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编号:43池河中学2017-2018学年度第一学期教学设计年级七科目来源:学优高考网英语任课教师邓梦婷授课时间11.28课题Unit6 Do you like bananas? (Section B 2a-2c)授课类型阅读课标依据本节课是人教版英语七年级上册第六单元第四课时的内容。通过本单元前三个课时的学习,初步掌握了部分食物词汇及询问、谈论某人喜欢或不喜欢某种食物的表达,本课时将在此基础上复习、巩固本单元的食物单词,并通过读写的方式,练习、巩固本单元的重点表达及谓语动词的单复数变化这一语法点,属于读写课。但课本上的读写任务稍显简单,这就要求老师做适当的拓展。通过学习,学生将在读写能力,尤其是写的能力上有所提高。教学目标知识与技能1、知识技能目标:(1)复习本单元食物词汇及询问、谈论一日三餐喜欢吃哪些东西的句型。(1)掌握新词汇: eat, well, star, habit, healthy, really, question, want, be, fat。(2)掌握新短语:a sports star, a volleyball star, ask sb. about sth., eating habits, what about等。(3)掌握一般现在时中,主语为三单时,助动词及实意动词的变化。过程与方法1.讲授法2.谈话法3.小组讨论法4.练习法情感态度与价值观培养对家人、同学、朋友的关怀和友爱之情,学会营养配餐。来源:gkstk.Com教学重点难点来源:学优高考网gkstk教学重点A.Vocabularystar, eat, well, habit, healthy, really, question, want, be, fat来源:gkstk.ComB.Target languagesDo you like salad? I like chicken for dinner. I dont like bananas.教学来源:学优高考网难点Grammar: Talk about likes and dislikes教学过程设计师生活动设计意图Step1. Lead-inGreeting and Warming upStep2. PresentationWhat do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Do you eat healthy food? Different people eat different foods. Which food do you think is healthy? Finish 2a, and discuss in pairs.Step3. ReadingRead and explain the title. Whats the meaning of “ sports star” ? Whats the meaning of “ Sports Star Eats Well” ?来源:学优高考网T: “A sports star” means a person who plays sports very well. Do you know a sports star?Yes,Yao Ming was a sports star. So what does the title mean? OK. “Sports Star Eats Well” means a sports star eats healthy food.You are going to read about a volleyball star. She has healthy eating habits. So what does she eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?First guess the answers.Choose several students to answer. Then read about her answers to a reporter, David, and you will know. What does Cindy eat for breakfast / lunch/dinner?Check the answers.Read the article again. Answer the following questions.1. Why does Cindy like fruit?2. Why doesnt Cindy like hamburgers?3. Why doesnt Cindy eat ice-cream?Read it again and fill in the chart.Fill in the chart with the food Cindy likes and doesnt like.Cindy likesCindy doesnt like来源:学优高考网gkstkRead it again, explain any difficulty.Discussion.How can we keep healthy?Whats your advice?An apple a day keeps the doctor away.Eat healthy food and keep a balanced diet.Listen to the tape, students follow it.来源:学优高考网gkstkRetell the article according to the chart above.Step 4 Writing (Cooperation)Write five sentences , then correct the mistakes each other. Choose several students to write five sentences about Cindys eating habits on the blackboard. Correct the mistakes together.Step5 HomeworkWrite a composition about their eating habits.询问学生的喜好,吸引学生的学习兴趣。设置问题,引导学生带着问题进行阅读,找目标信息。进行句子练习及书写,加强学生对句型的理解与运用。
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