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Can you do it?,Jenny,Unit4,Long, long ago.,There is a toy boy.,I can dance.,He can dance.,He can walk.,I can walk.,He can say and sing.,I can say and sing.,He is cute.,One day, he sees the fairy.,Can you fly?,Yes, I can.,Can you write?,Yes, I can.,Yes, I can.,Can you run?,His nose is getting longer.,One day, he sees the fairy.,Can you swim?,Yes, I can.,仙女,His nose is much longer!,He tells lies.,Sorry, please.,I give you one more chance(机会).,One day, he sees the fairy.,Can you fly?,.,Can you write?,Can you run?,Can you swim?,The birds come and help.,Thank you, I will be honest(诚实的).,He goes home.,A pigeon tells him,Your father is taking a boat!,Can you fly?,So Pinocchio flies.,Yes, .,look and say,But, his father is away,Suddenly, a wave comes!,Pinocchio cries sadly.,He cant see his father.,Can you swim?,No, .,look and say,Lets act!,Requirements(要求): Pay attention to your body language(加上动作会更棒)!,1,2,3,4,And he sees the fairy.,Fairy says,You can go to school.,His teachers love him.,What can he do?,Free talk:,One day, he goes out.,And meet his friend.,They go to the toy city!,Toy city is fun!,game,Roller coaster: Line up and make sentences.,过山车,game,Roller coaster: Line up and make sentences.,He doesnt learn.,Oh, my ears!,Donkey ears!,Look, theyve got donkey ears.,He cant stand up.,Hes got a tail.,His friends is sold(卖) by a farmer.,And he is sold(卖) by the circus(马戏团).,can you write?,.,can you run?,I can run fast.,He has shows every day.,But once, he falls down.,I cant run.,Retell story!,Requirements(要求): Follow the examples, and retell emotionally.(照例子,有感情地讲故事)!,He cant write.,He can .,He .,But,Now,So they sold(卖) him again.,And push him into the sea(海).,He falls into the sea.,The fish eats the donkey skin(皮肤).,Here comes a big shark.,He walks inside.,He sees the light.,?,Oh, that is his father.,He was eaten by the shark.,We have fire.,We can ignite(点燃) and go out!,lets collect the torches. 我们把火把收集起来吧!,_ _ _,l,y,f,f,l,y,_ _ _,u,r,n,r,u,n,_ _ _ _,w,m,s,i,s,w,i,m,_ _ _ _ _,r,w,i,t,w,r,e,i,t,e,They go out the mouth.,See the beautiful moon again.,Be honest(诚实) and keep learning(一直学习), youll be a real boy (你才会成为真正的男孩).,OK, Dad. Ill keep learning!,I am a real boy!,They are so happy!,1. Do the survey on page 17. 2. Read page 16.,homework,
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