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第二课时Section A(3a3c)【学习目标】1学生能学习掌握以下重点单词和短语:several,feeling,satisfaction,joy,owner,journey2学生阅读短文,能按要求找到相应的信息;通过阅读提高学生们的阅读能力。【学习重点】掌握本课时出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目的。【学习难点】阅读短文,掌握获得相关信息的能力;理解并运用所学的词汇及表达方式。情境导入Watch a video and answer the questions.通过带着问题去学习短文,达到导入新课的目的,同时也可以使学生积极思考自己作为志愿者应该做些什么,使学生体会到奉献的意义。自学Task 1【组内小展示】先由各小组组长带领组内成员认读单词和词组,再在整个小组内进行齐读后对词汇的用法进行归纳,并标记出发音和理解困难的单词,可及时向老师求助。最后,板书展示内容。来源:gkstk.Com【班级大展示】1I can read.(我会读)带读齐读,注意several,feeling,satisfaction的发音;通过游戏形式,如单词游戏来巩固单词的学习。2I can write.(我会写)以answer quickly(抢答)的方式对词组进行中英互译;带读齐读;抽测:可以用造句的方式巩固词组的用法。3I can understand.(我会理解)结合I can understand 中的句子,讲解重点词的用法;抽测:用练习对动词不定式的用法进行巩固,并以抢答的方式对答案进行核对,并进行讲解。情景导入生成问题1(T)Question:Would you like to be a volunteer?(S)Answer:_2(T)Question:What can you do if you are a volunteer?(S)Answer:_自学互研生成能力Task 1Lets read new words and phrases.1I can read.(我会读)several,feeling,satisfaction,joy,owner,journey,sign,raise,alone2I can write.(我会写)(1)a strong feeling of satisfaction 一种强烈的满足感 (2)the look of joy 高兴的表情 (3)at the age of 在岁时 (4)decide to do sth. 决定做某事 (5)try out for 参加的选拔 (6)book lover 书迷 (7)at the same time 同时 (8)afterschool reading program 课余阅读节目 (9)I can do what I love to do 我能做我所喜欢的事 (10)go on a different journey 继续一个不同的旅程 (11)several hours 几个小时 (12)on their owners faces 在他们主人的脸上 (13)read by oneself 独自阅读 3I can understand.(我会理解)理解句子,并翻译画线部分内容。(1)Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give_up_several_hours_each_week_to_help_others 每周节省出几个小时来帮助别人 (2)but I want to learn more about how_to_care_for_animals 如何照顾动物 (3)She still works there once a week to help_kids_learn_to_read 帮助小孩学会阅读 (4) Volunteering_here_is_a_dream_come_true_for_me. 在这儿做志愿者对我来说是一个让梦想成真的事情。 (5) I_get_such_a_strong_feeling_of_satisfaction_when_I_see_the_animals_get_better_and_the_look_of_joy_on_their_owners_faces. 当我看到动物们变得更好以及他们主人脸上喜悦的表情时,我感到十分满足。 Task 2【组内小展示】来源:学优高考网gkstk小组内先讨论并核对Task 2的相关答案,再在组内讨论朗读课文并回答问题,请利用教材P11中的3c总结动词不定式的用法。最后,在黑板上板书展示内容。【班级大展示】1I can answer the questions.(我会回答)以抽签的形式,抽选同学朗读课文;齐读;回答问题。2I can try.(我会试)根据任务要求完成3c;讲解答案并归纳方法。3I can retell.(我会复述)根据任务要求板书答案;设置情境表演课文;根据表演,对同学进行随机提问。【备注】来源:学优高考网Task 2Read 3a,finish 3b and 3c.1I can answer the questions.(我会回答)(1)What do Mario and Mary volunteer to do?来源:gkstk.Com来源:gkstk.Com Mario_volunteers_at_an_animal_hospital_and_Mary_helps_kids_learn_to_read. (2)Why do Mario and Mary volunteer to help others? Because_Mario_believes_it_can_help_him_to_get_his_future_dream_job.And_Mary_can_do_what_she_loves_to_do_and_help_others. (3)What do they say about volunteering?Mario_says_he_gets_such_a_strong_feeling_of_satisfaction_when_he_sees_the_animals_get_better_and_the_look_of_joy_on_their_owners_faces_and_Mary_says_volunteering_is_a_dream_come_true_for_her.2I can try.(我会试)深入阅读课文,完成3c。3I can retell.(我会复述)根据短文内容,用恰当的单词或短语完成短文。Mario and Mary give_up several hours each week to help others.Mario wants to_be_ an animal doctor.He volunteers at an animal hospital.He wants to_learn more about how_to care for animals.Mary is a book lover.She could read by herself at_the_age_ of four.Last year,she decided to_try_out for a volunteer afterschool reading program.Mary still works there once a week to_help kids learn_to read.Volunteering here is a dream come true for her.She can do what she loves_to_do and help others at the same time.交流展示生成新知Show in groups.(Time:six minutes)Task 1First the students read the words and phrases in groups,then read together and sum up the usage of the words in groups,and mark the difficult words in pronunciation and understanding(they can ask the teacher for help)At last write them on the blackboard.Task 2First the students discuss the main idea of the article,find out the key sen
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