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全国各地接二连三地发生了多起特大安全事故,造成严重的人员伤亡,特别是北京密云、吉林商厦等特大安全事故,引起了党中央和国务院的高度关注Unit 5 The power of nature第一部分 听力(满分30分)(略)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AEnvironmental health is defined as the control of the factors (因素)in the environment social well-being (安乐) that may have harmful effects on peoples physical, mental, or because natural disasters expose people to danger by bringing up or threatening their immediate environment , effective management of environmental health after a natural disaster is of great importance.The environmental health measures that must be considered after a natural disaster include the supply of appropriate shelter for individuals or groups of people left homeless, the distribution (分配)of safe and accessible water, and the protection and distribution of safe food products and so on.To effectively manage environmental health during and after a disaster, it is important that a state of preparation is in effect before the event actually occurs. During an emergency, success largely depends on making good, rapid judgment and appropriate response measures. High-level decision makers, therefore, must be familiar with sound measures beforehand and should be given an accurate judgment of the disasters specific effects as quickly as possible.This book is intended to serve as a guide for those who may be called upon to make emergency decisions after disaster strikes. The recommended environmental health measures have been listed in the order ofpriorityin which they should be taken during an emergency. However, each natural disaster is unique in the degree or type of emergency. In response to any given disaster, decision makers may find it necessary to change the priority assigned to any particular measure.1.Why is it significant to take effective measures after a natural disaster?A. Victims may be in danger without immediate controls.B. Victims may be at the risk of losing their properties.C. Victims may be exposed to poisonous or radioactive minerals.D. Victims may be threatened by environmental health problems.2.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?A. Good preparations beforehand are vital.B. Rapid judgment is quite beneficial.C. Effective measures sound familiar.D. Slow responses sound ineffective.3.Whom is the book mainly written for?A.A researcher quite into environment health.B. An organizer to handle domestic disastrous situations.C.A possible decision-maker to handle a disaster emergency.D.A holidaymaker fond of the topic of effective management.4.Which of the following can replace the underlined word priority in Paragraph 4?A. Perfection.B. Preference.C. Possibility.D. Popularity-BA tsunami is a series of ocean waves that sends surges (汹涌) of water, sometimes reaching heights of over 100 feet, onto land. These walls of water can cause widespread destruction when they crash ashore.These fear-inspiring waves are typically caused by large, undersea earthquakes at plate boundaries. When the ocean floor at a plate boundary rises or falls suddenly it displaces the water above it and launches the rolling waves that will become a tsunami.Tsunamis may also be caused by underwater landslides (山崩) or volcanic eruptions. They may even be launched, as they frequently were in Earths ancient past, by the impact of a large meteorite (陨石) throwing into an ocean.Tsunamis race across the sea at up to 500 miles an hour about as fast as a jet airplane. At that pace they can cross the entire expanse of the Pacific Ocean in less than a day. And their long wavelengths mean they lose very little energy along the way.In deep oceans, tsunami waves may appear only a foot or so high. But as they approach shoreline and enter shallower water they slow down and begin to grow in energy and height. The tops of the waves move faster than their bottoms do, which causes them to rise steeply.A tsunami is usually composed of a series of waves, called a wave train, so its destructive force may be increased as successive waves reach the shore. People experiencing a tsunami should remember that the danger may not have passed with the first wave and should await official word that it is safe to return to vulnerable locations.Some tsunamis do not appear on the shore as massive breaking waves but instead as a quickly surging tide that floods coastal areas.The best defense against any tsunami is early warning that allows people to look for higher ground.5.Which of the following may not cause a tsunami?A.A sudden big landslide underwater.B. An underwater earthquake.C. The eruption of an underwater volcano.D. The falling of a jet plane into the ocean.6.From the text, we can know that.A.in the ancient times, the fallen meteorite often caused a tsunamiB. a tsunami will become weaker and weaker as it moves onC. once a tsunami breaks out, it usually comes one after anotherD.
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