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临淄一中课时备课主备人:冷雪松 审核人:课 题来源:学优高考网 Unit 5 课 型Revision案序教学用具Blackboard教学方法Five-step教学目标来源:学优高考网gkstk知识与能力:Review the important phrases and sentences .过程与方法:Train students abilities of solving problems in review lessons.情感态度和价值观:Train students communicative ability.来源:学优高考网重点难点1. Train students ability of reading and writing.2How to improve students good presentation skill教 学 过 程Step 1.Check Have a dictation about the important phrases and sentences of last lesson.Step 2.Learn and work in groups Ask the students to read the sentences and the passages of the whole unit, and pay more attention to the important words and expressions, try to master them. After they finish their work ,they can check each other. Move around the room. If they have something difficult, explain it for them.Step 3. Explain something important1. pretty relaxed 2.drop by 3.make plans to do sth.4.Its very important to be on time. 5. get angry 6. plan to do sth. 7.point to /at 8.be different from9.be/get used to sth./doing sth. 10. give compliments11.make appointments 12.offer tea 13make a toastSentences: 1 Can you tell me the things Im supposed to do?来源:学优高考网2 The first thing is to greet the teacher. 来源:学优高考网gkstk3 You are supposed to say “good morning, teacher .4.Its polite to make noise while eating noodles.5.They go out of their way to make me feel at home.6.My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table.7.I find it difficult to remember everything.8.Its polite to make noise while eating noodles.9.They go out of their way to make me feel at home.10.My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table.11.I was supposed barrive at 7:00 but I arrived at 8:00.Step 4. Practice Do some exercises .(同步训练P60 VI-64 XII) Check the answers with the class. Ask a student to read his answers to the class.And explain something important and difficult. In small groups,ask the students to discuss about the table manners in China Then write it down in the exercise book.Step5. Self check(拓展提高) Task: Group work Write an e-mail message to a friend about table manners.板书设计 反思重建
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