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Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. Section B 2a -2e,be blind,Be unable to walk,be deaf and be unable to speak,be unable to use hands,disabled people,A helper-dog,How to help them?,animal helpers,Carrier pigeon,animal helpers,animal helpers,Guide dog,Read the words and expressions loudly.,letter Miss set up disabled make a difference blind deaf,n. 信;函 n. 女士;小姐 建起;设立 adj. 丧失能力的;有残疾的 影响;有作用 adj. 瞎的;失明的 adj. 聋的,Words and expressions,imagine difficulty open door carry train excited training,v. 想象;设想 n. 困难;难题 v. 开;打开 n. 门 v. 拿;提;抗 v. 训练;培训 adj. 激动的;兴奋的 n. 训练;培训,Words and expressions,kindness clever understand change interest sir madam,n. 仁慈;善良 adj. 聪明的;聪颖的 v. 理解;领会 v.&n. 变化;改变 n. 兴趣;关注 v. 使感兴趣;使关注 n. 先生 n. 夫人;女士,Words and expressions,Skim the letter and answer the questions.,2b,Who wrote the letter to Miss Li? Why? 2. What did Miss Li do?,Ben Smith. Because he want to thank Miss Li for making it possible for him to have Lucky.,She gave away money to Animal Helpers which was set up to help disabled people.,Listen to the passage and circle the words in 2c,Look at the list of words below. Circle the part of speech of each word and make your own sentences with these words.,2c,group (adj. / n.) 2. disabled (adj. / adv.) 3. difference (adv. / n.),I want to take part in this group.,Ada is always ready to help disabled people.,I volunteer because I want to not just see the world, but make a difference in it.,Her temperature soon returned to normal.,4. imagine (v. / n.) 5. difficulties (n. / adj.) 6. normal (adv. / adj.) 7. training (adv. / n.) 8. kindness (n. / v.),I can hardly imagine such a scene.,Whenever we met with difficulties, they came to help us.,His training fits him for the job.,He did it all out of kindness.,Use the information in the letter to make true sentences by matching the different parts.,2d,SUBJECT Miss Li Ben Smith Lucky Animal Helpers,VERB can get trains sent is,OBJECT unable to move well money to Animal Helpers. animals like Lucky. things for disabled people.,Discuss the questions with a partner.,2e,In what other ways do you think dogs are able to help people? 2. What other animals can we train to help people?,To hunt, to track down the criminal,Carrier pigeon(信鸽),1. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky.,it在句中作make的形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式to have Lucky。如:,我发现学好英语对我们来说很有必要。 I find it necessary for us to learn English well.,Practice,【超链接】it还可用作形式主语,而把真正的主语置于句尾。如: 看太多的电视对你的眼睛有害。 Its bad for your eyes to watch too much TV. 见到你真高兴。 It is so nice to see you.,2. I was excited about the idea of having a dog.,be excited about意为“对感到兴奋”,主语通常是人 ;而exciting意为“令人感到兴奋的”,主语通常是物或事件。其他类似的词surprising / surprised; interesting / interested等也是这样区分的。如:,他对这本有趣的书很感兴趣。 He is very interested in this interesting book.,Practice,3. Then one day last year, a friend of mine helped me out.,help out 意为 “使某人脱离困境”。可分开使用。,当我失业的时候没有人帮助我。 Nobody helped me out when I lost my job. 这有点出乎意料但我想如果价格合适的话我可以帮忙一下。 It was unexpected but I could help out if the price was right, I thought.,Practice,4. Im only able to have a “dog helper” because of your kindness!,许多家庭因缺钱而破裂。 Many families break up because of a lack of money. 我做这事是因为他们请我做啊! I did it because they asked me to do it!,Practice,because of 是介词短语, 表原因, 后面接名词或代词短语。because是连词, 后常接从句。,Free talk How do you usually thank someone who helps you? Discuss this with a partner.,Free talk,Did you write a letter to thank someone who had helped you? Which way do you take to thank others?,Review,set up make a difference it作形式主语的用法 be excited about excited /exciting; surprising / surprised; interesting / interested help out because of/because,1. They helped him _ a hospital at the side of the street. A. set about B. set out C. set up D. set with 2. Thank you for helping me. _. A. Thats right B. My pleasure C. No, thanks D. It doesnt matter,Choose the best answer.,3. At times, parents find it difficult _ with their teenage children (2013江苏淮安) A. talk B. talked C. talking D. to talk 4. Everyone was _ when they heard the _ news. (2013四川遂宁) A. exciting; exciting B. excited; exciting C. exciting; excited,5. He lost his key. It made him _ in the cold to wait for his wifes return. (2013重庆) A. to stay B. stayed C. stays D. stay 6. Mark Zuckerberg _ the Facebook website in February of 2004. It is very popular now. (2013广西贵港) A. set up B. set off C. got up D. got off,Lets learn the story of a guide dog Nini,Homework Try to write a thank-you letter to express your gratitude to people who helped you when you are in trouble.,Thank-you note,Say thanks to my ,Thank you !,
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