attain ones goal 实现目标attain success 获得成功二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.drive away赶走;驱赶2take on 接纳3be supposed to 应该4in charge 负责5be divided into 被分成6be made up of 由组成7be ready to do sth. 准备好做某事,乐于做某事8work out 锻炼;计算出9participate in 参加,参与10for sure 确切地;肯定1.the person in charge主管的人2a stage direction 舞台说明3acts and scenes 动作和场景4people with breathing problems 有呼吸问题的人5famous crosstalk master 著名的相声大师6copy traditional piece of crosstalk 模仿传统相声段子7a sense of happiness 幸福感8initial requirements 先决条件9in a row 一连串三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.So, it is easy to understand why some yoga exercises include laughter.因此,一些瑜伽练习为什么包含笑在内就不难理解了。“It is形容词/名词不定式”结构,it作形式主语,不定式为真正的主语。Its_easy_for_me_to_persuade her to come with us tomorrow.说服她明天跟我们一块儿来对我来说容易。2.Experts say that the positive feelings produced by laughter not only make us happy but also help us reduce pain.专家说笑产生的积极情感不但让我们感到愉快,而且帮助我们减轻疼痛。not only .but also .“不但而且”,用于连接两个对称的并列成分。He not_only writes his own plays, but_also acts in them.他不仅自编剧本,而且在其中担任角色。 3.The next time you feel upset or disappointed, do not worry.你下次感到心烦意乱或失望时,不要担心。the next time用作从属连词引导时间状语从句,意为“下次”,the可省略。The_next_time_you_visit_us,_please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a lunch for you.下次你访问我们时,烦请提前告诉我,以便我为你安排午餐。 1(教材P6)The person in charge is the director. 负责的那个人是导演。in charge负责,主管(1)in charge of 负责,掌管in the charge of 由负责/掌管free of charge 免费take charge of 负责,掌握(2)charge sb. sth. for . 为向某人要价charge sb. with sth. 控告某人有罪 Hes in charge of the Marketing Department, you know.你知道,他是负责营销处的。The shop charged us no money for delivery.该店免费给我们送货。He was charged with stealing a car.他被指控偷车。语境串记When he was young, he was in the charge of his boss, but now he takes charge of his boss company. 他小时候由他的老板负责照顾,而如今他掌管着老板的公司。2(教材P9)It helps those who cannot work out become fit.它帮助那些不能锻炼的人变得健康。work out(1)锻炼,做运动,为不及物动词短语Whatever the weather is like, my sister works out in the gym every day.无论天气如何,我妹妹每天都去健身房锻炼。(2)计算出;找到的答案,解决,为及物动词短语Can you work_out how much it will cost?你能算出这将花多少钱吗?She worked_out the problem with no difficulty.她毫无困难地解决了这个问题。(3)计划,思考,想出,为及物动词短语They spent a whole night working_out the plan.他们花费了一整夜时间想出这个计划。(4)成功地发展,按照某种方式发展,为不及物动词短语We hadnt planned our art exhibition like that but it worked_out very well.我们没有像那样计划我们的艺术展,但结果却很好。3(教材P9)This is because laughter strengthens the heart and the lungs. 这是因为笑可以增强心肺功能。strengthen vt.&vi.增强;巩固 (1)strength n 体力,力量;长处,优点build up ones strength 强身健体strengths and weaknesses 长处和短处(2)strong adj. 强壮的,牢固的Metal supports were added to strengthen the outer walls.增加了金属支撑以加强外墙。Mike usually runs every morning to_build_up_his_strength.迈克通常每天早上跑步来强身健体。语境串记He has been brought in to strengthen the defence because of the strength that he is strong and fast.因为他有身体壮和速度快的长处,所以被请来加强后卫力量。4(教材P9)As you laugh, the muscles participating in the laugh become active. 当你大笑的时候,参与笑的肌肉变得活跃起来。participate vi.参加,参与(1)participate in参加participate in sth. with sb. 和某人参与某事(2)participant n. 参加者,共享者Last spring, I was fortunate to participate in an exchange study program.去年春天,我有幸参加了一个交流学习的项目。He is an active participant (participate) in the civil rights movement.他是人权运动的积极参加者。名师点津participate in是正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个积极的角色参加。take part in侧重指参加某项群众性活动,突出参加者在其中发挥一定的作用。join in指参与某种已在进行着的活动。5(教材P9)Practising is the only way to guarantee a successful performance. 练习是保证演出成功的唯一途径。guarantee vt.& n保证;担保(1)guarantee to do sth.保证做某事guarantee sb. sth. 保证某人某事guarantee that . 保证/确保(2)(be) under guarantee 在保修期内Im sorry that I cant guarantee you the job at prese
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