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安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训Unit 3 Understanding each other Section Word power, Grammar and usage & Task 一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.emperor n皇帝2.gesture n. 手势;姿势;示意动作3.greeting n. 问候;问候语.拓展词汇1.expectation n期望,盼望 expect v期望,预料,认为2.religion n宗教religious adj.宗教的; 虔诚的3.slight adj.轻微的slightly adv.轻微地1.emperor n皇帝联想盘点or结尾名词professor教授inventor发明者visitor 拜访者 conductor 售票员editor 编辑 actor 男演员2.gesture n手势;姿势;示意动作词块make a gesture做姿态,做手势by gesture 用手势in a . gesture 以的姿势/手势3.greeting n问候;问候语词块exchange greetings 互致问候send greetings 发送问候New Years greetings 新年贺词holiday greetings 节日的问候二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.be connected with与有联系,与有关2be clever at doing sth. 很擅长做某事3dream of doing sth. 梦想做某事4in ones youth 在某人年轻的时候5let alone 更不用说6show sb. around 带某人参观、游览7hold out 伸出;维持8take up 占据(时间或空间)9give out 发出;耗尽;精疲力竭10be aware of 注意到11shake hands with sb. 与某人握手1.a number of years很多年2in the future 将来3make sure 确信4sound like 听起来像5at the end of the term 这个学期末6make a mistake 犯错7get into trouble 陷入困境8last month 上个月9go to a good university 上一所好大学10go abroad 去国外11have no idea 不知道三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.One reason why there are so many French words in English is that the French ruled England for quite a number of years.英语里有如此多的法语词汇的一个原因是法国曾统治英国好多年。“One reason why . is that .”表示“的一个原因是”,其中 why 引导定语从句,that引导表语从句。One_reason_why he was dismissed was that he was careless and irresponsible.他被解雇的一个原因是他粗心大意且不负责任。2.In Thailand and other parts of SouthEast Asia,the normal greeting is a slight bow with the hands pressed together.在泰国和东南亚的其他一些地区,通常的打招呼方式是双手合十并微微鞠躬。句中with复合结构with the hands pressed together作伴随状语。With_a_lot_of_problems_settled,_the manager felt very pleased.很多问题解决后,那位经理感到非常满意。 3.They dislike it when people do not look at the cards, so remember not to just put them in your pocket without looking.他们讨厌对方不看名片,所以记着不要不看就把它们放进你的口袋里。本句中it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是when引导的从句。He disliked_it_when she behaved badly in front of his mother.他讨厌她在他母亲面前举止失当。1(教材P40)I learnt that expectations at weddings can be quite different.我了解到婚礼上的期盼可能相当不同。expectation n期望,盼望(1)expectation of/that . 期望/盼望meet/live up to (ones) expectations 不负所望beyond (ones) expectations 超出某人的预期,出乎意料地in (the) expectation of 期待,指望(2)expect vt. 预料,期待expect (sb.) to do sth.期望(某人)做某事/预料(某人)做某事The test succeeded beyond our expectations.超出我们的预期,试验成功了。And they make me feel that Ive got to live up to their expectations (expect). 他们让我觉得,我必须达到他们对我的期望才行。Anne left Germany in_(the)_expectation_of seeing her family again before very long.安妮离开了德国,期待着很快就能与家人重逢。I didnt expect him to_become (become) a successful writer.我没想到他会成为一名成功的作家。2(教材P41)In his youth, however, he never left his home town, let alone travelled to another country, because he had to work to support his family.然而,在他年轻时从未离开过家乡,更不用说到国外旅游了,因为他得工作来养活家庭。let alone 更不用说let sb. alone leave sb. alone不打扰,不惊动let sth. alone leave sth. alone 不碰;不变动let sb. down 使失望;放下let out发出;放大;泄露(秘密)In those days, we couldnt send our children to middle school, let alone college.那时候,我们的孩子连中学都上不起,更不用说上大学了。You can believe in him; hell never let you down.你可以信赖他;他不会让你失望的。If the bird is let out of its cage, it will certainly fly away.如果把鸟儿放出笼子,它肯定会飞走的。名师点津let alone“更不用说”,相当于一个插入语,但其后所接的词的形式要求与前面的平行一致,一般用于否定句之后。表达“更不用说”的短语还有:not to mentionnot to speak of3(教材P42)Your headmaster asked some students to show the guests around.你们的校长让一些学生带客人参观。show sb. around 带某人参观、游览(1)show sb. in领某人进入show sb. out 送某人出去show off 炫耀,卖弄show up 显露;露面;出现(2)on show 在展览中;陈列着I am very glad to show you around our schoolyard.我很高兴带你在我们校园里转转。Pay no attention to Susan shes just showing_off.不要理苏珊她只是在卖弄。Not one student showed_up for the scheduled meeting.没有一个学生出席预定的会议。4(教材P42)I have no idea what he will do with them all, and it took up a lot of time.我不知道他将如何处理这些东西,而且还花费了很多时间。take up 占据(时间或空间);拿起;开始从事;继续写出下列句中take up的含义I have taken up teaching since I graduated from university.开始从事Writing the paper took up most of the weekend.占据(时间)Id like to take up the point you raised early.继续They took up their arms to fight against slavery.拿起The new sofa has taken up much place of the sitting room.占据(空间)1One reason why there are so many French words in English is that the French ruled England for quite a number of years.英语里有如此多的法语词汇的一个原因是法国曾统治英国好多年。(1)句中One reason why . is that .属于The reason why . is that .句型结构的变式,表示“的一个原因是”。在此句型中 why 引导定语从句修饰 the reason;that .为表语从句,说明 the reason 的内容。that不能用because代替。One reason why they didnt finish the project on time is that they didnt have enough time.他们没有按时完成该项目的一个原因
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